"Clypites evolvens, Waagen (1895, p. 146, pi. xxii, figs. 2a-c), was referred by Frech (1905, pi. xxiii, figs. Sa-d') to "Aspidites" (= Clypeoceras); but although Diener (1915, p. 148) listed Frech’s examples in the synonymy of Waagen’s species, it is probable that at least the largest of the four figured specimens represents a new form intermediate between Clypeoceras and Clypites. It is certainly not identical with Clypeoceras evolvens (Waagen, 1895, p. 223, pi. xxv, fig. 1), listed by Diener (1915a, p. 197) as Meekoceras (Koninckites), and it may therefore be renamed Clypeoceras excentricum, nom. nov."
As currently entered, Clypites evolvens and Aspidites evolvens represent separate species named by Waagen (1895), so it is unclear which species this new name represents, or whether the name is applied to a subset of specimens from one of these species.