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Stromatoporoidea - Actinostromatida

Actinostromatida was named by Bogoyavlenskaya (1969).

It was assigned to Stromatoporoidea by Stearn et al. (1999).

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1969Actinostromatida Bogoyavlenskaya
1999Actinostromatida Stearn et al.

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phylumPoriferaGrant 1836
classStromatoporoidea(Nicholson and Murie 1878)
orderActinostromatidaBogoyavlenskaya 1969
orderActinostromatidaBogoyavlenskaya 1969

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Or. †Actinostromatida Bogoyavlenskaya 1969
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Fm. †Actinostromatidae Nicholson 1886
G. †Actinostroma Nicholson 1886
Actinostroma expansum Hall and Whitfield 1873
Actinostroma fenestratum Nicholson 1889
Actinostroma filixtextum Lecompte 1951
Actinostroma praesalevensis Zuffardi-Comerci 1932
Actinostroma stellulatum Nicholson 1885
Actinostroma tyrrelli Nicholson 1891
Actinostroma undulatum Yang and Dong 1963
Invalid names: Auroriina Bogoyavlenskaya 1977 [synonym], Lamelliostroma Bogoyavlenskaya 1977 [synonym], Trigonostroma Bogoyavlenskaya 1969 [synonym]
G. †Bicolumnostratum Stock 1998
G. †Bifariostroma Khalfina 1968
G. †Neoclathrodictyon Lesovaya 1971
Neoclathrodictyon kimi Lesovaya 1971
G. †Plectostroma Nestor 1964
Plectostroma altum Ripper 1933
Plectostroma inornata Lesovaya 1971
Plectostroma intertextum Nicholson 1886
Plectostroma necopinatum Nestor 1964
Plectostroma salairicum Yavorskii 1930
Fm. †Actinostromellidae Nestor 1966
G. †Actinostromella Boehnke 1915
G. †Pichiostroma Bogoyavlenskaya 1972
Fm. †Densastromatidae Bogoyavlenskaya 1974
G. †Acosmostroma Stock 1998
G. †Araneosustroma Lessovaja 1970
Araneosustroma astroplexum Antropova 2007
G. †Densastroma Flügel 1959
Densastroma pexisum Yavorsky 1929
Fm. †Plumataliniidae Bogoyavlenskaya 1969
G. †Plumatalinia Nestor 1960
Plumatalinia ferax Nestor 1960
Fm. †Pseudolabechiidae Bogoyavlenskaya 1969
G. †Desmostroma Bol'shakova 1969
Desmostroma chutense Nestor et al. 2010
Desmostroma mongolica Bolshakova and Ulitina 1985
Invalid names: Hexastylostroma [synonym]
G. †Pachystroma Nicholson and Murie 1878
Pachystroma brickense Nestor et al. 2010
Pachystroma salum Nestor et al. 2010
G. †Pseudolabechia Yabe and Sugiyama
G. †Vikingia Bogoyavlenskaya 1969
Invalid names: Plumataliniinae Bogoyavlenskaya 1969 [empty], Pseudolabechiinae Bogoyavlenskaya 1969 [empty]
No diagnoses are available