Reno Mbr, Franconia Fm - Bed 6, Rileys Coulee section: Franconian, Minnesota

List of taxa
Where & when
Taphonomy & methods
Metadata & references
Taxonomic list
Trilobita - Asaphida - Dikelocephalidae
Prosaukia misa (Owen 1852)
Trilobita - Asaphida - Ptychaspididae
Ptychaspis striata
Ptychaspis miniscaensis (Owen 1852)
Trilobita - Ptychopariida - Elviniidae
Chariocephalus whitfieldi Hall 1863
Trilobita - Olenida - Idahoiidae
? Saratogia hamula (Owen 1852)
see common names

Country:United States State/province:Minnesota County:Wabasha
Coordinates: 44.4° North, 91.2° West (view map)
Paleocoordinates:20.4° South, 79.8° West
Basis of coordinate:based on nearby landmark
Geographic resolution:outcrop
Period: Cambrian Epoch: Furongian
10 m.y. bin: Cambrian 5
Key time interval: Franconian
Age range of interval: 497 - 485.4 m.y. ago
Formation:Franconia Member:Reno
Local section:Rileys Coulee Local bed:24 ft
Local order:bottom to top
Stratigraphic resolution:bed
Stratigraphy comments: LITHOSTRATIGRAPHY: Reno Mbr of the Franconia Fm (following Berg 1953, 1954). STRATIGRAPHIC RELATIONS: From the Reno Mbr, the upper member of the Franconia Fm, which is underlain by the Tomah Mbr. The Franconia Fm is overlain by the Black Earth Mbr of the St Lawrence Fm. AGE: From the base of the Prosaukia subzone, Ptychaspis-Prosaukia Zone (Howell et al. 1944) of the Middle Croixan. STRATIGRAPHIC POSITION: Unit 6, 2 ft thick, in the upper portion of a 40+ ft thick section
Lithology and environment
Primary lithology:bioturbation,fine,glauconitic lithified sandstone
Includes fossils?Y
Lithology description: GENERAL LITHOLOGY: Fine-grained, cross-laminated, highly glauconitic sandstone alternating with massive, mottled beds of glacuonitic wormstone. LITHIFICATION: Assumed to be lithified, based on age and observation of figured specimens.
Geology comments: ENVIRONMENT: From text: "...shallow marine water on a slightly irregular shelf...deposition in quiet water, protected from more aggitated environments", assigned to a siliciclastic - offshore environment. TECTONIC SETTING: Tectonic data not reported in text. SEQUENCE STRATIGRAPHY: Sequence stratigraphic data not reported.
Modes of preservation:body,cast,mold/impression
Size of fossils:macrofossils
Preservation of anatomical detail:medium
Temporal resolution:time-averaged
Spatial resolution:parautochthonous
Collection methods and comments
Collection methods:bulk,selective quarrying,field collection
Reason for describing collection:taxonomic analysis
Museum repositories:USNM
Collection method comments: COLLECTOR: R.E Grant. REPOSITORY: USNM
Taxonomic list comments:COMPLETENESS: Limited to trilobita, exhaustive for trilobites, however. NOMENCLATURE: Authoritative publication, but somewhat historic nomenclature.
Database number:62122
Authorizer:A. Hendy Enterer:A. Hendy
Research group:marine invertebrate
Created:2006-07-12 17:54:45 Last modified:2013-11-25 13:37:23
Access level:the public Released:2006-07-12 17:54:44
Creative Commons license:CC BY
Reference information

Primary reference:

17950. R. E. Grant. 1962. Trilobite distribution, upper Franconia Formation (Upper Cambrian), southeastern Minnestoa. Journal of Paleontology 36(5):965-998 [A. Miller/A. Hendy]