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Bivalvia - Ostreida - Malleidae

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1786Isognomon Lightfoot
1980Isognomon Vokes p. 44
1983Isognomon Moore p. A84
1986Isognomon Kensley and Pether p. 202
1992Isognomon Ward p. 63
1995Isognomon Chiesa et al. p. 39
1998Isognomon Lamprell and Healy p. 106
1999Isognomon Frassinetti and Covacevich p. 23
2002Isognomon Matsubara p. 135
2002Aviculoperna Sepkoski
2002Isognomon Sepkoski
2004Isognomon Spencer et al.
2011Isognomon Lazo and Damborenea p. 729
2013Isognomon Repin p. 563
2014Isognomon Ros-Franch et al.
2023Isognomon Hickman p. 21

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EubilateriaAx 1987
subclassAutobranchia(Groblen 1894)
infraclassPteriomorphia(Beurlen 1944)
OstreomorphiFerussac 1822
OstreioniFerussac 1822
OstreataFerussac 1822
superorderOstreiformiiFerussac 1822
orderOstreida(FĂ«russac 1822)
suborderMalleidinaGray 1854
superfamilyPterioideaGray 1847
familyMalleidaeLamarck 1819
subfamilyIsognomoninae(Woodring 1925)
genusIsognomonLightfoot 1786

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

G. Isognomon Lightfoot 1786
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Isognomon (Hippochaeta) hataii Noda and Furuichi 1972
Subg. †Isognomon (Iranognomon) Repin 2008
Subg. Isognomon (Isognomon) Lightfoot 1786
Isognomon (Isognomon) panzana Loel and Corey 1932
Subg. Isognomon (Melina) Philipsson 1788
Subg. Isognomon (Parviperna) Iredale 1939
Subg. †Isognomon (Semignomon) Repin 2013
Isognomon alatus Gmelin 1791
Isognomon bicolor Adams 1845
Invalid names: Perna chemnitziana d'Orbigny 1853 [synonym]
Isognomon gariesensis Kensley and Pether 1986
Isognomon gaudichaudi d'Orbigny 1842
Invalid names: Perna chilensis Conrad 1855 [synonym]
Isognomon isognomoides Stahl 1824
Isognomon isognomon Linnaeus 1758
Isognomon legumen Gmelin 1790
Isognomon maxillata Lamarck 1819
Isognomon nucleus Lamarck 1819
Isognomon orientalis Hamlin 1884
Isognomon perna Linnaeus 1767
Isognomon quadrisulcata Ihering 1897
Isognomon radiatus Anton 1838
Isognomon repini Hautmann 2001
Isognomon valvanoi Rossi de Garcia and Levy 1977
Invalid names: Aviculoperna [synonym]
No diagnoses are available