Kishenehn (Greenwalt collection): Lutetian, Montana

List of taxa
Where & when
Taphonomy & methods
Metadata & references
Taxonomic list
Insecta - Neuroptera
Neuroptera indet. Linnaeus 1758
Jepson and Makarkin 2023 1 specimen
USNM PAL 621094
Insecta - Neuroptera - Myrmeleontidae
Pseudoameropterus ambiguus n. gen., n. sp. Jepson and Makarkin 2023
Jepson and Makarkin 2023 1 specimen
USNM PAL 626076 (1 measurement)
Insecta - Neuroptera - Chrysopidae
Minimochrysa latialata n. gen., n. sp. Jepson and Makarkin 2023
Jepson and Makarkin 2023 1 specimen
USNM PAL 622725 (1 measurement)
Palaeochrysa greenwalti n. sp. Jepson and Makarkin 2023
Jepson and Makarkin 2023 1 specimen
USNM PAL 622159 (1 measurement)
Palaeochrysa minor n. sp. Jepson and Makarkin 2023
Jepson and Makarkin 2023 1 specimen
USNM PAL 722497 (1 measurement)
Insecta - Neuroptera - Hemerobiidae
Hemerobiidae informal Megalomus-group indet. (Latreille 1802)
Jepson and Makarkin 2023 1 specimen
USNM PAL 624842
Insecta - Raphidioptera - Raphidiidae
Macrostigmoraphia diluta n. gen., n. sp. Jepson and Makarkin 2023
Jepson and Makarkin 2023 1 specimen
USNM PAL 620478 (1 measurement)
Insecta - Diptera - Culicidae
Culex (Neoculex) sp. (Dyar 1905)
1 specimen
USNM 623914
Insecta - Diptera - Chaoboridae
Chaoborus kishenehnicus n. sp. Baranov and Haug 2021
140 specimens
Insecta - Diptera - Ceratopogonidae
cf. Alluaudomyia sp. Kieffer 1913
113 specimens
Listed as cf. Stilobezzia sp. in appendix 1
Insecta - Diptera - Chironomidae
cf. Conchapelopia sp. Fittkau 1957
36 specimens
cf. Psectrotanypus sp. Kieffer 1909
2 specimens
USNM 624474.1, 624474.2
cf. Tanytarsus sp. van der Wulp 1874
1 specimen
USNM 722523
Rheotanytarsus lacustris n. sp. Baranov and Haug 2021
81 specimens
USNM 717577, 623669, 624824, 722460, 722479, 76 pupae (1 measurement)
Hintelmanniella noncatafractata n. gen., n. sp. Baranov and Haug 2021
9 specimens
USNM 717431; 620245, 624415, 624418, 624644, 624665, 624863, 717428, 722379 (2 measurements)
see common names

Country:United States State/province:Montana
Coordinates: 48.4° North, 113.7° West (view map)
Paleocoordinates:51.9° North, 100.4° West
Basis of coordinate:based on nearby landmark
Geographic resolution:outcrop
Period: Paleogene Epoch: Eocene
Stage: Lutetian 10 m.y. bin: Cenozoic 2
Key time interval: Lutetian
Age range of interval: 47.8 - 41.2 m.y. ago
Formation:Kishenehn Member:Coal Creek
Stratigraphic resolution:group of beds
Stratigraphy comments: Middle sequence of the Coal Creek member of the Kishenehn Formation, which has been estimated to be 46.2 +/- 0.4 myo (Lutetian) by 40Ar/39Ar analysis and 43.5 +/- 4.9 myo by fission-track analysis
Lithology and environment
Primary lithology:planar lamination lithified carbonaceous "shale"
Lithology description: Paper/oil shale
Environment:lacustrine - large Tectonic setting:rift
Modes of preservation:adpression
Size of fossils:macrofossils,mesofossils
Collection methods and comments
Collection methods:survey of museum collection
Reason for describing collection:general faunal/floral analysis
Museum repositories:USNM
Database number:224195
Authorizer:M. Clapham Enterer:M. Clapham
Modifier:M. Clapham Research group:paleoentomology
Created:2022-01-28 22:40:44 Last modified:2024-01-24 20:24:10
Access level:the public Released:2022-01-28 22:40:44
Creative Commons license:CC BY
Reference information

Primary reference:

79339. V. A. Baranov, J. T. Haug, D. E. Greenwalt and R. Harbach. 2021. Diversity of culicomorphan dipterans in the Eocene Kishenehn Konservat-Lagerstätte (Montana, USA) and its palaeoecological implications. Palaeontologia Electronica 25(1:a4):1-30 [M. Clapham/M. Clapham]

Secondary references:

87330 J. E. Jepson and V. N. Makarkin. 2023. Fossil Neuropterida (Insecta: Neuroptera and Raphidioptera) from the middle Eocene Kishenehn Formation, Montana, USA. Zootaxa 5306:427-444 [M. Clapham/M. Clapham]