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Pterobranchia - Graptoloidea - Phyllograptidae

Tetragraptus was named by Salter (1863) [Sepkoski's age data: O Aren-l O Llvi-l Sepkoski's reference number: 1066].

It was assigned to Tetragrapti by Bulman (1970); to Graptoloidea by Sepkoski (2002); to Tetragrapta by Maletz et al. (2009); to Dichograptidae by Fortey (2011); and to Phyllograptidae by Lo Valvo et al. (2020) and Toro et al. (2020).

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1863Tetragraptus Salter
1970Tetragraptus Bulman p. V115
2002Tetragraptus Sepkoski
2009Tetragraptus Maletz et al.
2011Tetragraptus Fortey p. 223
2020Tetragraptus Lo Valvo et al. p. 546
2020Tetragraptus Toro et al. p. 154

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumHemichordataBateson 1885
classPterobranchiaLankester 1877
subclassGraptolithina(Bronn 1849)
orderGraptoloideaLapworth 1875
suborderDichograptinaLapworth 1873
genusTetragraptusSalter 1863

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

G. †Tetragraptus Salter 1863
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Tetragraptus acclinans Keble 1920
Tetragraptus amii Elles and Wood 1902
Tetragraptus bigsbyi Hall 1865
Tetragraptus insuetus Keble and Benson 1929
Tetragraptus phyllograptoides Strandmark 1902
Tetragraptus pseudobigsbyi Skevington 1965
Tetragraptus reclinatus Elles and Wood 1902
Tetragraptus reclinatus reclinatus Elles and Wood 1902
J. Maletz et al. 2009The crown-clade Tetragrapta is the common
ancestor of Tetragraptus serra and the first species to have
distal dicalycal thecae limited to th31 and th32, forming a
quadriramous rhabdosome (synapomorphy 6, Fig. 2; see
also Fig. 4B).
B. A. Toro et al. 2020Phyllograptid with four horizontal to reclined, reflexed and scandent stipes; proximal end isograptid, dextral, with wide crossing canals and tetragraptid proximal end; theca with considerable overlap and moderate development of rutellum.
G. A. Lo Valvo et al. 2020Phyllograptid with four horizontal to reclined, reflexed and scandent stipes; proximal end isograptid, dextral, with wide-crossing canals and tetragraptid proximal end; thecae with considerable overlap and moderate development of rutellum.