Anina p41/c2/s6 Getic Nappe: Hettangian - Sinemurian, Romania

List of taxa
Where & when
Taphonomy & methods
Metadata & references
Taxonomic list
? Spenobaiera sp. leaf
Plantae indet. multi organs Haeckel 1866
rachises, radicels, roots, berets, seeds?
Carpolithes sp. leaf Schlotheim 1820
Peltaspermopsida - Peltaspermales - Umkomasiaceae
Pachypteris sp. leaf Brongniart 1828
Pachypteris speciosa leaf
Polypodiopsida - Equisetales - Equisetaceae
Schizoneura carcinoides leaf
Polypodiopsida - Osmundaceae
Todites crenatus leaf
Polypodiopsida - Cyatheales - Cyatheaceae
Coniopteris murrayana leaf (Brongniart 1835)
Polypodiopsida - Gleicheniales - Dipteridaceae
Dictyophyllum nilssonii leaf
Cladophlebis sp. leaf Brongniart 1849
Cladophlebis sp. leaf Brongniart 1849
sp X
Cladophlebis cf. denticulata leaf (Brongniart 1828)
Ginkgoopsida - Ginkgoales
Sphenobaiera colchica leaf
Ginkgoopsida - Caytoniales - Caytoniaceae
Sagenopteris sp. leaf Presl 1838
very small
? Storgaardia sp. leaf Harris 1935
Cycadopsida - Cycadales
Nilssonia cf. undulata leaf
Pterophyllum sp. leaf Brongniart 1828
Pterophyllum brevipenne leaf Kurr 1845
? Nilssoniopteris sp. leaf Nathorst 1909
see common names

Coordinates: 45.1° North, 21.9° East (view map)
Paleocoordinates:25.2° North, 23.8° East
Basis of coordinate:based on nearby landmark
Altitude:763 meters
Geographic resolution:small collection
Period: Jurassic Epoch: Early Jurassic
Stage: Hettangian - Sinemurian 10 m.y. bin: Jurassic 1
*Period:Early/Lower Jurassic *Epoch:Early/Lower Lias
Key time interval: Hettangian - Sinemurian
Age range of interval: 201.4 - 192.9 m.y. ago
* legacy (obsolete) database fields
Formation:Steierdorf Member:Valea Tereziei
Local section:Anina Ponor SSSI Local bed:p41/c2 layer 6
Stratigraphic resolution:bed
Stratigraphy comments: Within the area of Anina, the Steierdorf Fm belongs to the so-called Anina facies, that represents the central facies of this formation in the Resita Basin. it includes 3 members, in the following succession: Budinic Mb, basal and coarse, the Valea Tereziei Mb, fine and median an the Uteris Mb, represented by black bituminous shales.
Lithology and environment
Primary lithology: sandstone
Lithology description: sandstones with root structures, horizontal or chaotic sedimentated stems, and leaves
Environment:fluvial-lacustrine indet. Tectonic setting:foreland basin
Modes of preservation:mold/impression,adpression,original carbon
Lagerst�tten type:conservation
Size of fossils:macrofossils
Temporal resolution:snapshot
Spatial resolution:parautochthonous
Collection methods and comments
Collection methods:selective quarrying,chemical,mechanical,field collection
Reason for describing collection:paleoecologic analysis
Collection method comments: 72 samples were taken
Database number:31091
Authorizer:C. Looy Enterer:W. Puijk, C. Looy
Modifier:C. Looy Research group:paleobotany
Created:2003-04-11 04:44:45 Last modified:2003-07-22 04:00:17
Access level:the public Released:2003-04-11 04:44:45
Creative Commons license:CC BY
Reference information

Primary reference:

8379. M. E. Popa. 2000. Early Jurassic land flora of the Getic Nappe. [C. Looy/W. Puijk/W. Puijk]