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Protozoa - Entactinaria - Eptingiidae

Tozerium was named by Carter et al. (1998). It is not extant. Its type is Tozerium nascens.

It was assigned to Eptingiidae by De Wever et al. (2001).

T. nascens (type species)

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1998Tozerium Carter et al.
2001Tozerium De Wever et al. p. 188

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classProtozoaGoldfuss 1820
subphylumSarcodinaSchmarda 1871
classReticulareaLankester 1885
subclassRadiolaria(Müller 1858)
superorderPolycystina(Ehrenberg 1838)
orderEntactinariaKozur and Mostler 1982
familyEptingiidaeDumitrica 1978

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

G. †Tozerium Carter et al. 1998
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Tozerium nascens Carter et al. 1998
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: silicap
Environment: marinep
Locomotion: passively mobilep
Life habit: planktonicp
Diet: omnivorep
Created: 2005-01-28 01:13:47
Modified: 2005-01-28 03:13:47
Source: p = phylum
Reference: Kiessling 1999

Age range: base of the Hettangian to the top of the Late/Upper Bajocian or 201.30000 to 167.70000 Ma

Collections (53 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Hettangian201.3 - 199.3Turkey T. nascens (33670 33671 33672)
Hettangian201.3 - 199.3Hungary T. sp. (87047)
Early/Lower Hettangian201.3 - 196.5Canada (British Columbia) T. nascens (94279 94290 94387 94388 94390 97486 97487 97489 97491 97493 97495 97496 97497 97498)
Early/Lower Hettangian - Middle Hettangian201.3 - 196.5Canada (British Columbia) T. nascens (94280 94393 94394 94395 94396 94397 94398)
Late/Upper Hettangian201.3 - 196.5Canada (British Columbia) T. nascens (34142 34144 94291 94292 94293 94294 94297 94298 94374 94375 94376)
Middle Hettangian - Late/Upper Hettangian201.3 - 196.5Canada (British Columbia) T. nascens (94282 94283 94284 94285 94286 94287 94288)
Hettangian - Sinemurian201.3 - 190.8Canada (British Columbia) T. nascens (34147)
Late/Upper Hettangian - Early/Lower Sinemurian201.3 - 189.6Canada (British Columbia) T. nascens (34146 94378)
Sinemurian199.3 - 190.8Turkey T. nascens (33673 33674 33675 33676 33677)
Early/Lower Sinemurian196.5 - 189.6Canada (British Columbia) T. nascens (94380)
Late/Upper Bajocian171.6 - 167.7USA (Oregon) T. sp. A (106403)