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Charnia was named by Ford (1958) [DIAGNOSIS: "Frond-like organisms generally 10-25 cms. in length, composed of segmented lobes usually in contact laterally, diverging alternately on either side of a sinuous axial line, the whole tapering to a pointed apex at one end and a blunt stalk at the other".]. Its type is Charnia masoni. It is the type genus of Charniidae.

It was assigned to Charniidae by Laflamme et al. (2007) and Hofmann et al. (2008); and to Rangeomorpha by Sepkoski (2002), Brasier et al. (2012) and Dunn et al. (2021).

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1958Charnia Ford
1979Pseudovendia Boynton and Ford
1995Shepshedia Boynton and Ford
1995Blackbrookia Boynton and Ford p. 181
2002Charnia Sepkoski
2007Charnia Laflamme et al.
2008Charnia Hofmann et al. p. 16
2011Pseudovendia Erwin et al. pp. SOM 16
2012Charnia Brasier et al. p. 1121
2021Charnia Dunn et al.

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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

G. †Charnia Ford 1958
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Charnia gracilis Wu et al. 2024
Charnia grandis Glaessner and Wade 1966
Charnia masoni Ford 1958
Charnia siberica Sokolov 1972
Invalid names: Blackbrookia Boynton and Ford 1995 [synonym], Pseudovendia Boynton and Ford 1979 [synonym], Shepshedia Boynton and Ford 1995 [synonym]
M. Laflamme et al. 2007Parallel-sided to ovate, distally and proximally tapering frond composed of multiple, sigmoidal to rectangular primary branches alternating along a central stalk, overlapping adjacent primary branches and typically crossing over the central midline forming a zigzagging central axis. Primary branches composed of multiple secondary modular elements arranged acutely to almost perpendicularly to the primary branches. Proximal tapering of frond lacks a distinct stem. Surface expression of basal disc commonly small or missing.
M. D. Brasier et al. 2012Frond unipolar, comprising two rows of primary branches arranged alternately along a tightly furled central axis, forming a zig-zag suture (Figs 4A–B and 8D). First- order branches typically show proximal inflation, whereas second-order branches show moderate-to-medial inflation. All first to third-order branches are aligned in mark- edly subparallel series, with furled margins, having rangeomorph elements that are rotated and undisplayed. A basal disc is sometimes preserved.
No measurements are available
Composition: no hard partsg
Entire body: yesg
Adult length: 100 to < 1000g
Adult width: 10 to < 100g
Adult height: 100 to < 1000g
Environment: outer shelf, marineg
Locomotion: stationaryg
Attached: yesg
Life habit: upper-level epifaunalg
Diet: osmotrophg
Created: 2009-10-08 07:56:02
Modified: 2009-10-12 12:25:22
Source: g = genus
Reference: Laflamme et al. 2007

Age range: base of the Poundian to the top of the Ediacaran or 570.00000 to 541.00000 Ma

Collections (39 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Ediacaran635.0 - 541.0United Kingdom C. masoni (153338)
Ediacaran635.0 - 541.0Russian Federation (Sakha) C. masoni (99226 237144)
Ediacaran635.0 - 541.0Canada (Newfoundland) C. masoni (228550) C. sp. A (207807)
Ediacaran635.0 - 541.0Russian Federation C. sp. (51904 51905)
Ediacaran635.0 - 541.0Canada (Northwest Territories) C. masoni (231368)
Ediacaran635.0 - 541.0Canada (Newfoundland and Labrador) Blackbrookia sp. (80340 80341) C. masoni (51740 51741 80325 80342 80348 80349 80350 89095 89096 89111 89118 89119 89209 236918) C. masoni, Blackbrookia sp. (80332) C. masoni, C. grandis (80351) C. sp., C. masoni (90710)
Ediacaran635.0 - 541.0Canada (Nova Scotia) C. masoni (169292)
Ediacaran635.0 - 541.0Australia (South Australia) C. sp. (191904 191905) Rangea grandis (89842)
Ediacaran635.0 - 541.0China (Hubei) C. gracilis, C. sp. (236902) C. sp. (235125)
Ediacaran635.0 - 541.0United Kingdom (England) C. grandis (236883) C. masoni (228457) Pseudovendia charnwoodensis (10287 10473)
Ediacaran635.0 - 541.0Russian Federation (Arkhangelsk) C. masoni, C. sp. (91644)
Poundian570.0 - 538.8Canada (Newfoundland and Labrador) C. masoni (10285)