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Palmatolepis glabra

Conodonta - Ozarkodinida - Palmatolepidae

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1926Palmatolepis glabra Ulrich and Bassler

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumChordataHaeckel 1874
classConodontaPander 1856
orderOzarkodinidaDzik 1976
suborderOzarkodininaDzik 1976
familyPalmatolepidaeMüller 1956
genusPalmatolepisMüller 1956

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Palmatolepis glabra Ulrich and Bassler 1926
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No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: hydroxyapatitec
Locomotion: actively mobilec
Life habit: nektonicc
Diet: carnivorec
Vision: well-developedc
Created: 2005-02-03 07:48:42
Modified: 2010-02-12 04:00:46
Source: c = class
Reference: Aberhan 1992

Age range: base of the Early/Lower Famennian to the top of the Middle Famennian or 376.10000 to 364.70000 Ma

Collections (86 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Silurian - Devonian443.8 - 358.9Greece (Chios) Palmatolepis glabra, Palmatolepis pectinata (222758)
Devonian419.2 - 358.9Greece (Chios) Palmatolepis glabra, Palmatolepis pectinata (222761)
Frasnian382.7 - 372.2Czech Republic (Moravia) Palmatolepis glabra (3764 3766)
Frasnian - Famennian382.7 - 358.9Vietnam Palmatolepis glabra (83255)
Late/Upper Devonian382.7 - 358.9Greece (Chios) Palmatolepis glabra (222751)
Late/Upper Devonian382.7 - 358.9China (Guangxi) Palmatolepis glabra (4009 4696 4697 4702)
Late/Upper Devonian - Carboniferous382.7 - 298.9Greece (Chios) Palmatolepis glabra (222754 222755) Palmatolepis glabra, Palmatolepis pectinata (222753 222756)
Late/Upper Devonian - Middle Triassic382.7 - 237.0Greece (Chios) Palmatolepis glabra, Palmatolepis pectinata (222759)
Early/Lower Famennian376.1 - 370.6Russian Federation (Northern Urals) Palmatolepis glabra (12334 12335 12336 12338)
Early/Lower Famennian376.1 - 370.6Spain Palmatolepis glabra (197175)
Early/Lower Famennian376.1 - 370.6Czech Republic (Moravia) Palmatolepis glabra (3393)
Early/Lower Famennian376.1 - 370.6Mongolia (Altai Mongolia) Palmatolepis glabra (217265)
Early/Lower Famennian376.1 - 370.6Poland Palmatolepis glabra (135716 135719 135749)
Early/Lower Famennian376.1 - 370.6China (Guangxi) Palmatolepis glabra (12751 12752 12753 12754 12755 12756 12757 12758 12759 40577)
Early/Lower Famennian376.1 - 370.6Germany (Sauerland) Palmatolepis pectinata (235126)
Famennian372.2 - 358.9USA (New Mexico) Palmatolepis glabra (158170 158202 158245 158247 158249 158250 158256 158257 158258 158263 158265 158267)
Famennian372.2 - 358.9Vietnam Palmatolepis glabra (83246 83317 83342)
Famennian372.2 - 358.9Germany Palmatolepis pectinata (228487 228488)
Famennian372.2 - 358.9Russian Federation (Northern Urals) Palmatolepis glabra (12337 12339)
Famennian372.2 - 358.9Russian Federation (Komi) Palmatolepis glabra (67813)
Middle Famennian370.6 - 364.7Czech Republic (Moravia) Palmatolepis glabra (3394)
Middle Famennian370.6 - 364.7China (Guangxi) Palmatolepis glabra (12725 12726 12727 12728 12729 12730 12731 12732 12733 12734 12735 12736 12737 12738 12739 12740 12741 12742 12743 12744 12745 12746 12747 12748 12749 12750)
Middle Famennian370.6 - 364.7Poland Palmatolepis glabra (135725 135726 135727)