Kyrshabakty River, 1379-8: Aksaian, Kazakhstan

List of taxa
Where & when
Taphonomy & methods
Metadata & references
Taxonomic list
Trilobita - Corynexochida - Kaolishaniidae
Pagodia (Lotosoides) calcarata
Ergaliev 2009
Trilobita - Asaphida - Ceratopygidae
Proceratopyge brevispina
Ergaliev 2009
Proceratopyge (Lopnorites) grabaui (Troedsson 1937)
Ergaliev 2009
Proceratopyge (Lopnorites) rectispinatus (Troedsson 1937)
Ergaliev 2009
Trilobita - Ptychopariida - Acrocephalitidae
Pseudacrocephalaspina strobiliformis Ergaliev 1980
Ergaliev 2009
Trilobita - Olenida - Idahoiidae
Maladioidella cf. splendens Endo 1937
Ergaliev 2009
Trilobita - Olenida - Eulomidae
Acrocephalaspina insueta Ergaliev 1980
Ergaliev 2009
Trilobita - Olenida - Olenidae
Parabolina monstruosa Pokrovskaya 1966
Ergaliev 2009
Agnostida - Agnostidae
Micragnostus intermedius (Palmer 1968)
Neoagnostus denticulatus (Shergold 1975)
Eurudagnostus kazachstanicus Ergaliev 1980
Eurudagnostus minor Ergaliev 1980
Agnostida - Spinagnostidae
Peratagnostus hillardensis Palmer 1968
Agnostida - Diplagnostidae
Pseudagnostus pseudangustilobus Ergaliev 1980
Pseudagnostus punctatus Ergaliev and Ergaliev 2008
Rhaptagnostus impressus
Rhaptagnostus cyclopygeformis (Sun 1924)
Pseudagnostus praecurrens Ergaliev 1980
Pseudagnostus pseudocyclopyge Ivshin 1956
Lingulata - Lingulida - Obolidae
Notiobolus indefinitus Holmer et al. 2001
Holmer et al. 2001
Lingulata - Acrotretida - Scaphelasmatidae
? Eoscaphelasma delicata Holmer et al. 2001
Holmer et al. 2001
see common names

Coordinates: 43.5° North, 70.0° East (view map)
Paleocoordinates:6.4° South, 94.7° East
Basis of coordinate:estimated from map
Geographic resolution:small collection
Period: Cambrian Epoch: Furongian
Stage: Jiangshanian 10 m.y. bin: Cambrian 5
Key time interval: Aksaian Trilobite zone:  Eurudagnostus kazachstanicus-Parabolina monstruosa
Age range of interval: 492.2 - 490.7 m.y. ago
Local section:Kyrshabakty Local bed:371.1 m
Local order:bottom to top
Stratigraphic resolution:bed
Stratigraphy comments: sample 1379-8 from unit X (350-415 m) of the Kyrshabakty River section
Lithology and environment
Primary lithology: lithified lime mudstone
Secondary lithology: lithified wackestone
Lithology description: wavy-bedded (bioturbated) grey and dark grey lime mudstone and wackestone (detrital limestone)
Geology comments: mid fan distributary channels; slope of an isolated carbonate platform known as the Aisha-Bibi sea-mount
Modes of preservation:body,cast
Size of fossils:mesofossils
Collection methods and comments
Collection methods:field collection
Reason for describing collection:taxonomic analysis
Database number:118401
Authorizer:W. Kiessling Enterer:U. Merkel, M. Domansky
Modifier:U. Merkel Research group:marine invertebrate
Created:2011-10-13 23:53:04 Last modified:2011-10-14 02:50:41
Access level:authorizer only Released:2012-10-13 23:53:04
Creative Commons license:CC BY
Reference information

Primary reference:

37886. G. K. Ergaliev and F. G. Ergaliev. 2008. Agnostidy srednego i verkhnego Kembriya Aksayskogo Gosudarstvennogo Geologicheskogo Zakaznika v yushnom Kazakhstane (Kyrshabakty, Malyy Karatau) [Middle and Upper Cambrian Agnostida from the Aksai National Geological Reserve in southern Kazakhstan (Kyrshabakty River, Malyy Karatau Range)] 1-359 [W. Kiessling/U. Merkel]

Secondary references:

42279 G. K. Ergaliev. 2009. Cambrian Malyy Karatau Range, Kazakhstan. [W. Kiessling/U. Merkel]
37885 L. E. Holmer, L. E. Popov, S. P. Koneva and M. G. Bassett. 2001. Cambrian - early Ordovician brachiopods from Malyi Karatau, the western Balkhash region, and Tien Shan, Central Asia. Special Papers in Palaeontology 65:1-180 [W. Kiessling/M. Domansky]