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Rhynchonellata - Orthida - Platystrophiidae

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1850Platystrophia King p. 106
1873Orthis (Platystrophia) Meek p. 116
1956Platystrophia Oraspold
1959Platystrophia Oraspold
1961Platystrophia Rubel
1964Platystrophia Neuman
1970Platystrophia Macomber
1974Platystrophia Bassett and Cocks
1977Platystrophia Mitchell
1988Platystrophia Howe p. 213
1997Platystrophia Jin and Chatterton
1999Platystrophia Zuykov
2000Platystrophia Williams et al. p. 775
2002Platystrophia Sepkoski
2005Platystrophia Zuykov and Egerquist
2007Platystrophia Zuykov and Harper pp. 23 - 24
2017Platystrophia Liljeroth et al.

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EubilateriaAx 1987
PanbrachiopodaCarlson and Cohen 2020
phylumBrachiopodaCuvier 1805
subphylumRhynchonelliformeaWilliams et al. 1996
classRhynchonellataWilliams et al. 1996
orderOrthidaSchuchert and Cooper 1932
suborderOrthidinaSchuchert and Cooper 1932
superfamilyPlectorthoideaSchuchert and Le Vene 1929
familyPlatystrophiidaeSchuchert 1929

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

G. †Platystrophia King 1850
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Platystrophia amoena McEwan 1919
Platystrophia anomala Hiller 1980
Platystrophia baltica Zuykov and Harper 2007
Platystrophia biforatus Schlotheim 1820
Platystrophia caelata Williams 1974
Platystrophia chama Eichwald 1861
Platystrophia colbiensis Foerste 1910
Platystrophia costata Pander 1830
Platystrophia costatus Pander 1830
Platystrophia crassa James 1874
Platystrophia crassoplicata Alichova 1951
Platystrophia cypha James 1874
Platystrophia dentata evari Oraspold 1956
Platystrophia elegantula McEwan 1919
Platystrophia extensa McEwan 1920
Platystrophia hongueda Li and Copper 2006
Platystrophia humilis Oraspold 1959
Platystrophia lutkevichi Alikhova 1951
Platystrophia orbiculata Oraspold 1959
Platystrophia pogrebovi Zuykov and Harper 2007
Platystrophia ponderosa Foerste 1909
Platystrophia quadriplicata Alikhova 1951
Platystrophia saxbyensis Oraspold 1959
Platystrophia scotica Williams 1962
Platystrophia tenuicosta d'Eichwald 1840
Platystrophia tenuicostata d'Eichwald 1840
Platystrophia tramorensis Liljeroth et al. 2017
M. A. Zuykov and D. A. T. Harper 2007Platystrophiid with uniplicate or biplicate origination of costae in ventral sulcus; dorsal interior with well-developed notothyrial platform; brachiophores with massive basal parts; fulcral plates absent; anterior and posterior pairs of adductor scars closely spaced in the central part of the dorsal valve; median septum well developed, bisecting the adductor scars medially; adductor muscle impressions smooth.