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Ophiletidae was named by Knight (1956) [Originally a subfamily, but elevated to familial status by Wagner (1999b: 71).]. Its type is Ophileta. It is the type family of Ophiletoidea.
It was assigned to Euomphaloidea by Morris and Cleevely (1981); and to Ophiletoidea by Wagner (1999) and Bouchet et al. (2005).
It was assigned to Euomphaloidea by Morris and Cleevely (1981); and to Ophiletoidea by Wagner (1999) and Bouchet et al. (2005).
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
1938 | Ecculiomphalinae Wenz |
1956 | Ophiletidae Knight |
1981 | Ophiletidae Morris and Cleevely |
1999 | Ophiletidae Wagner p. 71 |
2005 | Ophiletidae Bouchet et al. p. 242 |
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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.
Fm. †Ophiletidae Knight 1956
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G. †Asgardaspira Wagner 1999
†Asgardaspira evolvens Koken 1897
†Asgardaspira gerulus Rohr 1993
†Asgardaspira measuresae Rohr 1994
†Asgardaspira norvegica Koken and Perner 1925
†Asgardaspira potteri Rohr 1988
†Asgardaspira rectangularis Kobayashi 1959
†Asgardaspira yochelsoni Rohr 1994
G. †Ecculiomphalus Portlock 1843
†Ecculiomphalus brevicollaris Koken and Perner 1925
†Ecculiomphalus bucklandi Portlock 1843
†Ecculiomphalus centrifugus Koken 1897
†Ecculiomphalus compressus Whitfield 1897
†Ecculiomphalus devonicus Walcott 1884
†Ecculiomphalus elegans Koken 1897
†Ecculiomphalus fredericus Raymond 1902
Invalid names: Ecculiomphalus proclivis Raymond 1906 [synonym], Eccyliomphalus kalmi Raymond 1906 [synonym]
†Ecculiomphalus harrisae Rohr 1994
†Ecculiomphalus kepintaghensis Yü 1961
†Ecculiomphalus magniumbilicatus Endo 1935
†Ecculiomphalus minor Portlock 1843
†Ecculiomphalus priscus Whitfield 1889
†Ecculiomphalus quebecensis Billings 1865
†Ecculiomphalus triangulus Whitfield 1890
†Eccyliomphalus balclatchiensis Longstaff 1924
†Eccyliomphalus calciferus Whitfield 1889
†Eccyliomphalus intortus Billings 1861
†Eccyliomphalus macromphalus M'Coy 1851
†Eccyliomphalus proclivis Raymond 1906
†Eccyliomphalus scotica M'Coy 1851
†Eccyliomphalus tangshanensis Grabau 1922
Invalid names: Cyrtendoceras priscum Ruedemann 1906 [nomen dubium]
G. †Lecanospira Butts 1926
†Lecanospira biconcava Ulrich et al. 1931
†Lecanospira carinata Heller 1954
†Lecanospira compacta Salter 1859
Invalid names: Lecanospira knoxvillensis Allen and Lester 1954 [synonym], Lecanospira salteri Ulrich et al. 1931 [synonym], Lecanospira sigmoidea Ulrich et al. 1931 [synonym]
†Lecanospira conferta Butts 1926
†Lecanospira depressa Heller 1954
†Lecanospira lecanospiroides Bridge and Cloud 1947
†Lecanospira nerine Billings 1865
†Lecanospira perplana Heller 1954
†Lecanospira sanctisabae Roemer 1849
†Lecanospira soluta Heller 1954
†Lecanospira transitionis Billings 1865
†Lecanospira transversocordatus Stauffer 1937
Invalid names: Barnesella Bridge and Cloud 1947 [synonym], Lecanospira tasmanensis Kobayashi 1940 [nomen oblitum]
G. †Lytospira Koken 1896
†Lytospira angelini Lindström 1884
Invalid names: Lytospira huenei Koken and Perner 1925 [synonym]
†Lytospira anguina Koken 1897
†Lytospira arcuata Perner 1903
†Lytospira distans Billings 1865
†Lytospira nitida Twenhofel 1928
†Lytospira potens Koken 1896
†Lytospira serpula Koken 1897
†Lytospira subrotunda Ulrich and Scofield 1897
†Lytospira tangens Perner 1903
†Lytospira tubicina Koken 1896
†Lytospira undulatus Hall 1861
†Lytospira valida Koken 1897
G. †Malayaspira Kobayashi 1958
†Malayaspira affinis Billings 1865
†Malayaspira annulata Walcott 1884
†Malayaspira bella Billings 1865
†Malayaspira canningense Yu 1993
†Malayaspira hintzei Rohr 1994
†Malayaspira perkinsi Whitfield 1890
†Malayaspira rugosa Kobayashi 1958
†Malayaspira speciosa Billings 1865
G. †Ophileta Vanuxem 1842
†Ophileta alturensis Sardeson 1896
†Ophileta complanata Vanuxem 1842
†Ophileta complanata nana Meek 1870
†Ophileta discus Cleland 1900
†Ophileta laevata Vanuxem 1842
†Ophileta plana Grabau 1922
†Ophileta solida Butts 1926
†Ophileta squamosa Grabau 1922
†Ophileta subalata Butts 1926
†Ophileta supraplana Ulrich et al. 1931
Invalid names: Ozarkispira Walcott 1924 [synonym], Polygyrata Weller 1903 [synonym]
G. †Ozarkina Ulrich et al. 1931
†Ozarkina complanata Ulrich et al. 1931
†Ozarkina typica Ulrich et al. 1931
G. †Rossospira Rohr 1994
Invalid names: Ecculiomphalinae Wenz 1938 [invalid subgroup]
No diagnoses are available