Baissa (PIN collection 3064, bed 31): Aptian, Russian Federation

List of taxa
Where & when
Taphonomy & methods
Metadata & references
Taxonomic list
Equisetopsida - Araucariaceae
Brachyphyllum sp. Brongniart 1828
Krassilov and Rasnitsyn 1982
Ginkgoopsida - Ginkgoales - Ginkgoaceae
Baiera sp. Braun 1843
Krassilov and Rasnitsyn 1982
Ginkgoopsida - Czekanowskiales
Czekanowskia sp. Heer 1876
Krassilov and Rasnitsyn 1982
Phoenicopsis sp. Heer 1876
Krassilov and Rasnitsyn 1982
Alisporites alimentosus n. sp. Krassilov 1982
Krassilov and Rasnitsyn 1982 120 specimens
Pinopsida - Pinales - Taxaceae
Elatides sp. Heer 1876
Krassilov and Rasnitsyn 1982
Pinopsida - Pinales - Pinaceae
Pinuspollenites entomophilus n. sp. Krassilov 1982
Krassilov and Rasnitsyn 1982 60 specimens
Pseudolarix sp. Gordon and Glendinning 1858
Krassilov and Rasnitsyn 1982
Coniferales - Podocarpaceae
Podozamites sp. Braun 1843
Krassilov and Rasnitsyn 1982
Schizolepis sp. Braun 1847
Krassilov and Rasnitsyn 1982
Insecta - Diptera - Ironomyiidae
Hermaeomyia bellula Mostovski 1995
Mostovski 1995 4 specimens
PIN 3064/9671-9674 (6 measurements)
Hermaeomyia armata Mostovski 1995
Mostovski 1995 2 specimens
PIN 3064/9675, 9676 (2 measurements)
Hermaeomyia sp. Mostovski 1995
Mostovski 1995 1 specimen
PIN 3064/9877
Insecta - Diptera - Platypezidae
Parnasos firmipes n. gen., n. sp. Mostovski 1995
Mostovski 1995 1 specimen
PIN 3064/9680 (2 measurements)
Parnasos pessimus Mostovski 1995
Mostovski 1995 2 specimens
PIN 3064/9679, 9683
Maritulus sospes n. gen., n. sp. Mostovski 1995
Mostovski 1995 1 specimen
PIN 3064/9678 (2 measurements)
Proplatypeza amabilis Mostovski 1995
Mostovski 1995 3 specimens
PIN 3064/9682, 9681, 9686
Proplatypeza parva n. gen., n. sp. Mostovski 1995
Mostovski 1995 1 specimen
PIN 3064/9685 (2 measurements)
Insecta - Diptera - Eremochaetidae
Eremomukha (Eremocreta) posita n. sp. Mostovski 1996
Mostovski 1996 1 specimen
PIN 3064/9931 (2 measurements)
Eremomukha (Eremocreta) sorosi n. sp. Mostovski 1996
Mostovski 1996 1 specimen
PIN 3064/9932 (2 measurements)
Insecta - Diptera - Mycetophilidae
Metahadroneura minor n. sp. Blagoderov 1998
Blagoderov 1998 1 specimen
PIN 3064/9794(9797) (2 measurements)
Metahadroneura major n. gen., n. sp. Blagoderov 1998
Blagoderov 1998 1 specimen
PIN 3064/9780 (2 measurements)
Ipsaneusidalys communis n. sp. Blagoderov 1998
Blagoderov 1998 4 specimens
PIN 3064/9760, 9867, 9894, 9881 (6 measurements)
Ipsaneusidalys longipennis n. sp. Blagoderov 1998
Blagoderov 1998 1 specimen
PIN 3064/9872 (2 measurements)
Paradzickia indet. Blagoderov 1997
Blagoderov 1997 1 specimen
PIN 3064/9764
Paradzickia turin n. sp. Blagoderov 1997
Blagoderov 1997 1 specimen
PIN 3064/1773 (2 measurements)
Paradzickia hurin n. gen., n. sp. Blagoderov 1997
Blagoderov 1997 1 specimen
PIN 3064/9779 (2 measurements)
Paradzickia tuor n. sp. Blagoderov 1997
Blagoderov 1997 1 specimen
PIN 3064/9800 (2 measurements)
Drepanorzeckia extrunculipennis Blagoderov 1997
Blagoderov 1997 1 specimen
PIN 3064/9880
Drepanorzeckia plana Blagoderov 1997
Blagoderov 1997 4 specimens
PIN 3064/9771(9772), 9817, 9827, 9776
Palaecomoptera indet. Blagoderov 1997
Blagoderov 1997 9 specimens
PIN 3064/9788, 9798, 9802, 9836, 9846, 9893, 9757, 9873, 9762
Palaecomoptera longimedia n. sp. Blagoderov 1997
Blagoderov 1997 2 specimens
PIN 3064/9749, 9768
Palaecomoptera lukashevichae n. sp. Blagoderov 1997
Blagoderov 1997 9 specimens
PIN 3064/9778, 9751, 9801(9810), 9859, 9763, 9891, 9834 (2 measurements)
Palaecomoptera shcherbakovi n. gen., n. sp. Blagoderov 1997
Blagoderov 1997 16 specimens
PIN 3064/9874, 9769, 9791, 9796, 9819, 1772(1776), 9746, 9747, 9767, 9777, 9785, 9756, 9783, 9829, 9761, 9853 (2 measurements)
Docosia zaza Blagoderov 1998
Blagoderov 1998 1 specimen
PIN 3064/9848 (2 measurements)
Ekhiritus disannuus n. gen., n. sp. Blagoderov 1995
Blagoderov 1995 1 specimen
PIN 3064/9787 (2 measurements)
Prospeolepta simplex n. sp. Blagoderov 1995
Blagoderov 1995 1 specimen
PIN 3064/9805 (1 measurement)
Prospeolepta trapezia Blagoderov 1995
Blagoderov 1995 2 specimens
PIN 3064/9750, 9837
Zazicia innuba n. gen., n. sp. Blagoderov 1995
Blagoderov 1995 12 specimens
PIN 3064/9753, 9828, 9879, 9784, 9833, 9811, 9813, 9878, 9899, 9782, 9900, 9840 (6 measurements)
Pollicitator baisae n. gen., n. sp. Blagoderov 1995
Blagoderov 1995 1 specimen
PIN 3064/9831, 9741, 9845(9871), 9821, (4 measurements)
Syntemna mesozoica n. sp. Blagoderov 1995
Blagoderov 1995 1 specimen
PIN 3064/9857(9895) (2 measurements)
Insecta - Diptera - Mesosciophilidae
Mesosciophilopsis expletus n. gen., n. sp. Blagoderov 1994
Blagoderov 1994 1 specimen
PIN 3064/9752 (2 measurements)
Insecta - Hemiptera - Matsucoccidae
Eomatsucoccus popovi Koteja 1988
Koteja 1988 1 specimen
PIN 3064/4602 (1 measurement)
Insecta - Hemiptera - Xylococcidae
Baisococcus victoriae n. gen., n. sp. Koteja 1989
Koteja 1989 1 specimen
PIN 3064/4601 (2 measurements)
Insecta - Hemiptera - Rasnitsynaphididae
Rasnitsynaphis quadrata n. sp. Homan and Wegierek 2011
Homan and Wegierek 2011 1 specimen
PIN 3064/2279 (bed 31) (1 measurement)
Rasnitsynaphis coniuncta n. sp. Homan and Wegierek 2011
Homan and Wegierek 2011 1 specimen
PIN 3064/2209 (bed 31) (1 measurement)
Rasnitsynaphis ennearticulata n. gen., n. sp. Homan and Wegierek 2011
Homan and Wegierek 2011 1 specimen
PIN 3064/2109(2211) (bed 31) (2 measurements)
Insecta - Hemiptera - Oviparosiphidae
Vitimaphis rasnitsyni Shaposhnikov and Wegierek 1989
Shaposhnikov and Wegierek 1989 1 specimen
PIN 3064/5026(5062)
Dinaphis multisensoriata n. gen., n. sp. Shaposhnikov and Wegierek 1989
Shaposhnikov and Wegierek 1989 1 specimen
PIN 3064/2228(2707) (3 measurements)
Acanthotrichaphis paulisensoriata Shaposhnikov and Wegierek 1989
Shaposhnikov and Wegierek 1989 1 specimen
PIN 3064/2294
Insecta - Hemiptera - Palaeoaphididae
Ellinaphidinae indet. Kania and Wegierek 2008
Kania and Wegierek 2008 45 specimens
PIN 3064/2093b, 2093c, 2093d, 2098, 2104, 2117, 2120, 2127, 2128, 2135, 2141, 2146, 2149, 2153, 2154, 2180, 2224, 2227a, 2227b, 2258, 2271, 2288, 4725, 4726, 4730, 4748, 4752, 4770, 4773, 4778, 4863, 4931, 4950, 4953a, 4953b, 4953c, 4963, 5052, 5059, 5084, 5090, 5123, 5137
Unioaphis venusta n. sp. Kania and Wegierek 2008
Kania and Wegierek 2008 4 specimens
PIN 3064/2139, 2256, 2307, 4736 (2 measurements)
Bugyrorinaphis unica n. sp. Kania and Wegierek 2008
Kania and Wegierek 2008 1 specimen
PIN 3064/2123 (2 measurements)
Rallotopaphis antennata n. sp. Kania and Wegierek 2008
Kania and Wegierek 2008 5 specimens
PIN 3064/2114, 2115, 2131, 2199, 2222 (2 measurements)
Rinorectuaphis sejuncta n. sp. Kania and Wegierek 2008
Kania and Wegierek 2008 3 specimens
PIN 3064/2148, 2268, 2308 (2 measurements)
Rinorectuaphis fida n. sp. Kania and Wegierek 2008
Kania and Wegierek 2008 2 specimens
PIN 3064/2085, 2101 (2 measurements)
Rinorectuaphis connexa n. sp. Kania and Wegierek 2008
Kania and Wegierek 2008 2 specimens
PIN 3064/2270, 4799 (2 measurements)
Transbaikalis furcata n. sp. Kania and Wegierek 2008
Kania and Wegierek 2008 1 specimen
PIN 3064/2303 (2 measurements)
Caudaphis sp. Zhang et al. 1989
Kania and Wegierek 2008 13 specimens
PIN 3064/2095, 2174, 2176, 2254, 4764, 4880, 4891, 5012a, 5012b, 5012c, 5033, 5054, 5120a
Caudaphis angustivola Kania and Wegierek 2008
Kania and Wegierek 2008 2 specimens
PIN 3064/4817, 4842
Caudaphis brevicrura Kania and Wegierek 2008
Kania and Wegierek 2008 9 specimens
PIN 3064/2080, 2147, 2157, 2201, 2251, 2269, 4906, 5049, 5119
Caudaphis vulgata n. sp. Kania and Wegierek 2008
Kania and Wegierek 2008 5 specimens
PIN 3064/2185, 2245, 2257a, 4737, 5099 (2 measurements)
Caudaphis modica Kania and Wegierek 2008
Kania and Wegierek 2008 3 specimens
PIN 3064/2159, 4796, 4907
Caudaphis longiantennata n. sp. Kania and Wegierek 2008
Kania and Wegierek 2008 5 specimens
PIN 3064/2097, 2126, 2137, 2249, 2267 (3 measurements)
Ellinaphis sp. Shaposhnikov 1979
Kania and Wegierek 2008 10 specimens
PIN 3064/2087, 2134, 2143, 2145, 2151, 2287, 4759, 4879, 4937, 5073
Ellinaphis mirabila Kania and Wegierek 2008
Kania and Wegierek 2008 4 specimens
PIN 3064/2140, 2223, 5069, 5118
Ellinaphis cubocrassa Kania and Wegierek 2008
Kania and Wegierek 2008 10 specimens
PIN 3064/2093a, 2096, 2142, 2172, 2257b, 2260, 2302, 4829, 4869, 4914
Ellinaphis elegans Kania and Wegierek 2008
Kania and Wegierek 2008 1 specimen
PIN 3064/5046
Ellinaphis truncata Kania and Wegierek 2008
Kania and Wegierek 2008 4 specimens
PIN 3064/2078, 4923, 4925, 4887, 5001
Ellinaphis sensoriata Shaposhnikov 1979
Kania and Wegierek 2008 11 specimens
PIN 3064/2116, 2121, 2129, 2133, 2150, 2152, 2217, 2217, 2226, 2277, 2305
Ellinaphis longistigma Kania and Wegierek 2008
Kania and Wegierek 2008 5 specimens
PIN 3064/4812, 4844, 4853, 4865, 4912
Ellinaphis incognita Shaposhnikov 1979
Kania and Wegierek 2008 9 specimens
PIN 3064/2110, 2111, 2118, 2119, 2130, 2132a, 2136, 2158, 2221
Ellinaphis bulla Kania and Wegierek 2008
Kania and Wegierek 2008 5 specimens
PIN 3064/2122, 4798, 4862, 4994, 5126
Ellinaphis extenda n. sp. Kania and Wegierek 2008
Kania and Wegierek 2008 4 specimens
PIN 3064/2112, 2113, 2144, 4920 (2 measurements)
Ellinaphis curta Kania and Wegierek 2008
Kania and Wegierek 2008 2 specimens
PIN 3064/2175, 4933
Annulaphis zherichini n. sp. Shaposhnikov 1979
Shaposhnikov 1979 1 specimen
PIN 3064/1114 (2 measurements)
Annulaphis rasnitsyni Shaposhnikov 1979
Kania and Wegierek 2008 2 specimens
PIN 3064/2218
Annulaphis mostovskini Kania and Wegierek 2008
Kania and Wegierek 2008 2 specimens
PIN 3064/5027, 2263
Palaeoaphididae indet. (Richards 1966)
Kania and Wegierek 2008 1 specimen
PIN 3064/2132b
Insecta - Hemiptera - Szelegiewicziidae
Brimaphis similis n. sp. Wegierek 1989
Wegierek 1989 1 specimen
PIN 3064/5045(5035) (1 measurement)
Brimaphis certa Wegierek 1989
Wegierek 1989 1 specimen
PIN 3064/2292
Insecta - Hemiptera - Mimarachnidae
Saltissus eskovi Shcherbakov 2007
Shcherbakov 2007 3 specimens
PIN 3064/4618, 4628, 5190
Mimarachne mikhailovi n. gen., n. sp. Shcherbakov 2007
Shcherbakov 2007 3 specimens
PIN 3064/4614, 4615, 4621 (1 measurement)
Insecta - Hemiptera - Hylicellidae
Conjucella selene n. gen., n. sp. Shcherbakov 2012
Shcherbakov 2012 1 specimen
PIN 3064/4634 (1 measurement)
Insecta - Hymenoptera - Sepulcidae
Neoxyelula micron n. gen., n. sp. Rasnitsyn 1993
Rasnitsyn 1993 1 specimen
PIN 3064/1925 (2 measurements)
Insecta - Hymenoptera - Baissidae
Baissa magna n. sp. Rasnitsyn 1991
Rasnitsyn 1991 1 specimen
PIN 3064/1969 (1 measurement)
Insecta - Hymenoptera - Praeaulacidae
Westratia caudata n. sp. Rasnitsyn 1990
Rasnitsyn 1990 1 specimen
PIN 3064/1977 (2 measurements)
Insecta - Hymenoptera - Stigmaphronidae
Aphrostigmon vitimense n. gen., n. sp. Rasnitsyn 1991
Rasnitsyn 1991 1 specimen
PIN 3064/1951 (2 measurements)
Insecta - Hymenoptera - Angarosphecidae
Bestiola tenuipes n. sp. Pulawski and Rasnitsyn 1999
Rasnitsyn et al. 1999 1 specimen
PIN 3064/2055 (2 measurements)
Insecta - Hymenoptera - Braconidae
Archobraconus oculatus n. sp. Rasnitsyn and Sharkey 1988
Rasnitsyn and Sharkey 1988 1 specimen
PIN 3064/1992 (2 measurements)
Archobraconus microphthalmus n. sp. Rasnitsyn and Sharkey 1988
Rasnitsyn and Sharkey 1988 1 specimen
PIN 3064/1194 (2 measurements)
Archobraconus parvus n. sp. Rasnitsyn and Sharkey 1988
Rasnitsyn and Sharkey 1988 1 specimen
PIN 3064/1986 (bed 13 assumed to by typo) (2 measurements)
Archobraconus caudatus n. sp. Rasnitsyn and Sharkey 1988
Rasnitsyn and Sharkey 1988 1 specimen
PIN 3064/1993 (2 measurements)
Cretobraconus micron Rasnitsyn and Sharkey 1988
Rasnitsyn and Sharkey 1988 1 specimen
PIN 3064/1985
Cretobraconus pusillus n. gen., n. sp. Rasnitsyn and Sharkey 1988
Rasnitsyn and Sharkey 1988 1 specimen
PIN 3064/1991 (2 measurements)
Insecta - Hymenoptera - Xyelidae
Anthoxyela anthophaga n. sp. Rasnitsyn 1982
Krassilov and Rasnitsyn 1982 1 specimen
PIN 3064/1911 (3 measurements)
Spathoxyela pinicola n. sp. Rasnitsyn 1982
Krassilov and Rasnitsyn 1982 1 specimen
PIN 3064/1926
Insecta - Neuroptera - Chrysopidae
Mesypochrysa spp. Martynov 1927
Makarkin 1997 3 specimens
PIN 3064/2234,2430,2423
Mesypochrysa chrysopa n. sp. Makarkin 1997
Makarkin 1997 2 specimens
PIN 3064/2431,2432 (2 measurements)
Baisochrysa multinervis n. gen., n. sp. Makarkin 1997
Makarkin 1997 1 specimen
PIN 3064/2433 (1 measurement)
Insecta - Neuroptera - Psychopsidae
Epipsychopsis variegata n. sp. Makarkin 2010
Makarkin 2010 1 specimen
PIN 3064/2435 (1 measurement)
Insecta - Neuroptera - Mantispidae
Mesomantispa sibirica n. gen., n. sp. Makarkin 1996
Makarkin 1996 1 specimen
PIN 3064/2425 (1 measurement)
Insecta - Neuroptera - Berothidae
Pseudosisyra minima n. gen., n. sp. Makarkin 1999
Makarkin 1999 1 specimen
PIN 3064/2438 (1 measurement)
Insecta - Coleoptera - Pleocomidae
Proteroscarabaeus nikritini n. sp. Nikolajev 1996
Nikolajev 1996 1 specimen
PIN 3064/7157 (1 measurement)
Insecta - Coleoptera - Hybosoridae
Cretohybosorus buryaticus n. gen., n. sp. Nikolajev 1999
Nikolajev 1999 2 specimens
PIN 3064/7459, 6993 (2 measurements)
Mimaphodius pusillus n. gen., n. sp. Nikolajev 2007
Nikolajev 2007 1 specimen
PIN 3064/7183 (2 measurements)
Insecta - Coleoptera - Scarabaeidae
Cretomelolontha transbaikalica n. gen., n. sp. Nikolajev 1998
Nikolajev 1998 3 specimens
PIN 3064/7156, 7160, 7166 (2 measurements)
Insecta - Coleoptera - Glaresidae
Cretoglaresis ovalis n. sp. Nikolajev 2009
Nikolajev 2009 1 specimen
PIN 3064/7168 (2 measurements)
Glaresis cretacea n. sp. Nikolajev 2007
Nikolajev 2007 1 specimen
PIN 3064/7174
Insecta - Coleoptera - Glaphyridae
Cretoglaphyrus rohdendorfi n. gen., n. sp. Nikolajev 2005
Nikolajev 2007 1 specimen
PIN 3064/7158
Insecta - Coleoptera
Holcorobeus (Holcorobeus) atrosulcatus n. sp. Nikolajev 1992
Nikolajev 1992 4 specimens
PIN 3064/8152, 7144; 715, 7151 in Nikolajev 2004 (1 measurement)
Insecta - Trichoptera
Coprindusia pallida n. gen., n. sp. Ivanov 2006
Ivanov 2006 5 specimens
PIN 3064/8264(5), 8259, 8261, 8262, 8263 associated with C. coprolithica
Cretolype minuta n. gen., n. sp. Ivanov 2006
Ivanov 2006 1 specimen
PIN 3064/8267
Insecta - Trichoptera - Brachycentridae
Baissoplectrum separatum n. gen., n. sp. Ivanov 2006
Ivanov 2006 2 specimens
PIN 3064/8270, 8263
Insecta - Trichoptera - Baissoferidae
Baissoferus elegans n. sp. Sukatsheva and Aristov 2022
Sukatsheva and Aristov 2022 1 specimen
PIN 3064/8195 (1 measurement)
Pardoferus vitimicus n. gen., n. sp. Sukatsheva and Aristov 2022
Sukatsheva and Aristov 2022 1 specimen
PIN 3064/8243(8251a) (1 measurement)
Insecta - Trichoptera - Calamoceratidae
Aniburia hirta n. gen., n. sp. Sukatsheva and Aristov 2022
Sukatsheva and Aristov 2022 1 specimen
PIN 3064/8189 (1 measurement)
Insecta - Trichoptera - Leptoceridae
Creterotesis coprolithica n. gen., n. sp. Ivanov 2006
Ivanov 2006 4 specimens
PIN 3064/8264(5), 8259, 8262, 8268
Insecta - Orthoptera - Baissogryllidae
Eubaissogryllus vitimicus n. gen., n. sp. Gorochov 1985
1 specimen
PIN 3064/8420 (1 measurement)
Baissogryllus sharovi n. sp. Gorochov 1985
1 specimen
PIN 3064/8416 (1 measurement)
Insecta - Orthoptera - Haglidae
Vitimoilus captiosus n. gen., n. sp. Gorochov 1996
Gorochov 1996 1 specimen
PIN 3064/8414 (1 measurement)
Insecta - Mantodea
Amorphoscelites sharovi n. gen., n. sp. Gratshev and Zherikhin 1993
Gratshev and Zherikhin 1993 1 specimen
PIN 3064/8586
Vitimophotina corrugata n. gen., n. sp. Gratshev and Zherikhin 1993
Gratshev and Zherikhin 1993 1 specimen
PIN 3064/8587 (1 measurement)
Cretophotina tristriata n. gen., n. sp. Gratshev and Zherikhin 1993
Gratshev and Zherikhin 1993 1 specimen
PIN 3064/8585 (1 measurement)
Insecta - Baissomantidae
Baissomantis maculata n. sp. Gratshev and Zherikhin 1993
Gratshev and Zherikhin 1993 2 specimens
PIN 3064/8589, 3588 (1 measurement)
Insecta - Alienoptera - Umenocoleidae
Petropterix sibirix n. sp. Vršanský 2003
Vršanský 2003 3 specimens
PIN 3064/8598, 2527, 7827 (3 measurements)
Vitisma rasnitsyni n. gen., n. sp. Vršanský 1999
Vršanský 1999 16 specimens
PIN 3064/3522, 3506, 1475, 3510, 3520, 3606, 3619, 3677, 3685, 3691, 3719, 3745, 3781, 3805, 3821, 10556
Insecta - Blattodea - Ectobiidae
Piniblattella minuta Vršanský 1997
Vršanský 1997 3 specimens
PIN 3064/3792, 3833, 3929
Insecta - Susumaniidae
Phasmomimoides ornatus n. sp. Kuzmina 1985
Kuzmina 1985 1 specimen
PIN 3064/8396 (1 measurement)
Cretophasmomima vitimica n. sp. Kuzmina 1985
Kuzmina 1985 1 specimen
PIN 3064/8392 (1 measurement)
Vitimipollis edulis n. gen., n. sp. Krassilov 1982
Krassilov and Rasnitsyn 1982 150 specimens
see common names

Country:Russian Federation State/province:Buryatia
Coordinates: 53.3° North, 112.1° East (view map)
Paleocoordinates:56.0° North, 108.5° East
Basis of coordinate:based on nearby landmark
Geographic resolution:outcrop
Period: Cretaceous Epoch: Early Cretaceous
Stage: Aptian 10 m.y. bin: Cretaceous 3
Key time interval: Aptian
Age range of interval: 121.4 - 113 m.y. ago
Stratigraphic resolution:group of beds
Stratigraphy comments: C. longipoda, E. trisetalis and Lycoptera all occur in the Zaza Formation indicating that this formation could be correlated with the upper Yixian Formation and the lower Jiufotang Formation in western Liaoning, which have a duration of 122.5-120 Ma. So it is possible to assign the Zaza Formation to an Aptian age. Also correlated with Barremian-Aptian based on plants and pollen.
Lithology and environment
Primary lithology: lithified marl
Secondary lithology: lithified carbonaceous siltstone
Environment:lacustrine - large Tectonic setting:rift
Geology comments: "The water body is reconstructed as an intermontane lake with the depth of 20 - 30 meters (LYAMINA 1980) situated within a granite massif. The presence of thick layers of the bituminous shales shows that the lake was meromictic, with the oxygen deficiency and high hydrogen sulphur level in the hypolimnion. However, the oxygenated epilimnion should be thick, with a lower boundary well beneath the limit of episodic wave action because no suffocation events are documented. The abundance of caddisflies, dobsonfly larvae and other groups intolerant to oxygen deficiency shows that in more shallow areas the water was clear and well-oxygenated even near the bottom. The lake ecosystem was highly productive as indicated by its complex trophic structure (Fig. 2) with several levels of predators up to the large sturgeon-like fish Stychopterus as well as by the extremely high abundance of planetonivorous phantom midges (SINICHENKOVA & ZHERIKHIN 1996)." ZHERIKHIN et al., 1999
Modes of preservation:mold/impression
Size of fossils:macrofossils
Feeding/predation traces:palynivory
Collection methods and comments
Collection methods:survey of museum collection
Collection size:10621 specimens
Reason for describing collection:taxonomic analysis
Museum repositories:PIN
Database number:122549
Authorizer:M. Clapham Enterer:M. Clapham, A. Noshirvan, J. Karr, L. Edwards
Modifier:M. Clapham Research group:paleoentomology
Created:2012-01-03 04:00:51 Last modified:2014-07-30 18:51:24
Access level:the public Released:2012-01-03 04:00:51
Creative Commons license:CC BY
Reference information

Primary reference:

8894.ETE A. V. Gorochov. 1985. Mesozoic Crickets (Orthoptera, Grylloidea) of Asia. Paleontological Journal 19(2):56-66 [C. Labandeira/A. Spencer-Lee/J. Karr]

Secondary references:

40954 V. A. Blagoderov. 1994. Dipterans (Mesosciophilidae) from the Lower Cretaceous of Transbaykal. Paleontological Journal 27(1A):123-130 [M. Clapham/M. Clapham/M. Clapham]
42205 V. A. Blagoderov. 1995. Fungus gnats of the tribe Sciophilini (Diptera, Mycetophilidae) from the Early Cretaceous of Transbaikalia. Paleontological Journal 29(1):72-83 [M. Clapham/J. Karr]
41289 V. A. Blagoderov. 1997. Fungus Gnats of the Tribe Gnoristini (Diptera, Mycetophilidae) from the Lower Cretaceous of Transbaikalia. Paleontological Journal 31(6):609-615 [M. Clapham/L. Edwards/J. Karr]
40864 V. A. Blagoderov. 1998. Fungus Gnats of the tribes Gnoristini and Leiini (Diptera, Mycetophilidae) from the Early Cretaceous of Transbaikalia. Paleontological Journal 32(1):54-59 [M. Clapham/J. Karr]
8895ETE A. V. Gorochov. 1996. New Mesozoic Hagloidea (Orthoptera). Paleontological Journal 30:440-448 [C. Labandeira/A. Spencer-Lee/M. Clapham]
8897ETE V. G. Gratshev and V. V. Zherikhin. 1993. New Fossil Mantids (Insecta, Mantida [Sic]). Paleontological Journal 27(1A):148-165 [C. Labandeira/A. Spencer-Lee/M. Clapham]
48977 V. D. Ivanov. 2006. Larvae of caddisflies (Insecta: Trichoptera) from the Mesozoic of Siberia. Paleontological Journal 40:178-189 [M. Clapham/M. Clapham]
48084 I. Kania and P. Wegierek. 2008. Palaeoaphididae (Hemiptera, Sternorrhyncha) from Lower Cretaceous Baissa deposits: Morphology and classification. Monografie faunistyczne 25:1-135 [M. Clapham/J. Karr]
51538 J. Koteja. 1988. Eomatsucoccus n. g. (Homoptera, Coccinea) from Siberian Lower Cretaceous deposits. Annales Zoologici 42:141-163 [M. Clapham/M. Clapham]
50984 J. Koteja. 1989. Baisococcus victoriae gen. et sp. n. - a Lower Cretaceous coccid (Homoptera, Coccinea). Acta Zoologica Cracoviensia 32:93-106 [M. Clapham/M. Clapham]
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44480 A. P. Rasnitsyn and M. Sharkey. 1988. New Eoichneumonidae from Early Cretaceous of Siberia and Mongolia (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonoidea). In V. K. Gupta (ed.), Advances in Parasitic Hymenoptera Research 169-197 [M. Clapham/M. Clapham]
40721 G. K. Shaposhnikov and P. Wegierek. 1989. New late Mesozoic aphids (Oviparosiphidae, Homoptera). Paleontological Journal 23(3):37-47 [M. Clapham/M. Clapham]
46890 D. E. Shcherbakov. 2007. Mesozoic spider mimics — Cretaceous Mimarachnidae fam. n. (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea). Russian Entomological Journal 16(3):259-264 [M. Clapham/J. Karr]
52089 D. E. Shcherbakov. 2012. A new subfamily of Mesozoic Hylicellidae (Homoptera: Cicadomorpha). Russian Entomological Journal 21:441-444 [M. Clapham/M. Clapham]
81364 I. D. Sukatsheva and D. S. Aristov. 2022. Caddisflies (Insecta: Trichoptera, Baissoferidae, Calamoceratidae, Philopotamidae) from the Lower Cretaceous locality of Baissa, Transbaikalia (Russia). Paleontological Journal 56:67-74 [M. Clapham/M. Clapham]
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