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Ganocephala (disused)

Ganocephala was named by Owen (1859).

It was reranked as the suborder Ganocephala by Cope (1875).

It was assigned to Amphibia by Owen (1859); to Reptilia by Owen (1860) and Owen (1861); and to Stegocephali by Cope (1875).

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1859Ganocephala Owen p. 132
1860Ganocephala Owen p. 168
1861Ganocephala Owen p. 193
1875Ganocephala Cope p. 10

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumChordataHaeckel 1874
subclassDipnotetrapodomorpha(Nelson 2006)

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Subor. †Ganocephala Owen 1859
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R. Owen 1860The name of this order has reference to the sculptured and externally polished or "ganoid" bony plates with which the entire head was defended. These plates include the "post-orbital" and "super-temporal" ones, which roof over the temporal fossae. There are no occipital condyles. The teeth have converging inflected folds of cement at their basal half. The notochord is persistent the vertebral arches and peripheral elements are ossified the pleurapophyses are short and straight. There are pectoral and pelvic limbs, which are natatory and very small ; large median and lateral " throat-plates ;" scales small, narrow, sub-ganoid ; traces of branchial arches. The above combination of characters gives the value of an ordinal group in the cold-blooded Vertebrata.
R. Owen 1861The name of this order has reference to the sculptured and externally polished or "ganoid" bony plates with which the entire head was defended. These plates include the " post-orbital" and " super-temporal" ones, which roof over the temporal fossa?. There are no occipital condyles. The teeth have converging inflected folds of cement at their basal half. The notochord is persistent; the vertebral arches and peripheral elements are ossified ; the pleurapophyses are short and straight. There are pectoral and pelvic limbs, which are natatory and very small; large median and lateral " throatplates ;" scales small, narrow, sub-ganoid; traces of branchial arches.