Occidental Mine: Langhian, Florida

List of taxa
Where & when
Taphonomy & methods
Metadata & references
Taxonomic list
Reptilia - Testudines
Pleurodira indet. Cope 1865
Stocker and Kirk 2016
Kinosternidae indet. (Hay 1892)
Stocker and Kirk 2016
Reptilia - Testudines - Cheloniidae
Cheloniidae indet. Bonaparte 1832
Stocker and Kirk 2016
Reptilia - Testudines - Testudinidae
Testudinidae indet. Batsch 1788
Stocker and Kirk 2016
2 species, one small, one large
Reptilia - Testudines - Emydidae
cf. Pseudemys sp. Gray 1856
Stocker and Kirk 2016
Mammalia - Sirenia - Dugongidae
Dioplotherium manigaulti Cope 1883
Domning 1989
Mammalia - Proboscidea - Gomphotheriidae
Gomphotheriidae indet. Hay 1922
Mammalia - Perissodactyla - Rhinocerotidae
Rhinocerotidae indet. Gray 1821
Mammalia - Perissodactyla - Equidae
Pliohippus cf. pernix Marsh 1874
Calippus martini Hesse 1936
Calippus (Calippus) sp. Matthew and Stirton 1930
two forms
Pseudhipparion skinneri Webb and Hulbert 1986
    = Pseudhipparion curtivallum Quinn 1955
Alroy 2002
is listed by Webb and Hulbert 1986
Cormohipparion occidentale (Leidy 1856)
    = Hippotherium sp. Kaup 1832
Alroy 2002
Nannippus sp. (Matthew 1926)
said to be described in MS of Hulbert, but no mention of this locality in Hulbert 1993
Cormohipparion ingenuum (Leidy 1885)
    = Hippotherium ingenuum Leidy 1885
Alroy 2002
Mammalia - Camelidae
Camelidae indet. Gray 1821
Mammalia - Gelocidae
cf. Pseudoceras sp. Frick 1937
Mammalia - Moschidae
Blastomeryx sp. Cope 1877
    = Blastomerycinae indet. Frick 1937
Alroy 2002
see common names