Obora, southern edge of ravine: Asselian, Czech Republic
collected by J. Kukalová, K. Havlata, A. Havlatová

List of taxa
Where & when
Taphonomy & methods
Metadata & references
Taxonomic list
Insecta - Oboriphlebiidae
Protereisma informal nymph 5
Kukalová 1968 1 specimen
    = Kukalova sp. Demoulin 1970
Demoulin 1970
    = Oboriphlebia quinta n. sp. Hubbard and Kukalová-Peck 1980
Hubbard and Kukalová-Peck 1980
Protereisma informal nymph 2
Kukalová 1968 1 specimen
    = Kukalova moravica n. sp. Demoulin 1970
Demoulin 1970
Protereisma informal nymph 3
Kukalová 1968 1 specimen
    = Kukalova sp. Demoulin 1970
Demoulin 1970
    = Oboriphlebia tertia n. sp. Hubbard and Kukalová-Peck 1980
Hubbard and Kukalová-Peck 1980
Protereisma informal nymph 4
Kukalová 1968 1 specimen
    = Kukalova sp. Demoulin 1970
Demoulin 1970
    = Oboriphlebia quarta n. sp. Hubbard and Kukalová-Peck 1980
Hubbard and Kukalová-Peck 1980
Insecta - Jarmilidae
Ephemeroptera informal nymph 6
Kukalová 1968 1 specimen
    = Jarmila elongata n. gen., n. sp. Demoulin 1970
Demoulin 1970
Syntonopteroidea indet. Handlirsch 1911
Kukalová-Peck 1985 1 specimen
Insecta - Meganisoptera - Meganeuridae
Stephanotypus sp. Zessin 1983
Brauckmann and Zessin 1989 1 specimen
1/1983 unidentified specimen in Riek & Kukalova, 1989
Insecta - Oboraneuridae
Oboraneura kukalovae n. gen., n. sp. Zessin 2008
Zessin 2008 1 specimen
Kukalova-Peck collection at Carleton University (1 measurement)
Insecta - Miomoptera - Palaeomanteidae
Permonikia permoniki n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová 1963
1 specimen
(1 measurement)
Miomatoneura angusta n. sp. Kukalová 1963
1 specimen
(1 measurement)
Miomatoneura permica n. sp. Kukalová 1963
1 specimen
(1 measurement)
Miomatoneura candida n. sp. Kukalová 1963
1 specimen
(1 measurement)
Perunopterum sp. Kukalová 1963
2 specimens
(1 measurement)
Permodelopterum lumbiformis n. sp. Kukalová 1963
1 specimen
(1 measurement)
? Perunopterum corium n. sp. Kukalová 1963
1 specimen
(1 measurement)
Perunopterum saxeum n. sp. Kukalová 1963
1 specimen
(2 measurements)
Perunopterum mirum n. sp. Kukalová 1963
1 specimen
(1 measurement)
? Permodelopterum lepidum n. sp. Kukalová 1963
1 specimen
(1 measurement)
Perunopterum peruni n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová 1963
3 specimens
(4 measurements)
Perunopterum macrum n. sp. Kukalová 1963
1 specimen
(1 measurement)
Permodelopterum obscurum n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová 1963
1 specimen
(1 measurement)
Miomatoneurella boskovicensis n. sp. Kukalová 1963
1 specimen
(1 measurement)
Delopterum sinuosum n. sp. Kukalová 1963
2 specimens
(4 measurements)
Delopterum lepidum n. sp. Kukalová 1963
1 specimen
(1 measurement)
Delopterum sp. Sellards 1909
6 specimens
(8 measurements)
Delopterum truncatum n. sp. Kukalová 1963
2 specimens
(2 measurements)
Permonia arta n. sp. Kukalová 1963
1 specimen
(1 measurement)
Permonia permoni n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová 1963
1 specimen
(1 measurement)
Permonia insolida n. sp. Kukalová 1963
1 specimen
(1 measurement)
Insecta - Permosialidae
Epimastax celer n. sp. Kukalová 1965
Kukalová 1965 1 specimen
Charles University 22/1964 (1 measurement)
Insecta - Protelytroptera
Venelytron tuberculatum n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová 1965
Kukalová 1965 1 specimen
Charles University 5/1964 (1 measurement)
Insecta - Protelytroptera - Planelytridae
Planelytron planum n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová 1965
Kukalová 1965 1 specimen
Charles University 4/1964 (1 measurement)
Insecta - Protelytroptera - Archelytridae
Ortelytron artum n. sp. Kukalová 1965
Kukalová 1965 1 specimen
Charles University 7/1964 (1 measurement)
Ortelytron europaeum n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová 1965
Kukalová 1965 1 specimen
Charles University 8/1964 (3 measurements)
Insecta - Protelytroptera - Permelytridae
Blattelytridae indet. Tillyard 1931
Carpenter and Kukalová 1964 1 specimen
Charles University 6/1965; isolated hindwing very similar to Parablattelytron
Insecta - Protelytroptera
Glabelytron lativenosum n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová 1965
Kukalová 1965 1 specimen
Charles University 9/1964 (1 measurement)
Crasselytron convexum n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová 1965
Kukalová 1965 1 specimen
Charles University 1/1964 (1 measurement)
Rugelytron fuscum n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová 1965
Kukalová 1965 1 specimen
Charles University 3/1964 (1 measurement)
Insecta - Protelytroptera - Apachelytridae
Apachelytron transversum n. gen., n. sp. Carpenter and Kukalová 1964
Carpenter and Kukalová 1964 1 specimen
Charles University 47/1964 Coll. A. Havlatova; Locality unspecified (2 measurements)
Insecta - Phyloblattidae
Phyloblattidae informal indet. 1
Schneider 1984 1 specimen
KUP 94 (1 measurement)
Phyloblattidae informal indet. 2
Schneider 1984 1 specimen
UUG 4 (1 measurement)
Phyloblatta informal sp 3
Schneider 1984 3 specimens
UUG 9, 32; KUP 68 (1 measurement)
Phyloblatta informal sp 2
Schneider 1984 1 specimen
FG 284/178 (1 measurement)
Phyloblatta informal sp indet 1
Schneider 1984 1 specimen
KUP 107 (1 measurement)
Phyloblatta obliqua n. sp. Schneider 1984
Schneider 1984 1 specimen
UUG 13 (1 measurement)
Phyloblatta praecurvata n. sp. Schneider 1984
Schneider 1984 22 specimens
KUP 8, 27, 34, 39, 40, 44, 47, 52, 101, 104-106, 108 UUG 14, 18, 21, 22, 24, 26, 28, 29, 33 (9 measurements)
Phyloblatta disiuncta n. sp. Schneider 1984
Schneider 1984 1 specimen
KUP 29 (1 measurement)
Phyloblatta praecompacta n. sp. Schneider 1984
Schneider 1984 18 specimens
KUP 5-7, 20, 37, 57, 60, 66, 83, 102, 103; UUG 7, 10, 15, 19, 20, 25, 27 (9 measurements)
Phyloblatta deserta n. sp. Schneider 1984
Schneider 1984 1 specimen
KUP 31 (1 measurement)
Phyloblatta compactiformis n. sp. Schneider 1984
Schneider 1984 7 specimens
KUP 9, 19, 30, 48, 66, 69, 100 (4 measurements)
Insecta - Blattodea - Mylacridae
Moravamylacris kukalovae n. gen., n. sp. Schneider 1980
Schneider 1980 22 specimens
KUP 13, 1, 2, 10, 14, 15, 16, 24, 32, 38, 45, 51, 65, 67, 74, 77, 82, 85, 93, 172, 174, 178 (11 measurements)
Opsiomylacris sp. Haupt 1952
Schneider 1980 1 specimen
KUP 87
Opsiomylacris cf. svitaviensis Schneider 1980
Schneider 1980 1 specimen
KUP 179 (1 measurement)
Insecta - Protorthoptera - Cymbopsidae
Cymbopsis excelsa n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová 1965
Kukalová 1965 1 specimen
Charles University 17/1964 (1 measurement)
Insecta - Paoliida - Blattinopsidae
Glaphyrophlebia clava n. sp. Kukalová 1965
Kukalová 1965 1 specimen
Charles University 13/1964 (1 measurement)
Insecta - Paoliida - Anthracoptilidae
Spargoptilon confertus n. sp. Kukalová 1965
Kukalová 1965 1 specimen
Charles University 19/1964 (1 measurement)
Spargoptilon latericius n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová 1965
Kukalová 1965 1 specimen
Charles University 18/1964 (1 measurement)
Insecta - Paoliida - Paoliidae
Permula acra n. sp. Kukalová 1964
Kukalová 1964 1 specimen
(1 measurement)
Insecta - Cnemidolestodea - Sylvabestiidae
Cerasopterum sp. Kukalová 1964
Kukalová 1964 1 specimen
(1 measurement)
Cerasopterum gracile n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová 1964
Kukalová 1964 5 specimens
(5 measurements)
Insecta - Cnemidolestodea - Protembiidae
Ventopterum rapidum n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová 1964
Kukalová 1964 1 specimen
(1 measurement)
Insecta - Grylloblattodea - Liomopteridae
Drahania avia n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová 1964
Kukalová 1964 1 specimen
(1 measurement)
Cerasopterum oborianum n. sp. Kukalová 1964
Kukalová 1964 1 specimen
(1 measurement)
Cerasopterum subtile n. sp. Kukalová 1964
Kukalová 1964 2 specimens
(2 measurements)
Cerasopterum cf. subtile Kukalová 1964
Kukalová 1964 1 specimen
(1 measurement)
Cerasopterum extendum n. sp. Kukalová 1964
Kukalová 1964 1 specimen
(1 measurement)
Cerasopterum longum n. sp. Kukalová 1964
Kukalová 1964 1 specimen
(1 measurement)
Fumopterum largum n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová 1964
Kukalová 1964 1 specimen
(1 measurement)
Donopterum sp. Kukalová 1964
Kukalová 1964 1 specimen
Donopterum carpenteri n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová 1964
Kukalová 1964 1 specimen
(1 measurement)
Donopterum nocturnum n. sp. Kukalová 1964
Kukalová 1964 1 specimen
(1 measurement)
Depressopterum fragile n. sp. Kukalová 1964
Kukalová 1964 1 specimen
(1 measurement)
Depressopterum senior n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová 1964
Kukalová 1964 1 specimen
(1 measurement)
Depressopterum mancum n. sp. Kukalová 1964
Kukalová 1964 1 specimen
(1 measurement)
Tyrannopterum minimum n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová 1964
Kukalová 1964 1 specimen
(1 measurement)
Lioma sp. Kukalová 1964
Kukalová 1964 1 specimen
(1 measurement)
    = Lioma kukalovae n. sp. Storozhenko 1998
Storozhenko 1998
DPCU 85/1963
Lioma moravica n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová 1964
Kukalová 1964 1 specimen
(1 measurement)
Insecta - Grylloblattodea - Havlatiidae
Zephyropterum lentum n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová 1964
Kukalová 1964 1 specimen
(1 measurement)
Havlatia annae n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová 1964
Kukalová 1964 1 specimen
(1 measurement)
Insecta - Grylloblattodea - Camptoneuritidae
Jablonia aestiva n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová 1964
Kukalová 1964 1 specimen
(1 measurement)
Insecta - Grylloblattodea - Epideigmatidae
Turbopterum finum n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová 1964
Kukalová 1964 1 specimen
(1 measurement)
Insecta - Grylloblattodea - Lemmatophoridae
Oborella rusticana n. sp. Kukalová 1964
Kukalová 1964 2 specimens
(2 measurements)
Blania rotunda n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová 1964
Kukalová 1964 1 specimen
(1 measurement)
Oborella inexpectata n. sp. Kukalová 1964
Kukalová 1964 1 specimen
(1 measurement)
Blania falsa n. sp. Kukalová 1964
Kukalová 1964 1 specimen
(1 measurement)
Blania oviformis n. sp. Kukalová 1964
Kukalová 1964 1 specimen
(1 measurement)
Oborella matura n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová 1964
Kukalová 1964 2 specimens
(3 measurements)
Insecta - Coleoptera - Tshekardocoleidae
Tshekardocoleidae indet. Rohdendorf 1944
Kukalová 1968 2 specimens
Charles University 19/1968, Charles University 2/1964 (1 measurement)
Votocoleus submissus n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová 1968
Kukalová 1968 1 specimen
Charles University 2/1968 (1 measurement)
Boscoleus blandus n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová 1968
Kukalová 1968 1 specimen
Charles University 5/1968 (1 measurement)
Eocoleus scaber n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová 1968
Kukalová 1968 1 specimen
Charles University 12/1968 (1 measurement)
Umoricoleus perplex n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová 1968
Kukalová 1968 1 specimen
Charles University 13/1968 (1 measurement)
Retelytron conopeum n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová 1965
Kukalová 1968 2 specimens
Charles University 6/1968, Charles University 6/1964 (2 measurements)
Moravocoleus fractus n. sp. Kukalová 1968
Kukalová 1968 1 specimen
Charles University 8/1968 (1 measurement)
Moravocoleus neglegens n. sp. Kukalová 1968
Kukalová 1968 1 specimen
Charles University 9/1968 (1 measurement)
Moravocoleus permianus n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová 1968
Kukalová 1968 4 specimens
Charles University 1/1968, 11/1968, 3/1968, 6/1968 (2 measurements)
Prosperocoleus prosperus n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová 1968
Kukalová 1968 1 specimen
Charles University 4/1968 (1 measurement)
Insecta - Coleoptera
Moravocoleus perditus n. sp. Kukalová 1968
Kukalová 1968 1 specimen
Charles University 14/1968 (1 measurement)
Insecta - Coleoptera - Oborocoleidae
Oborocoleus rohdendorfi n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová 1968
Kukalová 1968 1 specimen
Charles University 7/1968 (1 measurement)
Liberocoleus intactus n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová 1968
Kukalová 1968 1 specimen
Charles University 15/1968 (1 measurement)
Insecta - Protomeroptera - Protomeropidae
Protomeropidae indet. Tillyard 1926
Kukalová-Peck and Willmann 1990 3 specimens
26/1989, 27/1989, 28/1989 (3 measurements)
Pseudomeropella nekvasilovae n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová-Peck and Willmann 1990
Kukalová-Peck and Willmann 1990 1 specimen
18/1989 (1 measurement)
Stenomerope spinari n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová-Peck and Willmann 1990
Kukalová-Peck and Willmann 1990 21 specimens
(1 measurement)
Pseudomerope mareki n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová-Peck and Willmann 1990
Kukalová-Peck and Willmann 1990 6 specimens
1/1989-6/1989 (3 measurements)
Pseudomerope havlati n. sp. Kukalová-Peck and Willmann 1990
Kukalová-Peck and Willmann 1990 2 specimens
7/1989, 8/1989 (1 measurement)
Pseudomerope oborana n. sp. Kukalová-Peck and Willmann 1990
Kukalová-Peck and Willmann 1990 5 specimens
9/1989-13/1989 (3 measurements)
Insecta - Permotrichoptera - Microptysmellidae
Microptysmella moravica n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová-Peck and Willmann 1990
Kukalová-Peck and Willmann 1990 1 specimen
30/1989 (1 measurement)
Insecta - Mecoptera - Kaltanidae
Moravochorista carolina n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová-Peck and Willmann 1990
Kukalová-Peck and Willmann 1990 1 specimen
29/1989 (1 measurement)
Insecta - Megasecoptera - Caulopteridae
Cauloptera colorata n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová-Peck 1975
Kukalová-Peck 1975 1 specimen
(1 measurement)
Insecta - Megasecoptera - Ancopteridae
Ancoptera sp. Kukalová-Peck 1975
Kukalová-Peck 1975 1 specimen
Ancoptera permiana n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová-Peck 1975
Kukalová-Peck 1975 1 specimen
(1 measurement)
Insecta - Megasecoptera - Engisopteridae
Engisoptera simplices n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová-Peck 1975
Kukalová-Peck 1975 1 specimen
(1 measurement)
Insecta - Megasecoptera - Bardohymenidae
Alexahymen maruska n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová-Peck 1972
Kukalová-Peck 1972 3 specimens
(3 measurements)
Insecta - Megasecoptera - Alectoneuridae
Alectoneura europaea n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová-Peck 1975
Kukalová-Peck 1975 1 specimen
Insecta - Megasecoptera - Moravohymenidae
Moravohymen vitreus n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová-Peck 1972
Kukalová-Peck 1972 1 specimen
(1 measurement)
Insecta - Megasecoptera - Arcioneuridae
Anconeura havlatai n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová-Peck 1975
Kukalová-Peck 1975 1 specimen
(1 measurement)
Arcioneura juveniles n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová-Peck 1975
Kukalová-Peck 1975 1 specimen
(1 measurement)
Insecta - Diaphanopterodea
Stenodiapha moravica n. sp. Kukalová-Peck 1974
Kukalová-Peck 1974 2 specimens
(1 measurement)
Stenodiapha angusta n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová-Peck 1974
Kukalová-Peck 1974 4 specimens
(3 measurements)
Paradiapha delicatula n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová-Peck 1974
Kukalová-Peck 1974 2 specimens
(2 measurements)
Permodiapha sp. Kukalová-Peck 1974
Kukalová-Peck 1974 1 specimen
Permodiapha lata n. sp. Kukalová-Peck 1974
Kukalová-Peck 1974 2 specimens
(3 measurements)
Permodiapha carpenteri n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová-Peck 1974
Kukalová-Peck 1974 2 specimens
(2 measurements)
Permodiapha specula n. sp. Kukalová-Peck 1974
Kukalová-Peck 1974 1 specimen
(1 measurement)
Protodiapha lineata n. sp. Kukalová-Peck 1974
Kukalová-Peck 1974 1 specimen
Protodiapha maculifera n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová-Peck 1974
Kukalová-Peck 1974 2 specimens
(1 measurement)
Diapha candida n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová-Peck 1974
Kukalová-Peck 1974 2 specimens
(2 measurements)
Elmodiapha ovata n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová-Peck 1974
Kukalová-Peck 1974 2 specimens
(2 measurements)
Insecta - Palaeodictyoptera - Calvertiellidae
Moravia convergens n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová 1964
Kukalová 1964 5 specimens
2 additional wings (nymph and subimago) in Kukalova-Peck and Peck 1976 (3 measurements)
Insecta - Palaeodictyoptera - Hanidae
Hana lineata n. sp. Kukalová-Peck 1975
Kukalová-Peck 1975 1 specimen
(1 measurement)
Hana filia n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová-Peck 1975
Kukalová-Peck 1975 3 specimens
(2 measurements)
Insecta - Palaeodictyoptera
Monsteropterum moravicum n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová-Peck 1972
Kukalová-Peck 1972 1 specimen
(1 measurement)
Insecta - Reculida - Skaliciidae
Skalicia rara n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová 1964
Kukalová 1964 1 specimen
(1 measurement)
Insecta - Reculida - Sylvaphlebiidae
Chlumia sp. Kukalová 1964
Kukalová 1964 1 specimen
Chlumia obesa n. sp. Kukalová 1964
Kukalová 1964 1 specimen
(1 measurement)
Chlumia parva n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová 1964
Kukalová 1964 3 specimens
(3 measurements)
Brnia raketa n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová 1964
Kukalová 1964 5 specimens
(4 measurements)
Brnia cf. raketa Kukalová 1964
Kukalová 1964 1 specimen
(2 measurements)
Insecta - Eoblattida - Doubraviidae
Doubravia sp. Kukalová 1964
Kukalová 1964 1 specimen
Doubravia annosa n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová 1964
Kukalová 1964 1 specimen
(1 measurement)
Insecta - Eoblattida - Euryptilonidae
Villopterum villosum n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová 1964
Kukalová 1964 1 specimen
(1 measurement)
Villopterum proximum n. sp. Kukalová 1964
Kukalová 1964 1 specimen
Sharovipterum alatum n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová 1964
Kukalová 1964 1 specimen
(2 measurements)
Torrentopterum pallidum n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová 1964
Kukalová 1964 1 specimen
(1 measurement)
Maculopterum maculatum n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová 1964
Kukalová 1964 1 specimen
(1 measurement)
Quercopterum decussatum n. gen., n. sp. Kukalová 1964
Kukalová 1964 2 specimens
(4 measurements)
see common names

Country:Czech Republic
Coordinates: 49.5° North, 16.6° East (view map)
Paleocoordinates:4.8° North, 24.2° East
Basis of coordinate:based on nearby landmark
Geographic resolution:outcrop
Period: Permian Epoch: Cisuralian
Stage: Asselian 10 m.y. bin: Permian 1
Key time interval: Asselian
Age range of interval: 298.9 - 293.52 m.y. ago
Stratigraphic resolution:bed
Stratigraphy comments: Middle Bačov beds. 45 cm under the 20 cm thick bed of massive clayey limestone. The age of unit is not satisfactorily resolved and differs by author and study. Kozur (1980) and Pešek et al. (2001) suggested a late Autunian to early Saxonian age whereas Šimůnek & Martínek (2009) and Schneider & Werneburg (2012) interpreted a Sakmarian to Artinskian age for the formation. In contrast Štamberg (2014), based on duration of fish zones, believes that the upper part of the formation is still of Asselian age. Opluštil et al. (2017) assigned the Letovice formation to the Asselian.
Lithology and environment
Primary lithology:gray,yellow lithified argillaceous "shale"
Lithology description: Gray-yellow mottled clayey slate
Environment:lacustrine - small Tectonic setting:rift
Geology comments: The Boskovice graben is an SSW to NNE trending, elongated asymmetrical basin.
Modes of preservation:mold/impression
Size of fossils:macrofossils,mesofossils
Collection methods and comments
Reason for describing collection:taxonomic analysis
Collectors:J. Kukalová, K. Havlata, A. Havlatová
Also known as:Obora
Database number:114186
Authorizer:M. Clapham Enterer:M. Clapham, J. Karr
Modifier:M. Clapham Research group:paleoentomology
Created:2011-08-11 15:33:48 Last modified:2020-05-02 09:19:33
Access level:the public Released:2011-08-11 15:33:48
Creative Commons license:CC BY
Reference information

Primary reference:

37061. J. Kukalová. 1963. Permian insects of Moravia. Part I - Miomoptera. Sborník Geologických Ved, Paleontologie 1:7-52 [M. Clapham/M. Clapham/M. Clapham]

Secondary references:

39926 C. Brauckmann and W. Zessin. 1989. Neue Meganeuridae aus dem Namurium von Hagen-Vorhalle (BRD) und die Phylogenie der Meganisoptera. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 36(1-3):177-215 [M. Clapham/J. Karr]
40482 F. M. Carpenter and J. Kukalová. 1964. The structure of the Protelytroptera, with description of a new genus from Permian strata of Moravia. Psyche 71:183-197 [M. Clapham/J. Karr/M. Clapham]
40228 G. Demoulin. 1970. Remarques critiques sur des larves "Ephemeromorphes" du Permien. Bulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique 46(3):1-10 [M. Clapham/M. Clapham]
40227 M. D. Hubbard and J. Kukalová-Peck. 1980. Permian mayfly nymphs: new taxa and systematic characters. In J. F. Flannagan, K. E. Marshall (eds.), Advances in Ephemeroptera Biology 19-31 [M. Clapham/M. Clapham/M. Clapham]
37083 J. Kukalová. 1964. Review of the Calvertiellidae, with description of a new genus from Permian strata of Moravia (Palaeodictyoptera). Psyche 71(4):153-168 [M. Clapham/M. Clapham]
37076 J. Kukalová. 1964. Permian insects of Moravia. Part II - Liomopteridea. Sborník Geologických Ved, Paleontologie 3:39-118 [M. Clapham/M. Clapham/M. Clapham]
47288 J. Kukalová. 1965. Permian Protelytroptera, Coleoptera and Protorthoptera (Insecta) of Moravia. Sborník Geologických Ved, Paleontologie 6:61-95 [M. Clapham/J. Karr]
47197 J. Kukalová. 1968. On the systematic position of the supposed Permian beetles, Tschecardocoleidae, with a description of a new collection from Moravia. Sbornik geologickych ved, paleontologie 11:139-161 [M. Clapham/J. Karr]
40229 J. Kukalová. 1968. Permian mayfly nymphs. Psyche 74:310-327 [M. Clapham/M. Clapham/M. Clapham]
37084 J. Kukalová-Peck. 1972. Unusual structures in the Paleozoic insect Orders Megasecoptera and Palaeodictyoptera, with a description of a new family. Psyche 79:243-268 [M. Clapham/M. Clapham]
37085 J. Kukalová-Peck. 1974. Wing-folding in the Paleozoic insect order Diaphanopterodea (Paleoptera), with a description of new representatives of the family Elmoidae. Psyche 81:315-333 [M. Clapham/M. Clapham]
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