Upper Site: Aquitanian - Burdigalian, Australia

List of taxa
Where & when
Taphonomy & methods
Metadata & references
Taxonomic list
Mammalia - Peramelemorphia
Galadi speciosus Travouillion et al. 2010
Travouillion et al. 2010
Mammalia - Peramelemorphia - Yaralidae
Yarala burchfieldi Muirhead and Filan 1995
Muirhead and Filan 1995
Mammalia - Diprotodontia - Pseudocheiridae
Paljara sp. Woodburne et al. 1987
species name not given
Pseudochirops sp. Marschie 1915
species name not given
species name not given
Gawinga aranaea Roberts et al. 2007
species name not given
Mammalia - Diprotodontia - Miralinidae
Durudarwiri inusitatus n. gen., n. sp. Crosby and Archer 2000
Crosby and Archer 2000
Mammalia - Diprotodontia - Macropodidae
Gumardee keari Travouillon et al. 2022
Travouillon et al. 2022
QM F19620, left maxilla with M1–4; QM F19627, right maxilla with M4; QM F19641, right juvenile dentary with m4 in crypt; QM F19685, right dentary with m1–4; QM F19930, right dentary with m1 talonid, m2–3; QM F19948, right juvenile dentary with dp3, p3 out of its crypt, m1.
Gumardee webbi Travouillon et al. 2022
Travouillon et al. 2022
QM F19926, left maxilla with broken P3. VVC-F Site: QM F57594, left maxilla with P2, dP3, M1–2, broken M3.
Cookeroo hortusensis Butler et al. 2016
Butler et al. 2016 12 specimens
Mammalia - Diprotodontia - Phascolarctidae
Litokoala garyjohnstoni n. sp. Louys et al. 2007
Louys et al. 2007
Mammalia - Diprotodontia
Ganawamaya acris n. gen., n. sp. Cooke 1992
Cooke 1992
Balbaroo fangaroo n. gen., n. sp. Cooke 2000
Cooke 2000
Mammalia - Notoryctemorphia - Notoryctidae
Naraboryctes philcreaseri Archer et al. 2010
Archer et al. 2010
Reptilia - Theropoda - Menuridae
Menura tyawanoides n. sp. Boles 1995
Boles 1995
Reptilia - Pythonidae
Morelia riversleighensis (Smith and Plane 1985)
Scanlon 2001 1 individual
partial skeleton of large individual, comprising right dentary and anterior part of right compound bone (both AR l3392), left maxilla (AR l3l36), 89 partial to complete vertebrae (AR 10842), and fragments of ribs including 11 rib heads (AR 13134, 13135, 14123)
Reptilia - Madtsoiidae
Nanowana godthelpi Scanlon 1997
Scanlon 1997 5 specimens
QMF 31389, dentary; QMF 23066, palatine; QMF 31390, maxilla fragment; QMF 23067, 31385, pterygoids
Nanowana schrenki n. sp. Scanlon 1997
Scanlon 1997 4 specimens
QMF 31395 (holotype), right palatine; QMF 31390, 31391, 31394, maxilla fragments
Yurlunggur sp. Scanlon 1992
Scanlon 2005 2 fragments
2 partial dentaries (QM F23064, F51380)
Insecta - Coleoptera
Polyphaga indet. Emery 1886
Duncan et al. 1998 2 specimens
QM F34583, F34586
Insecta - Coleoptera - Curculionidae
Curculionidae indet. (Latreille 1802)
Duncan et al. 1998 2 specimens
QM F16648, F34585
Insecta - Coleoptera - Histeridae
Histeridae indet. Gyllenhal 1808
Duncan et al. 1998 1 specimen
QM F34582 (1 measurement)
Insecta - Coleoptera - Ommatidae
Ommatidae indet. Sharp and Muir 1912
Duncan et al. 1998 1 specimen
QM F34595
Insecta - Trichoptera
Trichoptera indet. Kirby 1815
Duncan et al. 1998 9 specimens
QM F34584, F34587-F34594
Myriapoda - Julida
Julida indet. Leach 1814
Duncan et al. 1998 2 specimens
QM F34596
see common names

Country:Australia State/province:Queensland
Coordinates: 19.0° South, 138.7° East (view map)
Paleocoordinates:30.7° South, 134.7° East
Basis of coordinate:stated in text
Geographic resolution:outcrop
Period: Neogene Epoch: Miocene
Stage: Aquitanian - Burdigalian 10 m.y. bin: Cenozoic 5
Key time interval: Aquitanian - Burdigalian
Age range of interval: 23.03 - 15.98 m.y. ago
Formation:System B
Stratigraphy comments: System B is "early Miocene" based on biochronology
Lithology and environment
Primary lithology: "limestone"
Environment:terrestrial indet.
Modes of preservation:body
Size of fossils:mesofossils
Collection methods and comments
Collection excludes:some genera
Collection methods:acetic
Reason for describing collection:taxonomic analysis
Collection method comments: Queensland Museum collection (QM)
Michael Archer reference collection (AR), University of New South Wales (possibly serving as temporary registration)
Also known as:Godthelp’s Hill, Riversleigh
Database number:106497
Authorizer:J. Alroy, M. Clapham, M. Uhen, J. Mueller, A. Dunhill, P. Mannion Enterer:J. Alroy, M. Clapham, M. Uhen, T. Liebrecht, B. Allen, A. Garcia Selles, G. Varnham
Modifier:M. Uhen Research group:vertebrate
Created:2011-03-21 12:53:11 Last modified:2020-08-03 12:42:24
Access level:the public Released:2011-03-21 12:53:11
Creative Commons license:CC BY
Reference information

Primary reference:

35571. K. K. Roberts, M. Archer, S. J. Hand and H. Godthelp. 2007. New genus and species of extinct Miocene ringtail possums (Marsupialia: Pseudocheiridae). American Museum Novitates 3560:1-15 [J. Alroy/J. Alroy/M. Uhen]

Secondary references:

42926 M. Archer, R. Beck, M. Gott, S. Hand, H. Godthelp and K. Black. 2010. Australia’s first fossil marsupial mole(Notoryctemorphia) resolves controversies about their evolution and palaeoenvironmental origins. Proceeding of Royal Sosiety. Serie B 3 [J. Alroy/A. Garcia Selles]
35812 W. E. Boles. 1995. A preliminary analysis of the Passeriformes from Riversleigh, Northwestern Queensland, Australia, with the description of a new species of Lyrebird. Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg 181:163-170 [J. Alroy/J. Alroy]
59034 K. Butler, K. J. Travouillon, G. J. Price, M. Archer, and S. J. Hand. 2016. Cookeroo, a new genus of fossil kangaroo (Marsupialia, Macropodidae) from the Oligo-Miocene of Riversleigh, Northwestern Queensland, Australia. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 36(3):e1083029 [M. Uhen/M. Uhen/M. Uhen]
43259 B. N. Cooke. 1992. Primitive macropodids from Riversleigh, north-western Queensland. Ameghiniana 16(3):201-217 [J. Alroy/A. Garcia Selles]
43254 B. N. Cooke. 2000. Cranial Remains of a New Species of Balbarine Kangaroo (Marsupialia: Macropodoidea) fromthe Oligo-Miocene Freshwater Limestone Deposits of Riversleigh World Heritage Area,Northern Australia. Journal of Paleontology 74(2):317-326 [J. Alroy/A. Garcia Selles]
43089 K. Crosby and M. Archer. 2000. Durudawirines, a new group of Phalangeroid marsupials from the Miocene of Riversleigh, northwestern Queensland. Journal of Paleontology 74(2):327-335 [J. Alroy/A. Garcia Selles/G. Lloyd]
50466 I. J. Duncan, D. E. G. Briggs, and M. Archer. 1998. Three-dimensionally mineralized insects and millipedes from the Tertiary of Riversleigh, Queensland, Australia. Palaeontology 41:835-851 [M. Clapham/M. Clapham/M. Clapham]
43111 J. Louys, K. Black, M. Archer, S. J. Hand, and H. Godthelp. 2007. Descriptions of koala fossils from the Miocene of Riversleigh, northwestern Queensland and implications for Litokoala (Marsupialia, Phascolarctidae). Alcheringa 31(2):99-110 [J. Alroy/A. Garcia Selles]
43416 J. Muirhead and S. Filan. 1995. Yarala burchfieldi, a Plesiomorphic Bandicoot (Marsupialia, Peramelemorphia) from Oligo- Miocene Deposits of Riversleigh, Northwestern Queensland. Journal of Paleontology 69(1):127-134 [J. Alroy/A. Garcia Selles]
73261 T. J. Myers, K. H. Black, M. Archer and S. J. Hand. 2017. The identification of Oligo-Miocene mammalian palaeocommunities from the Riversleigh World Heritage Area, Australia and an appraisal of palaeoecological techniques. PeerJ 5(e3511):1-31 [M. Uhen/M. Uhen]
17333 J. D. Scanlon. 1997. Nanowana gen. nov., small madtsoiid snakes from the Miocene of Riversleigh: sympatric species with divergently specialised dentition. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 41(2):393-412 [J. Head/J. Head]
49982 J. D. Scanlon. 2001. Montypythonoides: the Miocene snake Morelia riversleighensis (Smith & Plane, 1985) and the geographical origin of pythons. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists 25:1-35 [J. Mueller/T. Liebrecht]
58841 J. D. Scanlon. 2005. Cranial morphology of the Plio-Pleistocene giant madtsoiid snake Wonambi naracoortensis. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 50(1):139-180 [J. Mueller/T. Liebrecht/M. Uhen]
43037 K. J. Travouillion, Y. Gurovich, R. M. D. Beck and J. Muirhead. 2010. An exceptionally well-preserved short-snouted bandicoot (Marsupialia; Peramelemorphia) from Riversleigh's Oligo-Miocene deposits, northwestern Queensland, Australia. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 30(5):1528-1546 [J. Alroy/A. Garcia Selles/A. Garcia Selles]
80801 K. J. Travouillon, K. Butler, M. Archer and S. J. Hand. 2022. Two new species of the genus Gumardee (Marsupialia, Macropodiformes) reveal the repeated evolution of bilophodonty in kangaroos. Alcheringa: An Australasian Journal of Palaeontology [P. Mannion/G. Varnham]