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Gastropoda - Euomphalina - Elasmonematidae

Elasmonema was named by Fischer (1885) [Sepkoski's age data: S Wenl-u D Fras Sepkoski's reference number: 362,797]. Its type is Loxonema bellatula. It is the type genus of Elasmonematidae.

It was assigned to Archaeogastropoda by Sepkoski (2002); and to Elasmonematidae by Knight et al. (1960) and Bouchet et al. (2005).

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1879Callonema Hall p. 50
1882Holopea (Callonema) Whitfield p. 72
1885Elasmonema Fischer p. 42
1960Elasmonema Knight et al. p. 243
2002Elasmonema Sepkoski
2005Elasmonema Bouchet et al. pp. 70, 245

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EubilateriaAx 1987
familyElasmonematidaeKnight 1956

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

G. †Elasmonema Fischer 1885
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Elasmonema amabile Perner 1903
Elasmonema bellatula Hall 1861
Elasmonema clarki Nettelroth 1889
Elasmonema corrugata Stauffer 1909
Elasmonema elegans Hall 1860
Elasmonema filosum Clarke 1904
Elasmonema gracilis Tolmachoff 1930
Elasmonema hermitei Munier-Chalmas 1876
Elasmonema imitator Hall and Whitfield 1872
Elasmonema improbum Perner 1907
Elasmonema lichas Hall 1861
Elasmonema rotundum Whidborne 1892
Elasmonema surgens Perner 1903
Invalid names: Callonema Hall 1879 [replaced]
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: aragonitec
Locomotion: stationarysuperf
Life habit: epifaunalsuperf
Diet: suspension feedersuperf
Vision: limitedc
Created: 2009-09-21 10:48:04
Modified: 2009-09-21 12:48:04
Source: superf = superfamily, c = class
References: Kiessling 2004, Bambach et al. 2007

Age range: base of the Pridoli to the top of the Campanian or 423.00000 to 72.10000 Ma

Collections (20 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Pridoli423.0 - 419.2Czech Republic (Praha) Callonema amabile, Callonema surgens (155864)
Pragian410.8 - 407.6Austria (Styrian) Macrocheilos hermitei (154376)
Emsian407.6 - 393.3Canada (Quebec) Callonema sp. (608)
Emsian407.6 - 393.3Canada (Northwest Territories) Callonema gracilis (56276)
Eifelian393.3 - 387.7Canada (Ontario) E. bellatulum (3845 3846)
Eifelian393.3 - 387.7USA (New York) Callonema lichas (154580)
Eifelian393.3 - 387.7USA (Michigan) Isonema corrugata (102527)
Eifelian393.3 - 387.7USA (Ohio) Callonema bellatulum (130152 130260) Callonema clarki, Straparollus corrugatus, Callonema bellatulum, Callonema lichas, Callonema imitator (129948) Callonema lichas (130153 130267 130268) Isonema corrugata (102525)
Middle Devonian393.3 - 382.7USA (Illinois) E. corrugata (24285)
Givetian387.7 - 382.7United Kingdom (England) E. rotundum (130270)
Givetian387.7 - 382.7USA (Indiana) Callonema bellatula (170009)
Carboniferous358.9 - 298.9USA (Arizona) Callonema sp. (124253)
Campanian83.6 - 72.1USA (North Carolina) Callonema carolinensis (190555)