Head of Saginaw Bay, Kuiu Island: Mississippian, Alaska
collected by A.F. Buddington

List of taxa
Where & when
Taphonomy & methods
Metadata & references
Taxonomic list
Strophomenata - Productida - Echinoconchidae
Pustula aff. pseudaculeata
Pustula aff. rugata
Pustula informal sp. A?
Pustula informal sp. D
? Pustula sp.
Pustula aff. morbilliana (Winchell 1865)
Strophomenata - Productida - Linoproductidae
Productus aff. cora d'Orbigny 1842
Productus aff. ovatus Hall 1858
var. minor
Productus aff. koninckianus Keyserling 1846
Strophomenata - Productida - Productellidae
Pustula aff. indianensis (Hall 1856)
Productus sp.
Productus aff. sampsoni Weller 1909
Strophomenata - Productida - Productidae
Productus semireticulatus (Martin 1809)
Strophomenata - Productida - Strophalosiidae
? Strophalosia sp. King 1844
Strophomenata - Productida - Araksalosiidae
Pustula aff. concentrica (Hall 1857)
Strophomenata - Orthotetida - Derbyiidae
? Derbya sp. (Waagen 1884)
Strophomenata - Strophomenida - Chonetidae
Chonetes aff. capax
Rhynchonellata - Terebratulida - Dielasmatidae
Dielasma sp. Beede and Rogers 1900
Dielasma aff. formosum
Dielasma aff. arkansanum
Rhynchonellata - Rhynchonellida - Rhynchoporidae
Rhynchopora aff. beecheri George 1904
Rhynchonellata - Rhynchonellida - Stenoscismatidae
Camarophoria aff. bisinuata (Rowley 1900)
Rhynchonellata - Orthida - Rhipidomellidae
Rhipidomella aff. carbonaria (Shumard and Swallow 1858)
Rhynchonellata - Orthida - Schizophoriidae
? Schizophoria sp. King 1850
Rhynchonellata - Spiriferinida - Spiriferellinidae
Spiriferina aff. cristata (von Schlotheim 1816)
Rhynchonellata - Athyridida - Neoretziidae
Hustedia sp. Hall and Clarke 1893
Rhynchonellata - Spiriferida - Elythidae
Squamularia aff. perplexa (McChesney 1859)
Rhynchonellata - Spiriferida - Spiriferidae
Spirifer sp. Sowerby 1818
Spirifer aff. missouriensis Swallow 1860
Rhynchonellata - Spiriferida - Ambocoeliidae
Ambocoelia aff. planiconvexa
Rhynchonellata - Spiriferida - Brachythyrididae
Brachythyris aff. subcardiiformis
Craniata - Craniida - Craniidae
Crania spp. Retzius 1781
Stenolaemata - Rhabdomesida - Rhabdomesidae
Coeloconus sp. Ulrich 1889
Stenolaemata - Trepostomida - Stenoporidae
Stenopora sp. Lonsdale 1844
Stenolaemata - Cystoporida - Cystodictyonidae
Cystodictya sp. Ulrich 1882
Stenolaemata - Fenestrata - Chainodictyonidae
? Chainodictyon sp.
Stenolaemata - Cryptostomata - Acanthocladiidae
Acanthocladia sp. King 1849
Polypora spp.
Stenolaemata - Cryptostomata - Septoporidae
? Septopora sp.
Stenolaemata - Cryptostomata - Fenestellidae
Fenestella spp. Lonsdale 1839
Stenolaemata - Cryptostomata - Hyphasmoporidae
? Streblotrypa sp.
Bivalvia - Nuculida - Nuculidae
Nucula aff. shumardiana (Hall 1856)
Bivalvia - Nuculanida - Nuculanidae
? Leda sp. Schumacher 1817
Bivalvia - Grammysiidae
? Sphenotus sp. Hall 1884
Sphenotus spp. Hall 1884
Bivalvia - Modiomorphida - Modiomorphidae
? Goniophora sp. Phillips 1848
Bivalvia - Cardiida
Cypricardella sp. Hall 1856
Bivalvia - Pholadomyida - Edmondiidae
Edmondia sp. de Koninck 1841
Bivalvia - Arcida - Parallelodontidae
Parallelodon sp. Meek and Worthen 1866
Bivalvia - Ostreida - Pterineidae
? Leiopteria sp. Hall 1883
Bivalvia - Pectinida - Deltopectinidae
Deltopecten spp. Etheridge 1892
Deltopecten aff. caneyanus Girty 1909
Bivalvia - Pectinida - Aviculopectinidae
Aviculipecten aff. similis
Aviculipecten ? chesterensis
Aviculipecten aff. edwardsi
two species?
Aviculipecten aff. hardinensis
Aviculipecten spp. (M'Coy 1851)
Bivalvia - Myalinida - Myalinidae
Myalina sp. de Koninck 1842
Rostroconchia - Conocardiida - Conocardiidae
Conocardium sp. Bronn 1835
? Semicoccinium sp.
Cliothyridina aff. orbicularis
Cypricardina aff. consimilis
? Ortonia sp. Nicholson 1872
Fusulina sp. Schellwien 1898
see common names

Country:United States State/province:Alaska
Coordinates: 56.8° North, 134.1° West (view map)
Paleocoordinates:1.0° North, 73.8° West
Basis of coordinate:based on nearby landmark
Period: Carboniferous Epoch: Mississippian
10 m.y. bin: Carboniferous 1-3
Key time interval: Mississippian
Age range of interval: 358.9 - 323.2 m.y. ago
Formation:Saginaw Bay
Stratigraphic resolution:formation
Stratigraphy comments: PJW: Pennsylvanian rocks here are Saginaw Bay.
Lithology and environment
Primary lithology: not reported
Environment:marine indet.
Modes of preservation:body
Size of fossils:macrofossils
Collection methods and comments
Reason for describing collection:general faunal/floral analysis
Collectors:A.F. Buddington
Taxonomic list comments:Identified by G.H. Girty.
Also known as:932 (5444)
Database number:112177
Authorizer:A. Miller Enterer:S. Kolbe
Modifier:P. Wagner Research group:marine invertebrate
Created:2011-07-06 03:39:36 Last modified:2023-03-19 16:07:10
Access level:the public Released:2011-07-06 03:39:36
Creative Commons license:CC BY
Reference information

Primary reference:

36540. A. F. Buddington and T. Chapin. 1929. Geology and mineral deposits of southeastern Alaska. United States Geological Survey Bulletin 800:1-398 [A. Miller/S. Kolbe]