Santana do Cariri (general): Late Aptian, Brazil

List of taxa
Where & when
Taphonomy & methods
Metadata & references
Taxonomic list
Osteichthyes indet. Huxley 1880
Kellner 1999
"fish scales"
Reptilia - Theropoda - Spinosauridae
Theropoda indet. (Marsh 1881)
Kellner and Campos 1999 1 individual
    = Spinosauridae indet. Stromer 1915
Bittencourt and Kellner 2004
MN 4743-V
Reptilia - Theropoda
Aves indet. Linnaeus 1758
1 specimen
Santanaraptor placidus n. gen., n. sp. Kellner 1999
Kellner 1999 1 specimen
MN 4802-V
Reptilia - Pterosauria - Thalassodromidae
Tupuxuara sp. Kellner and Campos 1988
Martill and Witton 2008 1 individual
SMNK PAL 4330, partial skull and two cervical vertebrae
Tupuxuara cf. longicristatus Kellner and Campos 1988
Martill and Naish 2006 1 individual
SMNK PAL 3858, skull fragment
Tupuxuara leonardii n. sp. Kellner and Campos 1994
Kellner and Campos 1994 1 individual
MCT 1495-R, anterior portion of skull
Tupuxuara deliradamus n. sp. Witton 2009
Witton 2009 2 individuals
SMNK PAL 6410 (holotype), KPMNH DL 84, partial skulls
Thalassodromeus sethi n. gen., n. sp. Kellner and Campos 2002
Kellner and Campos 2002 1 individual
DGM 1476-R, skull
Reptilia - Pterosauria
Anhanguera piscator n. sp. Kellner and Tomida 2000
Kellner and Tomida 2000 1 individual
NSM-PV 19892, partial skeleton
Coloborhynchus robustus (Wellnhofer 1987)
Fastnacht 2001 1 individual
SMNK 2302 PAL, anterior parts of upper and lower jaws
Unwindia trigonus n. gen., n. sp. Martill 2011
Martill 2011 1 individual
SMNK PAL 6597, partial rostrum with teeth
Reptilia - Testudines
Cearachelys placidoi n. gen., n. sp. Gaffney et al. 2001
Gaffney et al. 2001 2 specimens
Holotype: MPSC a partial skull, shell, cervicals, and limb elements. Referred specimen: TUTg 1798—Nearly complete skeleton with skull, lower jaw, shell, cervicals, and limb elements (form 'near Santana do Cariri')
Caririemys violetae n. gen., n. sp. Oliveira and Kellner 2007
Oliveira and Kellner 2007
partial skeleton consisting of an incomplete carapace, part of the last cervical vertebra, dorsal and caudal vertebrae, right pelvis and femur. The specimen is housed at the Museu Nacional (MN) of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) under the number MN 6919–V.
Reptilia - Testudines - Araripemydidae
Araripemys barretoi Price 1973
Meylan 1996 12 individuals
The fossils described below were obtained as nodules from Brazil via Herbert Axelrod: AMNH 22550; AMNH 24452; AMNH 24453; AMNH 24454; AMNH 22551; AMNH 24455; AMNH 24456; AMNH 24457, AMNH 24458, AMNH 24459, AMNH 24460, and AMNH 24461; Gaffney et al. 2006 additionally referred THUg 1907, skull with cervicals and shell fragments (purchased from Schwickert (Kranz)
Reptilia - Testudines - Protostegidae
Santanachelys gaffneyi n. gen., n. sp. Hirayama 1998
Hirayama 1998
Ostracoda indet. Latreille 1802
Kellner 1999
see common names

Country:Brazil State/province:Ceará
Coordinates: 7.2° South, 39.7° West (view map)
Paleocoordinates:8.6° South, 8.1° West
Basis of coordinate:based on nearby landmark
Geographic resolution:local area
Period: Cretaceous Epoch: Early Cretaceous
10 m.y. bin: Cretaceous 2-3
Key time interval: Late Aptian
Age range of interval: 119.5 - 113 m.y. ago
Geological group:Santana Formation:Romualdo
Stratigraphic resolution:member
Stratigraphy comments: Santana Formation suggested to be early Albian in age by Heimhofer & Hochuli (2010) on the basis of palynomorphs
From Melo et al. 2020: In summary, this integrated study of foraminifera, ostracodes and other microfossil data from the Romualdo Formation indicates that the local Alagoas Stage (Ostracoda Zone RT-011) can now be constrained to the Aptian. Arai and Assine 2020 also support that the Romualdo Formation and Santana Group is entirely Aptian in age.
Lithology and environment
Primary lithology:concretionary calcareous "shale"
Includes fossils?Y
Lithology description: fossils are from "limestone concretions embedded in shales" (Kellner and Campos 2002). "The Romualdo Member is a 4-30 m thick sequence of fissile, laminated black shales with numerous elliptical and sub-spherical concretions"
Environment:lagoonal/restricted shallow subtidal Tectonic setting:pull-apart basin
Geology comments: "lagoonal" (Kellner and Campos 2002); "The unit was deposited under quasi-marine conditions in the Araripe Basin, a large fault-bounded pull-apart basin that developed during the early stages of the opening of the Atlantic Ocean".
Modes of preservation:body,concretion
Lagerst�tten type:conservation
Size of fossils:macrofossils
Preservation of anatomical detail:excellent
Articulated whole bodies:all
Associated major elements:none
Disassociated major elements:none
Disassociated minor elements:none
Temporal resolution:snapshot
Spatial resolution:parautochthonous
Collection methods and comments
Collection methods:selective quarrying,chemical,field collection,survey of museum collection
Reason for describing collection:taxonomic analysis
Collection method comments: pterosaur is at the Museu de Ciencias da Terra/Departamento Nacional de Producao Mineral (DGM)
SMNK: Staatliches Museum fuer Naturkunde, Karlsruhe, Germany
Database number:67712
Authorizer:J. Alroy, E. Vlachos, M. Uhen, R. Benson, M. Carrano, R. Butler Enterer:J. Alroy, M. Uhen, E. Vlachos, M. Carrano, R. Benson, R. Butler
Modifier:M. Carrano Research group:vertebrate
Created:2006-12-06 21:21:46 Last modified:2023-11-06 14:03:29
Access level:the public Released:2006-12-06 21:21:46
Creative Commons license:CC BY
Reference information

Primary reference:

6053. R. C. Martins Neto and A. W. A. Kellner. 1988. Primeiro registro de pena na Formacao Santana (Cretaceo inferior), Bacia do Araripe, nordeste do Brasil. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias 60:61-68 [J. Hunter/J. Hunter/J. Hunter]

Secondary references:

25208ETE J. d. S. Bittencourt and A. W. A. Kellner. 2004. On a sequence of sacrocaudal theropod dinosaur vertebrae from the Lower Cretaceous Santana Formation, northeastern Brazil. Arquivos do Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro 62(3):309-320 [M. Carrano/M. Carrano]
32266 M. Fastnacht. 2001. First record of Coloborhynchus (Pterosauria) from the Santana Formation (Lower Cretaceous) of the Chapada do Araripe, Brazil. Palaeontologische Zeitschrift 75(1):23-36 [R. Butler/R. Butler]
41936 E. S. Gaffney, D. de Almeida Campos, and R. Hirayama. 2001. Cearachelys, a new side-necked turtle (Pelomedusoides: Bothremydidae) from the Early Cretaceous of Brazil. American Museum Novitates 3319:1-20 [R. Benson/R. Benson/R. Benson]
27976 E. S. Gaffney, H. Tong, and P. A. Meylan. 2006. Evolution of the side-necked turtles: The families Bothremydidae, Euraxemydidae, and Araripemydidae. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 300:1-318 [M. Uhen/M. Uhen/M. Uhen]
33195 U. Heimhofer and P. A. Hochuli. 2010. Early Cretaceous angiosperm pollen from a low-latitude succession (Araripe Basin, NE Brazil). Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 161:105-126 [R. Butler/R. Butler/P. Santamarina]
19353 R. Hirayama. 1998. Oldest known sea turtle. Nature 392:705-708 [J. Alroy/J. Alroy]
8717 A. W. A. Kellner. 1996. Fossilized theropod soft tissue. Nature 379:32 [M. Carrano/M. Carrano/M. Carrano]
12526ETE A. W. A. Kellner. 1996. Remarks on Brazilian dinosaurs. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 39(3):611-626 [M. Carrano/M. Carrano/M. Carrano]
87155% 53980A. W. A. Kellner. 1999. Short note on a new dinosaur (Theropoda, Coelurosauria) from the Santana Formation (Romualdo Member, Albian), northeastern Brazil. Boletim do Museu Nacional, Nova Série 49:1-8 [M. Carrano/M. Carrano/J. Alroy]
32263 A. W. A. Kellner and D. d.e. A. Campos. 1994. A new species of Tupuxuara (Pterosauria, Tapejaridae) from the Early Cretaceous of Brazil. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 66:467-473 [R. Butler/R. Butler]
87165% 1700A. W. A. Kellner and D. d. A. Campos. 1998. Archosaur soft tissue from the Cretaceous of the Araripe Basin, northeastern Brazil. Boletim do Museu Nacional, Nova Série 42:1-22 [M. Carrano/M. Carrano/M. Carrano]
40022 A. W. A. Kellner and D. d. A. Campos. 1999. Vertebrate paleontology in Brazil — a review. Episodes 22(3):238-251 [M. Carrano/M. Carrano]
13838ETE A. W. A. Kellner and D. d. A. Campos. 2000. Brief review of dinosaur studies and perspectives in Brazil. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 72(4):509-538 [M. Carrano/M. Carrano/M. Carrano]
28368 A. W. A. Kellner and D. A. Campos. 2002. The function of the cranial crest and jaws of a unique pterosaur from the Early Cretaceous of Brazil. Science 297:389-392 [J. Alroy/J. Alroy]
32265 A. W. A. Kellner and Y. Tomida. 2000. Description of a new species of Anhangueridae (Pterodactyloidea) with comments on the pterosaur fauna from the Santana Formation (Aptian-Albian), northeastern Brazil. National Science Museum Monograph 17:1-135 [R. Butler/R. Butler]
34569 D. M. Martill. 2011. A new pterodactyloid pterosaur from the Santana Formation (Cretaceous) of Brazil. Cretaceous Research 32(2):236-243 [R. Butler/R. Butler/S. Bruning]
32271 D. M. Martill and D. Naish. 2006. Cranial crest development in the azhdarchoid pterosaur Tupuxuara, with a review of the genus and tapejarid monophyly. Palaeontology 49(4):925-941 [R. Butler/R. Butler]
30129 D. M. Martill and M. P. Witton. 2008. Catastrophic failure in a pterosaur skull from the Cretaceous Santana Formation of Brazil. Zitteliana B 28:175-183 [R. Butler/R. Butler]
41978 P. A. Meylan. 1996. Skeletal morphology and relationships of the Early Cretaceous side-necked turtle, Araripemys barretoi (Testudines: Pelomedusoides: Araripemydidae), from the Santana Formation of Brazil. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 16(1):20-33 [R. Benson/R. Benson]
64023 G. R. Oliveira and A. W. A. Kellner. 2007. A new side-necked turtle (Pleurodira, Pelomedusoides) from the Santana Formation (Early Cretaceous), Araripe Basin, Northeastern Brazil. Zootaxa 1425:53-61 [E. Vlachos/E. Vlachos]
86329 T. B. Ribeiro, P. M. M. Brito, and P. V. L. G. Costa Pereira. 2023. The predominance of teeth in the non-avian dinosaur record from Cretaceous Brazil: a review. Historical Biology [M. Carrano/M. Carrano]
45773 S. Wenz and A. W. A. Kellner. 1986. Découverte du premier Ionoscopidae (Pisces, Halecomorphi) sud-américain, Oshunia brevis n.g., n.sp., dans le Crétacé inférieur de la Chapada do Araripe (nord-est du Brésil). Bulletin du Museum national d'historie naturelle. Section C. Sciences de la terre, paleontologie, geologie, mineralogie 8(1):77-88 [M. Bell/M. Bell/M. Bell]
32272 M. P. Witton. 2009. A new species of Tupuxuara (Thalassodromidae, Azhdarchoidea) from the Lower Cretaceous Santana Formation of Brazil, with a note on the nomenclature of Thalassodromidae. Cretaceous Research 30:1293-1300 [R. Butler/R. Butler]