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Volborthella is a genus. It is not extant. Its type is Volborthella tenuis.

It was synonymized subjectively with Salterella by Yochelson (1983).

It was assigned to Volborthellidae by Yochelson (1977); to Volborthellida by Sepkoski (2002); to Salterellidae by Yochelson and Kisselev (2003); and to Metazoa by Fatka (2004).

V. tenuis (type species), V. titanius

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1974Campitius Firby and Durham p. 1112
1977Volborthella Yochelson p. 451
2002Volborthella Sepkoski
2003Volborthella Yochelson and Kisselev p. 10
2004Volbothella Fatka

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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

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Volborthella tenuis Schmidt 1888
Volborthella titanius Firby and Durham 1974
Invalid names: Campitius Firby and Durham 1974 [synonym]
J. B. Firby and J. W. Durham 1974 (Campitius)With the characters of the species. [ radula with large, numerous gently arcuate conical denticles having a slightly concave base, apparently arranged in transverse rows of about 9, the most com- plete specimens indicat,e that there were at least 40 rows disposed along an elongate, probably fleshy, ribbon. Mineralogically the denticles are composed of grains of ilmenite arranged in cyclic bands within a quartz (prob- ably originally opal) matrix. The available denticles vary in shape from short, wide based cones (3.0 mm by 3.5 mm) to long thin based ones (3.14 by 0.96 mm); within each organized specimen the denticles vary only slightly in size, the more extreme shapes are of isolated denticles; some have only a slightly hooked tip; others are more strongly arcuate.]
No measurements are available
No ecological data are available

Age range: base of the Atdabanian to the top of the Middle Cambrian or 521.00000 to 497.00000 Ma

Collections (11 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Early/Lower Cambrian538.8 - 509.0Norway (Mjøsa) V. tenuis (190138)
Waucoban538.8 - 509.0USA (California) Campitius titanius (263)
Atdabanian521.0 - 516.0Sweden V. tenuis (9878 9879 9880)
Atdabanian521.0 - 516.0Norway V. tenuis (51875)
Botomian516.0 - 512.9Norway (Mjosen) V. tenuis (42220)
Dyeran515.3 - 511.2USA (California) V. tenuis (9631)
Middle Cambrian509.0 - 497.0Czech Republic V. tenuis (199038)
Middle Cambrian509.0 - 497.0Czech Republic (Bohemia) Volbothella tenuis (67775)
Middle Cambrian509.0 - 497.0Czech Republic (Central Boemian) V. sp. (76456)