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Eurypterida - Adelophthalmidae

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1989Adelophthalmidae Tollerton
2003Adelophthalmidae Brauckmann et al. p. 58
2005Adelophthalmidae Tetlie and Dunlop p. 5
2013Adelophthalmidae Dunlop et al. p. 23
2013Adelophthalmidae Lamsdell et al. p. 149
2020Adelophthalmidae Dunlop et al. p. 24

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumArthropodaLatreille 1829
subphylumChelicerataHeymons 1901
EuchelicerataWeygoldt and Paulus 1979
SclerophorataKamenz et al. 2011
orderEurypteridaBurmeister 1843
suborderEurypterinaBurmeister 1843
superfamilyAdelophthalmoideaTollerton 1989
familyAdelophthalmidaeTollerton 1989
familyAdelophthalmidaeTollerton 1989

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Fm. †Adelophthalmidae Tollerton 1989
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G. †Adelophthalmus Meek and Worthen 1868
Subg. †Adelophthalmus (Eurypterus) Jordan 1854
Adelophthalmus approximatus Hall and Clarke 1888
Adelophthalmus asturica Melendez 1971
Adelophthalmus cambieri Pruvost 1930
Adelophthalmus carbonarius Chernyshev 1933
Adelophthalmus chinensis Grabau 1920
Adelophthalmus corneti Pruvost 1939
Adelophthalmus douvillei De Lima 1890
Adelophthalmus dubius Shpinev 2012
Adelophthalmus dumonti Stainier 1917
Adelophthalmus granosus von Meyer 1853
Adelophthalmus imhofi Reuss 1855
Adelophthalmus irinae Shpinev 2006
Adelophthalmus lohesti Dewalque 1889
Adelophthalmus luceroensis Kues and Kietzke 1981
Invalid names: Eurypterus stylus Hall 1884 [synonym]
Adelophthalmus mazonensis Meek and Worthen 1868
Adelophthalmus moyseyi Woodward 1907
Invalid names: Eurypterus derbiensis Woodward 1907 [synonym]
Adelophthalmus piussii Lamsdell et al. 2013
Adelophthalmus pruvosti Kjellesvig-Waering 1948
Adelophthalmus pyrrhae Lamsdell et al. 2004
Adelophthalmus raniceps Goldenberg 1873
Adelophthalmus sellardsi Dunbar 1924
Adelophthalmus sievertsi Poschmann 2006
Invalid names: Eurypterus trapezoides Størmer 1974 [synonym]
Adelophthalmus waterstoni Tetlie et al. 2004
Adelophthalmus wilsoni Woodward 1888
Adelophthalmus zadrai Pribyl 1952
Invalid names: Anthraconectes Meek and Worthen 1868 [synonym], Glyptoscorpius Peach 1882 [synonym], Lepidoderma Reuss 1855 [synonym], Polyzosterites Goldenberg 1873 [synonym]
G. †Eysyslopterus Tetlie and Poschmann 2008
Eysyslopterus patteni Tetlie and Poschmann 2008
G. †Nanahughmilleria Kjellesvig-Waering 1961
Invalid names: Eurypterus minutus Kiaer 1911 [synonym]
G. †Parahughmilleria Kjellesvig-Waering 1961
Parahughmilleria hefteri Stormer 1973
Parahughmilleria longa Shpinev 2012
Parahughmilleria statzi Stormer 1936
G. †Pruemopterus Poschmann 2021
Pruemopterus salgadoi Poschmann 2021
No diagnoses are available