Henry's Fork Hill (Bridger D): Bridgerian, Wyoming

List of taxa
Where & when
Taphonomy & methods
Metadata & references
Taxonomic list
Pristichampsus vorax (Troxell 1925)
Langston 1975
AMNH 2090 (fragmentary skeleton)
Mammalia - Dinocerata - Uintatheriidae
Uintatherium anceps (Marsh 1871)
Wheeler 1961
Bridger D4
Mammalia - Condylarthra - Hyopsodontidae
Hyopsodus despiciens n. sp. Matthew 1909
    = Hyopsodus paulus Leidy 1870
Alroy 2002
"top of Horizon D" Henry's Fork area according to Gazin 1976
Mammalia - Perissodactyla - Brontotheriidae
Palaeosyops robustus (Marsh 1872)
Osborn 1929
referred material from D3, D4
Palaeosyops paludosus Leidy 1870
Lane 1932
    = Palaeosyops fontinalis Cope 1873
Alroy 2002
includes type of "Palaeosyops paludosus confluentus": from "horizon C5-D4 about a mile northeast of Cedar Creek Mountain"
Telmatherium cultridens n. sp. (Osborn et al. 1878)
Osborn 1929
upper Bridger, and referred specimen from Bridger D3; type is said to be from Henry's Fork Divide by Gazin 1976
Mammalia - Homacodontidae
Antiacodon venustus n. sp. Marsh 1872
West 1984
Bridger D
Microsus sp. Leidy 1870
Sinclair 1914
Bridger D4
Homacodon vagans n. sp. Marsh 1872
West 1984
Bridger D
Mammalia - Helohyidae
Helohyus lentus (Marsh 1871)
Sinclair 1914
Henry's Fork Hill, Bridger D3; i.d. confirmed by West 1984
Mammalia - Creodonta
Thinocyon medius (Wortman 1902)
Morlo and Gunnell 2003
"Henrys Fork, Twin Buttes Member, Upper Bridger Formation" also "Br-3"
Mammalia - Primates - Microsyopidae
Uintasorex parvulus n. sp. Matthew 1909
from Bridger D; Henry's Fork area according to Gazin 1958a, Szalay 1969c
Mammalia - Primates - Notharctidae
Notharctus robustior Leidy 1872
Granger and Gregory 1917
Bridger D4; see also Robinson 1957
Mammalia - Primates - Omomyidae
Uintanius turriculorum Matthew 1915
Matthew 1915
    = Uintanius ameghini Wortman 1904
Alroy 2002
"Horizon D4 on Henry's Fork Hill"; see also Gazin 1958a
Mammalia - Apatemyidae
Apatemys bellus Marsh 1872
"upper part of Bridger D"; type is from Henry's Fork area according to Gazin 1958a, and I believe Matthew would not have referred non- Henry's Fork material without mentioning its provenance
see common names