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Matherella walcotti

Paragastropoda - Mimospirida - Onychochilidae

Matherella walcotti was named by Kobayashi (1933). It is not extant.

It was recombined as Matherellina walcotti by Knight (1937) and Knight (1941).

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1933Matherella walcotti Kobayashi
1937Matherellina walcotti Knight p. 710
1941Matherellina walcotti Knight p. 189
1999Matherella walcotti Yü and Yochelson p. 386 fig. 4f
2023Matherella walcotti Wagner p. S4962

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EubilateriaAx 1987

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Matherella walcotti Kobayashi 1933
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J. B. Knight 1941Rather small, sinistral, anomphalous, subtrochiform gastropods with a deep U-shaped sinus in the outer lip; whorl profile strongly arched between sutures, rather flatly arched and subangular below on the final whorl; sutures moderately deep; base somewhat flattened, anomphalous; nucleus unknown; columellar lip sinuous, with a slightly thickened margin; parietal lip restricted, seemingly with a thin inductura; outer lip with a deep U-shaped sinus rather low on the lip, the margin seemingly leaving the upper suture with gentle backward obliquity, but rounding strongly backward and downward into the sinus where it turns roundly to a strong forward obliquity at the subangular junction of the side and the base, and turns gently with forward convexity on the base to a gentle backward obliquity as the columella is reached; ornamentation seemingly transverse lines of growth and broad, wavelike transverse undulations; shell structure unknown. The holotype measures about 11 mm. in height and 7| mm. in width, with a pleural angle of 63 degrees.
W. Yü and E. L. Yochelson 1999High spired, trochiform, sinistral in orthostrophic orientation. Outer face slightly convex, sutures distinctly impressed. Surface ornamented with rugae.
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Age range: Cressagian or 486.50000 to 482.00000 Ma

Collections: one only

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Cressagian486.5 - 482.0South Korea (Hwanghae-namdo) Matherella walcotti (39398)