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Coccolithophyceae - Podorhabdales - Calyculaceae

Carinolithus was named by Prins (1974). Its type is Rhabdolithus superbus.

It was assigned to Calyculaceae by Bown and Young (1997).

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1974Carinolithus Prins
1997Carinolithus Bown and Young

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phylumHaptophytaHibberd ex Cavalier-Smith 1986
orderPodorhabdalesRood et al. 1971
familyCalyculaceaeNoël 1973
genusCarinolithusPrins 1974

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

G. †Carinolithus Prins 1974
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Carinolithus magharensis Moshkovitz and Ehrlich 1976
Carinolithus superbus Deflandre 1954
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: low Mg calcitep
Environment: oceanic, oligotrophic, marine, brackishp
Locomotion: passively mobilep
Life habit: planktonicp
Depth habitat: surfacep
Diet: "photoautotroph"p
Created: 2006-10-31 06:24:05
Modified: 2006-10-31 08:24:05
Source: p = phylum
Reference: Kiessling 2003

Age range: base of the Toarcian to the top of the Bathonian or 182.70000 to 166.10000 Ma

Collections (106 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Early/Lower Toarcian183.0 - 182.0Spain (Granada) C. superbus (199494)
Toarcian182.7 - 174.1Spain (Murcia) C. poulnabronei, C. superbus (201772 201773 201775 201776 201777 201779 201780 201781 201782 201783 201789 201790 201791 201793 201794) C. superbus (201764 201765 201766 201768 201769 201770 201771 201774 201787 201788 201792)
Toarcian182.7 - 174.1Spain (Jaén) C. poulnabronei (201665 201666 201668 201669)
Levesquei182.0 - 175.6Germany C. crassus, C. superbus (59430) C. superbus (59434)
Middle Toarcian182.0 - 175.6Spain (Murcia) C. cantaluppii, C. poulnabronei, C. superbus (201796 201798 201799 201800 201801 201802 201803 201804 201805 201807 201808 201809 201810 201811 201812 201813) C. cantaluppii, C. superbus (201806) C. poulnabronei, C. superbus (201795 201797)
Late/Upper Toarcian180.1 - 175.6Spain (Granada) C. cantaluppii (202108) C. cantaluppii, C. poulnabronei (202105 202110 202112 202114) C. cantaluppii, C. poulnabronei, C. superbus (202115 202116) C. poulnabronei (199248 202102 202117) C. poulnabronei, C. superbus (199166 199172 199173 199177 199181 199187 199195 199198 199229 199231 199235 199247 199253 199487 199488 199490 199492 199493 199495 199496 202097 202098 202099 202100 202101 202103 202107 202109 202111) C. superbus (199164 199165 199167 199168 199169 199171 199491 201880 201948)
Late/Upper Toarcian180.1 - 175.6Germany C. sceptrum, C. superbus (59453) C. sp. 1, C. sceptrum, C. superbus (59449) C. superbus (59451 59454)
Early/Lower Aalenian175.6 - 171.6Germany C. superbus (59457)
Bathonian168.3 - 166.1Saudi Arabia Hexalithus magharensis (45464)