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Helcionelloida - Pelagiellida - Aldanellidae

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1984Aldanellidae Linsley and Kier
1989Aldanellidae Missarzhevsky p. 182
2001Aldanellidae Parkhaev p. 196
2005Aldanellidae Bouchet et al. p. 241
2017Aldanellidae Bouchet et al. p. 332
2017Aldanellidae Kouchinsky et al. p. 345

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EubilateriaAx 1987
classHelcionelloidaPeel 1991

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Fm. †Aldanellidae Linsley and Kier 1984
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G. †Aldanella Vostokova 1962
Aldanella attleborensis Shaler and Foerste 1888
Invalid names: Aldanella kolymica Barskova 1988 [synonym], Aldanella operosa Rozanov and Missarzhevsky 1966 [synonym], Aldanella polonica Lendzion 1977 [synonym], Aldanella rozanovi Rozanov et al. 1969 [synonym], Aldanella utchurica Rozanov et al. 1969 [synonym], Aldanella yanjiaheensis Chen 1984 [synonym]
Aldanella costata Missarzhevsky 1989
Aldanella crassa Rozanov et al. 1969
Aldanella golubevi Parkhaev 2007
Aldanella iberica Gubanov et al. 2004
Aldanella kunda Opik 1926
Aldanella patelliforma Bokova 1990
Aldanella patelliformis Bokova 1990
Aldanella remota Billings 1872
Aldanella sibirica Parkhaev and Karlova 2011
Invalid names: Paraaldanella Golubev 1976 [synonym]
G. †Nomgoliella Missarzhevsky 1980
Nomgoliella australiensis Parkhaev 2001
Nomgoliella sinistrivolubilis Missarzhevsky 1980
P. Yu. Parkhaev 2001The Pelagielliformes with turbospiral shell, its asymmetry is developed by a projection of the spire.
No measurements are available
Composition: aragonitec
Environment: marinec
Locomotion: actively mobileo
Life habit: epifaunalo
Diet: grazero
Vision: limitedc
Created: 2009-09-24 14:20:15
Modified: 2009-09-24 16:20:15
Source: o = order, c = class
Reference: Hendy et al. 2009

Age range: base of the Meishucunian to the top of the Atdabanian or 530.70000 to 516.00000 Ma

Collections (99 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Nemakit-Daldynian538.8 - 525.5Russian Federation (Khabarovsk Krai) Aldanella attleborensis, Aldanella crassa, Aldanella rozanovi (50367)
Nemakit-Daldynian538.8 - 525.5China (Hubei) Aldanella yangjiaheensis (97556)
Nemakit-Daldynian538.8 - 525.5Iran Aldanella sp. (10529)
Nemakit-Daldynian538.8 - 525.5Russian Federation (Khabarovsk) Aldanella costata, Aldanella utchurica (99465)
Nemakit-Daldynian538.8 - 525.5Russian Federation (Krasnoyarsk) Aldanella crassa (99473)
Nemakit-Daldynian538.8 - 525.5Mongolia (Khasagt-Khairkhan) Nomgoliella sinistrivolubilis (10111 10116)
Nemakit-Daldynian538.8 - 525.5Russian Federation (Siberia) Aldanella sp., Aldanella attleborensis (50419)
Nemakit-Daldynian - Tommotian538.8 - 521.0Russian Federation (Sakha) Aldanella attleborensis, Aldanella costata, Aldanella crassa (99229)
Terreneuvian538.8 - 521.0Estonia Aldanella kunda (236570)
Placentian538.8 - 517.1USA (Massachusetts) Aldanella attleborensis (56829 56832 56833 56836 56837)
Meishucunian530.7 - 521.0China (Hubei) Aldanella yangjiaheensis (106525)
Meishucunian530.7 - 521.0China (Xinjiang) Aldanella sp. (107481)
Meishucunian530.7 - 521.0China (Shaanxi) Aldanella sp. (107775)
Meishucunian - Tommotian530.7 - 521.0China (Yunnan) Aldanella sp. (86664 96285)
Tommotian525.5 - 521.0Russian Federation (Sakha) Aldanella attleborensis (233167) Aldanella operosa, Aldanella rozanovi, Aldanella utchurica (10046)
Tommotian525.5 - 521.0Russian Federation (Krasnoyarsk Krai) Aldanella attleborensis (233194) Aldanella attleborensis, Aldanella crassa (233166) Aldanella attleborensis, Aldanella crassa, Aldanella rozanovi (232905) Aldanella attleborensis, Aldanella crassa, Aldanella rozanovi, Aldanella utchurica (96396) Aldanella attleborensis, Aldanella crassa, Aldanella utchurica (96392) Aldanella attleborensis, Aldanella sibirica (233198) Aldanella attleborensis, Aldanella utchurica (50429) Aldanella attleborensls, Aldanella crassa, Aldanella rozanovi, Aldanella utchurica (232906) Aldanella crassa (96397)
Tommotian525.5 - 521.0China (Hubei) Aldanella yanjiaheensis (155441 155442 155444 155447)
Tommotian525.5 - 521.0Russian Federation (Yakutiya) Aldanella attleborensis, Aldanella utchurica (56858) Aldanella crassa (96248 96395 96398 96510) Aldanella rozanovi (80796 90088 96226 96251 96394 96511) Aldanella rozanovi, Aldanella operoza (10041) Aldanella sp. (49687 96512)
Tommotian525.5 - 521.0Russian Federation (Siberia) Aldanella attleborensis (50430) Aldanella attleborensis, Aldanella crassa, Aldanella kolymica (10010) Aldanella attleborensis, Aldanella crassa, Aldanella utchurica (50428) Aldanella crassa, Aldanella rozanovi (50319) Aldanella patelliformis (10006) Aldanella rozanovi (50321) Nomgoliella sinistrivolubilis (10112)
Tommotian525.5 - 521.0Russian Federation (Uchur-Maya) Aldanella attleborensis, Aldanella uchurica (99809) Aldanella attleborensis, Aldanella utchurica (9998)
Tommotian525.5 - 521.0Russian Federation (Khabarovsk Krai) Aldanella attleborensis, Aldanella rozanovi (50314) Aldanella rozanovi (50420)
Tommotian525.5 - 521.0Russian Federation Aldanella sp., Aldanella attleborensis (233041)
Tommotian525.5 - 521.0Saint Pierre and Miquelon Aldanella sp., Aldanella attleborensis (209143)
Tommotian525.5 - 521.0Russian Federation (Yakutia) Aldanella operosa (45858 45859) Aldanella rozanovi (45847 45848 45849 45850 45851 45852 45853 45856 45857 96245)
Tommotian525.5 - 521.0USA (Massachusetts) Aldanella attleborensis (56825)
Tommotian525.5 - 521.0Canada (Newfoundland and Labrador) Aldanella attleborensis (56958 56959 56960 87109 87111 87112 87322 87323 87324 87325 87328 87329 87332 87334 87353 87355 87359 87361 87364)
Tommotian525.5 - 521.0Russian Federation (Krasnoyarsk) Aldanella crassa (99484)
Tommotian - Atdabanian525.5 - 516.0Guinea Aldanella attleborensis (209267)
Tommotian - Atdabanian525.5 - 516.0Canada (Nova Scotia) Aldanella attleborensis (6897)
Atdabanian521.0 - 516.0Spain (Andalusia) Aldanella iberica (49475)
Branchian517.1 - 509.0Canada (Newfoundland and Labrador) Straparollina remota (99574)