Barranca south of Lago Colhue-Huapi, Gran Barranca: Bartonian, Argentina
collected by C. Ameghino, C. S. Williams, H. Herrera, W. Stein, Scarritt Expedition, G. F. Sternberg, L. G. Marshall, O. Gutierrez

List of taxa
Where & when
Taphonomy & methods
Metadata & references
Taxonomic list
Reptilia - Madtsoiidae
? Madtsoia sp. Simpson 1933
Albino 1993 7 specimens
MACN-A 10879a, MACN-A 10879b, MACN-A 10888, three fragments of trunk vertebrae's centra; MACN-A 10892a, centrum fragment with right prezyg. of a trunk vertebra; MACN-A 10892b, centrum fragment with left prezyg. of a trunk vertebra; MACN-A 10873a and 10873b, fragments of a trunk vertebrae.
Reptilia - Boidae
? Boa sp. Linnaeus 1758
Albino 1993 1 specimen
MACN-A 10875, partial trunk vertebra
Reptilia - Crocodylomorpha
Megalosauridae indet. (Fitzinger 1843)
Ameghino 1906 1 specimen
MACN 10871, tooth
    = Crocodylomorpha indet. Hay 1930
Simpson 1932
Proplanodus adnepos n. gen., n. sp. Ameghino 1902
Ameghino 1902 1 specimen
MACN 12015, four ?incisors
Mammalia - Pilosa
Pilosa indet. (Flower 1883)
Carlini et al. 2005
Mammalia - Cingulata - Dasypodidae
"Pseudostegotherium" chubutanum n. sp. Ameghino 1902
Ameghino 1902 10 specimens
MACN A-10438 (carapace osteoderms, syntype); MPEF PV 5425, 6344, 6398, 6465, 6516, 7234A, 7660B; AMNH 28745, 28851
Anteutatus lenis Ameghino 1902
Simpson 1948 1 specimen
MACN 10459, five scutes. Holotype may also be from here.
Utaetus deustus n. sp. Ameghino 1902
Ameghino 1902 1 specimen
MACN 10431, four scutes
Utaetus buccatus n. sp. Ameghino 1902
Ameghino 1902 1 specimen
AMNH 28668, neotype, 200-300 scutes; part of cephalic shield, two areas of associated buckler scutes, two areas of movable bands, connected parietals with parts of squamosals and temporals, fragments of occipitals, crushed maxilla with four teeth, both sides of lower jaw with most of the teeth, nine isolated teeth; parts of nine vertebrae; one chevron bone, several rib fragments; parts of both scapulae, one humerus and ulna, and both radii; one ilium and fragment of the other, parts of one ischium and pubis, parts of one femur and fibula, and various tarsals, metatarsals, and phalanges. Original holotype was MACN 10457, 18 scutes, metacarpal, and calcaneum, locality uncertain.
Posteutatus indentatus n. sp. Ameghino 1902
Ameghino 1902 1 specimen
MACN 10464, three scutes
Posteutatus scabridus n. sp. Ameghino 1902
Ameghino 1902 1 specimen
MACN 10463, three scutes
Orthutaetus crenulatus n. sp. Ameghino 1902
Ameghino 1902 1 specimen
MACN 10430, scute
Posteutatus indemnis n. sp. Ameghino 1902
Ameghino 1902 1 specimen
MACN 10442, eight scutes
Orthutaetus clavatus n. sp. Ameghino 1902
Ameghino 1902 1 specimen
MACN 10440, scute
Machlydotherium sp. Ameghino 1902
Carlini et al. 2005
? Machlydotherium sparsus n. sp. Ameghino 1902
Ameghino 1902 1 specimen
MACN 10427, two broken buckler scutes. Simpson (1948) suspects these specimens were really from the Mustersan. They were said to be from the upper part of the "Notostylopéen" (?= El Nuevo level).
Meteutatus percarinatus n. sp. Ameghino 1902
Ameghino 1902 1 specimen
MACN 10453, buckler scute
Parutaetus signatus n. sp. Ameghino 1902
Ameghino 1902 1 specimen
MACN 10422, six scutes
Parutaetus clusus n. sp. Ameghino 1902
Ameghino 1902 1 specimen
MACN 10436, two scutes
Parutaetus chicoensis n. sp. Ameghino 1902
Ameghino 1902 1 specimen
MACN 10429, six scutes
Prostegotherium notostylopianum n. sp. Ameghino 1902
Ameghino 1902 1 specimen
MACN 10451, 33 scutes
Prostegotherium astrifer n. sp. Ameghino 1902
Ameghino 1902 1 specimen
MACN 10444, 18 scutes
Mammalia - Cingulata - Peltephilidae
Peltephilidae indet. Ameghino 1894
Carlini et al. 2005
Mammalia - Panameriungulata - Didolodontidae
Didolodus multicuspis Ameghino 1897
Simpson 1948 6 specimens
MACN 10720, mandible with m3 and possibly associated isolated M1 and C; MACN 10738, right P1 and left P2; MACN 10729, left M2; AMNH 28475, mandible p4, m2-3; AMNH 2878, M3; AMNH 28774, p4. Additional specimens are types of synonyms.
Didolodus colligatus n. sp. Ameghino 1902
Ameghino 1902 1 specimen
MACN 10736, right and left m2, left p3-4
Lonchoconus lanceolatus n. gen., n. sp. Ameghino 1901
Ameghino 1901 1 specimen
MACN 10730, left M1
Didolodus minor Simpson 1948
Gelfo 2010
Ernestokokenia nitida Ameghino 1901
Simpson 1948 1 specimen
AMNH 28477, left m3
Lambdaconus porcus n. sp. Ameghino 1901
Ameghino 1901 1 specimen
MACN 10721, maxilla fragment with broken M2 and complete M3
Paulogervaisia inusta n. sp. Ameghino 1901
Ameghino 1901 3 specimens
MACN 10664, right m3, type of Paulogervaisia inusta; MACN 10719, right jaw fragment with p3-m2 and maxillary fragment with M2-3 and isolated right M2, type of Lambdaconus mamma; MPEF 7621, isolated right m2.
Lambdaconus mamma n. sp. Ameghino 1901
Ameghino 1901 1 specimen
MACN 10719: fragmentary mandible p3-m2; maxilla with broken M2-3; broken M2; other fragments. Simpson (1948:107) selected the maxilla as the lectotype and doubted the referral of the other fragments.
Proectocion argentinus n. sp. Ameghino 1904
Ameghino 1904 1 specimen
MACN 10673, M3
Proectocion precisus n. sp. Ameghino 1904
Ameghino 1904 1 specimen
MACN 10679, maxilla with P4-M3
Mammalia - Panameriungulata - Macraucheniidae
Rutimeyeria conulifera n. gen., n. sp. Ameghino 1901
Ameghino 1901 1 specimen
MACN 12013, upper molar
Mammalia - Panameriungulata - Proterotheriidae
Guilielmofloweria plicata n. gen., n. sp. Ameghino 1901
Ameghino 1901 1 specimen
MACN 10703, left upper cheek tooth (type)
Josepholeidya deculca n. sp. Ameghino 1901
Ameghino 1901 1 specimen
MACN 10682, upper molar
Anisolambda fissidens Ameghino 1901
Cifelli 1985
Ricardolydekkeria praerupta n. sp. Ameghino 1901
Ameghino 1901 1 specimen
MACN 10701, right upper cheek tooth
Ricardolydekkeria profunda n. sp. Ameghino 1901
Ameghino 1901 1 specimen
MACN 10706, partial right upper cheek tooth (lectotype); two fragments of upper teeth and two of lower molars.
Mammalia - Notoungulata - Archaeopithecidae
Archaeopithecus rogeri n. gen., n. sp. Ameghino 1897
1 specimen
MACN 10816, maxilla P1-M2
Adpithecus plenus n. sp. Ameghino 1902
Ameghino 1902 1 specimen
MACN 10851, partial M1 and complete M2
Notopithecus fossulatus n. sp. Ameghino 1897
3 specimens
MACN 10824, dentary p3-4 (lectotype); unassociated dentary with p4-m1; P?2
Mammalia - Notoungulata
Transpithecus obtentus n. sp. Ameghino 1901
Ameghino 1901 10 specimens
MACN-A 10833a, maxilla M1-3 (lectotype). AMNH 28791, P2-P4; AMNH 28861, dentary p2-m3; AMNH 28953, maxilla P3-M3; FMNH P14895, dentary m3; MACN-A 10824, P2; MACN-A 10833b, M2; MACN-A 10833c, M3; MACN-A 10845, P4; MPEF-PV 1284, dentary p3-m1 (from "Puesto Almendra")
Notopithecus adapinus n. gen., n. sp. Ameghino 1897
2 individuals
Syntypes: MACN 10822, associated jaw, limb bone, and vertebra fragments; and MACN 10843, jaw fragments and isolated teeth.
Adpithecus secans Ameghino 1901
Simpson 1967
Referred specimens in Ameghino Collection.
Adpithecus subtenuis n. sp. Ameghino 1902
Ameghino 1902 2 specimens
MACN 10834, maxilla P3-M3 (lectotype), maxilla P4-M2
Antepithecus brachystephanus n. sp. Ameghino 1901
Ameghino 1901 10 specimens
MACN 10841, seven isolated upper teeth (including lectotype M2), fragmentary maxilla, two fragmentary dentaries
Infrapithecus cinctus n. sp. Ameghino 1901
Ameghino 1901 1 specimen
MACN 10826, dentary p2-m3
Antepithecus interrasus n. sp. Ameghino 1904
Ameghino 1904 1 specimen
MACN 10859, maxillary P2-M2
Tonostylops spissus n. gen., n. sp. Ameghino 1902
Ameghino 1902 1 specimen
MACN 10483, dentary ?m2-3
Mammalia - Notoungulata - Notostylopidae
Catastylops deflexus n. sp. Ameghino 1904
Ameghino 1904 1 specimen
MACN 10493, maxilla with P2-4
Notostylops bicinctus n. sp. Ameghino 1897
1 specimen
MACN 10512, left upper premolar
Notostylops murinus n. gen., n. sp. Ameghino 1897
2 specimens
MACN 10500, partial skull (paralectotype); MACN 10498, both sides of lower jaw (lectotype). Numerous referred specimens.
Notostylops chicoensis n. sp. Ameghino 1902
Ameghino 1902 1 specimen
MACN 10518, right m1-2
Notostylops promurinus n. sp. Ameghino 1904
Ameghino 1904 1 specimen
MACN 10507, maxilla with P3-M3, molars broken
Entelostylops completus n. sp. Ameghino 1901
Ameghino 1901 1 specimen
MACN 10492, maxilla P4-m3
Isostylops fretus n. sp. Ameghino 1902
Ameghino 1902 4 specimens
MACN 10494, four isolated premolars
Notostylops parvus n. sp. Ameghino 1897
2 specimens
MACN 10527, right p2-m3, left p3-m2; MACN 10534, left p3-m3; probably all one individual
Homalostylops rigeo n. sp. Ameghino 1901
Ameghino 1901 1 specimen
MACN 10473, partial lower jaw with left p3-m3, right p3-4
Entelostylops incolumis n. sp. Ameghino 1901
Ameghino 1901 4 specimens
MACN 10495, four uppre molars
Acrostylops pungiunculus n. sp. Ameghino 1901
Ameghino 1901 1 specimen
MACN 10468, mandible with right i3 and p1-m2, left i2 and p3-4
Mammalia - Notoungulata
"Acoelodus" proclivus n. sp. Ameghino 1902
Ameghino 1902 1 specimen
MACN 10752, isolated M1 (type), jaw fragment with p3-4
Mammalia - Notoungulata - Isotemnidae
Isotemnus primitivus Ameghino 1897
Simpson 1967
Amphitemnus nucleatus n. sp. Ameghino 1904
Ameghino 1904 1 specimen
MACN 10619, broken left m3
Isotemnus conspiquus n. sp. Ameghino 1897
1 specimen
MACN 10583, maxilla M1-2 (lectotype), left dentary m2-3
Amphitemnus transitorius n. sp. Ameghino 1904
Ameghino 1904 1 specimen
MACN 10623, m2-3
Trimerostephanos angustus n. sp. Ameghino 1897
1 specimen
MACN 10593, dentary p2-m2
Dimerostephanos colhuehuapensis n. sp. Ameghino 1902
Ameghino 1902 1 specimen
MACN 10604, dentary p4-m3 (lectotype)
Acoelodus oppositus Ameghino 1897
Simpson 1967 1 specimen
MACN 10753, partial skull with right C, P2-M3; left I1-3, C, P2-M3 (neotype)
    = Coelostylodon caroloameghinoi n. sp. Simpson 1970
Simpson 1970
Simpson (1948) designated this specimen as the neotype of _Acoelodus oppositus_, but this was erroneous as the original type still exists. Simpson (1970) instead referred it to the new species _Coelostylodon caroloameghinoi_.
Coelostylodon florentinoameghinoi n. gen., n. sp. Simpson 1970
Simpson 1970 1 specimen
MMP 723M, skull
Plexotemnus complicatissimus n. sp. Ameghino 1904
Ameghino 1904 1 specimen
MACN A55-1, upper and lower jaw fragments apparently of the same individual (type)
Thomashuxleya rostrata Ameghino 1901
Simpson 1967 3 specimens
MACN 10542, M1-3; AMNH 28692, lower jaws; AMNH 28764, dentary p4
Anisotemnus distentus (Ameghino 1901)
Simpson 1967 2 specimens
AMNH 28696, mandible with right i2-m3 and left p3-m2; AMNH 29389, dentary p3-m3
Pleurostylodon modicus Ameghino 1897
Simpson 1967
Types of synonyms, and: MACN 10554, almost complete lower jaw; AMNH 28878, partial skull; AMNH 28644, left P1-m3 and right M1-3; AMNH 28763, dentary p4-m2; AMNH 28630, dentary p2-m3; AMNH 28689, dentary p3-m3; AMNH 28717, jaws with right P3-m3, right p1-2, left p1-4; AMNH 28709, m1-3; AMNH 28948, dentary p3-m3; AMNH 28880, partial skull; AMNH 28646, partial skull; CNHM P13528, skull; CNHM P13296, partial skull; CNHM P13309, partial skull; CNHM P13620, maxilla with dP2-4, M1-3, P2-4
Trimerostephanos biconus n. sp. Ameghino 1897
1 specimen
MACN 10548, dentary m1-2 (lectotype), edentulous dentary, m2, astragalus, calcaneum
Anchistrum sulcosum n. sp. Ameghino 1901
Ameghino 1901 1 specimen
MACN 10767, maxilla dP2-4, M1
Dimerostephanos attritus n. sp. Ameghino 1902
Ameghino 1902 1 specimen
MACN 10609, dentary with parts of m2-3
Pleurostylodon divisus n. sp. Ameghino 1901
Ameghino 1901 4 specimens
MACN 10567, broken M?2 (lectotype), three premolars
Tychostylops marculus n. sp. Ameghino 1901
Ameghino 1901 1 specimen
MACN 10625, left M3, type
Paratemnus geminatus n. sp. Ameghino 1904
Ameghino 1904 1 specimen
MACN 10606, maxilla P1-M2
Tychostylops simus n. sp. Ameghino 1904
Ameghino 1904 1 specimen
MACN 10607, right P4 and M2-3, left P4, M1, M3
Porotemnus crassiramis n. sp. Ameghino 1902
Ameghino 1902 1 specimen
MACN 10610, dentary with p4 (lectotype), possibly associated m1 and p3, and another lower premolar
Mammalia - Notoungulata - Oldfieldthomasiidae
Ultrapithecus rutilans n. gen., n. sp. Ameghino 1901
Ameghino 1901 8 specimens
MACN 10818, maxilla P1-M2 (type); AMNH 28706, palate P1-M3; AMNH 28583, palate with left dI2-dP4 and M1, right dP1-4, M1, part of M2; MHN Tournouër No. 23, maxilla P2-M3
Paginula parca Ameghino 1901
Cifelli 1985
Oldfieldthomasia parvidens n. sp. Ameghino 1901
Ameghino 1901 5 specimens
MACN 10763, right P4-M2 (type) and three isolated upper cheek teeth; MHN Tournouër 21, partial skull
Oldfieldthomasia pulchella n. sp. Ameghino 1901
Ameghino 1901 1 specimen
MACN 10756, maxilla fragment with dP3-4 and M1
Oldfieldthomasia debilitata (Ameghino 1901)
Simpson 1967
Types of synonyms; and: MACN 10765, partial skull; MACN 10761, P4-M3; MACN 10749, four dentary fragments; MACN 10750, three dentary fragments; AMNH 28680, associated dentitions; AMNH 28780, maxila I2-P3 and endocranial cast; AMNH 28632, partial skull; AMNH 28691, partial skull; AMNH 28896, partial skull; AMNH 28730, mandible left p1-m2, right i1-c1; AMNH 28963, mandible left p3-m3, right p2-m2
Oldfieldthomasia transversa n. sp. Ameghino 1901
Ameghino 1901 1 specimen
MACN 10754, isolated upper teeth, probably dP4 and M1 (type)
Oldfieldthomasia furcata n. sp. Ameghino 1901
Ameghino 1901 1 specimen
MACN 10748, left maxilla with P1-M3
Oldfieldthomasia cuneata n. sp. Ameghino 1901
Ameghino 1901 1 specimen
MACN 10762, maxilla P1-M3
Oldfieldthomasia cingulata n. sp. Ameghino 1901
Ameghino 1901 1 specimen
MACN 10772, skull
Oldfieldthomasia conifera n. sp. Ameghino 1901
Ameghino 1901 1 specimen
MACN 10757, maxilla P4-M3
Antepithecus innexus n. sp. Ameghino 1904
Ameghino 1904 1 specimen
MACN 10839, isolated upper molar
Oldfieldthomasia plicata n. sp. Ameghino 1904
Ameghino 1904 3 specimens
MACN 10764, right dM4 (type or lectotype), left M2-3, broken M1
Eostylops obliquatus n. sp. Ameghino 1901
Ameghino 1901 1 specimen
MACN 10482, maxilla M2
Mammalia - Notoungulata - Archaeohyracidae
Eohyrax praerusticus n. sp. Ameghino 1902
Ameghino 1902 1 specimen
MACN 10780, m?1. Other syntypes are not of this species.
Eohyrax isotemnoides n. sp. Ameghino 1904
Ameghino 1902 9 specimens
MACN 10776, dentary p4-m3 (type), upper molar, m3. MACN 10778, M1 or M2, m3, dentary with m3 and partial m2. AMNH 28665, dentary p1-m3. AMNH 28628, right dentary p1-m3, left p4-m2. AMNH 28844, M1-2.
Mammalia - Notoungulata - Henricosborniidae
Henricosbornia ? lophodonta Ameghino 1901
Cifelli 1985
Mammalia - Astrapotheria - Trigonostylopidae
? Trigonostylops duplex n. sp. Ameghino 1901
Ameghino 1901 1 specimen
MACN 12010, broken symphysis
Albertogaudrya unica Ameghino 1901
Simpson 1967 1 specimen
AMNH 28639, P4-M1
Albertogaudrya separata n. sp. Ameghino 1904
Ameghino 1904 1 specimen
MACN 12004, upper molar
Albertogaudrya oxygona n. sp. Ameghino 1904
Ameghino 1904 1 specimen
MACN 12007, partial upper molar
Albertogaudrya tersa n. sp. Ameghino 1902
Ameghino 1902 2 specimens
MACN 16033, upper canine; MACN 12012, incisor. Type apparently an upper molar, not relocated by Simpson (1967).
Scabellia laticincta n. sp. Ameghino 1901
Ameghino 1901 1 specimen
MACN 12008, partial upper cheek tooth
Scabellia cyclogona n. sp. Ameghino 1904
Ameghino 1904 1 specimen
MACN 12005, upper cheek tooth fragments
Trigonostylops wortmani n. gen., n. sp. Ameghino 1897
3 specimens
MACN 10651, M?2, lectotype, P?4, m3 talonid (type series). Other specimens including AMNH 28700, skull
Trigonostylops secundarius n. sp. Ameghino 1901
Ameghino 1901 3 specimens
MACN 10645, upper molar (lectotype), upper molar, upper premolar
Trigonostylops eximius n. sp. Ameghino 1901
Ameghino 1901 3 specimens
MACN 10650, upper molar (lectotype), two m3s, m3 talonid, m?2, m?1, C1
Trigonostylops germinalis n. sp. Ameghino 1904
Ameghino 1904 1 specimen
MACN 10639, upper molar
Trigonostylops coryphodontoides n. sp. Ameghino 1904
Ameghino 1904 1 specimen
MACN 10641, upper molar
Trigonostylops columnifer n. sp. Ameghino 1904
Ameghino 1904 2 specimens
MACN 10638, two upper molars including the lectotype
Trigonostylops hemicyclus n. sp. Ameghino 1901
Ameghino 1901 2 specimens
MACN 10659, m2, lectotype, and another m2
Trigonostylops insumptus n. sp. Ameghino 1901
Ameghino 1901 1 specimen
MACN 10654, M?2
Trigonostylops trigonus n. sp. Ameghino 1901
Ameghino 1901 1 specimen
MACN 10656, broken upper molar
Trigonostylops scabellum Ameghino 1901
Simpson 1967 1 specimen
MACn 10629, p2-4
Trigonostylops minimus n. sp. Ameghino 1901
Ameghino 1901 1 specimen
MACN 10660, M?3
Mammalia - Sparassodonta
Patene coluapiensis n. gen., n. sp. Simpson 1935
Simpson 1935 1 individual
Pseudocladosictis determinabile n. sp. Ameghino 1902
Ameghino 1902 1 specimen
MACN 10325, premolar, holotype
Arminiheringia ? auceta Ameghino 1902
Cifelli 1985
Dilestes dilobus n. gen., n. sp. Ameghino 1902
Ameghino 1902 1 specimen
MACN 10324, a complete lower molar, a broken one, and a fragment (syntypes)
Arminiheringia cultrata n. sp. Ameghino 1902
Ameghino 1902 1 specimen
MACN 10329, isolated M3
Arminiheringia contigua n. sp. Ameghino 1904
Ameghino 1904 1 specimen
MACN 10317, symphysis with right c-m1
Angelocabrerus daptes n. gen., n. sp. Simpson 1970
Simpson 1970 1 specimen
MMP 967M, dentary m2-4 and isolated teeth. "Surface find high in the beds", perhaps post-Casamayoran.
Mammalia - Rosendolopidae
Rosendolops primigenium n. gen., n. sp. Goin and Candela 1996
Goin and Candela 1996 1 specimen
MLP 77-VI-14-3, ?M2, holotype
Mammalia - Polydolopidae
Polydolopidae informal gen. et sp. indet. 1
Chornogubsky 2020 2 specimens
MLP 77-VI-14–5, a right maxillary fragment with P2-M2 (Fig. 10A); AMNH 28437, an isolated left M3
Pseudolops princeps n. gen., n. sp. Ameghino 1902
Ameghino 1902 7 specimens
MACN 10332a, an isolated left P3 (holotype). MACN 10332b-g
Amphidolops serrula n. gen., n. sp. Ameghino 1902
Ameghino 1902 2 specimens
MACN 10357, an isolated left M2 (holotype). AMNH 28438
Eudolops tetragonus n. gen., n. sp. Ameghino 1897
4 specimens
MACN 10358, an isolated right M1 missing posterolabial corner (holotype). AMNH 28437, MACN 10340b, MLP 77-VI-14-5
Propolymastodon cardatus n. sp. Ameghino 1903
Marshall 1982 1 specimen
MACN 10333, part of a left mandibular ramus with M1-2
Promysops acuminatus n. gen., n. sp. Ameghino 1902
Ameghino 1902 1 specimen
MACN 10340a, anterior part of an edentulous right mandibular ramus with alveoli of two small incisors and C, part of diastema and alveoli of P8, and anterior alveolus of M1
Propolymastodon caroliameghinoi n. gen., n. sp. Ameghino 1903
Marshall 1982 1 specimen
MACN 10334, greater part of a left mandibular ramus with P3-M3 complete and an isolated right C
Pliodolops primulus n. gen., n. sp. Ameghino 1902
Ameghino 1902 1 specimen
MACN 10353
Polydolops thomasi n. gen., n. sp. Ameghino 1897
13 specimens
MACN 10338 (lectotype). AC 3171, AMNH 28434, 28440, 28449, FMNH P14717, MACN 10332 (c, e-g), 18469, 18472, MLP 77-VI-13-9, 77-VI-14-7, 77-VI-14-8, MNHN No. 3. From Simpson (1948:59): AMNH 28434 is the holotype of _Polydolops thomasi paahi_. Referred specimens of _P. t. paahi_: CNHM P14717, AMNH 28443, AMNH 28934
Polydolops fur n. sp. Ameghino 1902
Ameghino 1902 1 specimen
MACN 10342
Polydolops simplex n. sp. Ameghino 1904
Ameghino 1904 1 specimen
MACN 10335
Polydolops serra Ameghino 1902
Simpson 1948 2 specimens
MACN 10361, mandible m2-3; MACN 10363, mandible m4 and partial m3
Anissodolops serrifer n. gen., n. sp. (Ameghino 1902)
Ameghino 1902 1 specimen
MACN 10359
Polydolops crassus n. sp. Ameghino 1902
Ameghino 1902 1 specimen
MACN 10349
Ideodelphys microscopicus n. gen., n. sp. Ameghino 1902
Ameghino 1902 1 specimen
MACN 10344
Mammalia - Derorhynchidae
Coona gaudryi n. sp. Simpson 1964
Simpson 1967 2 specimens
MNHN, Tournouër Collection No. 1, two lower jaw fragments, one with right m1-3 one with left p4 and m2
Caroloameghinia mater Ameghino 1901
Simpson 1948 3 specimens
MACN 10348, mandible with p2-3 m1-4, neotype of Simpson (1948), withdrawn by Simpson (1967) after the original holotype was relocated. AMNH 28441a and b, isolated upper molars.
Mammalia - Paucituberculata - Caenolestidae
Progarzonia notostylopense n. gen., n. sp. Ameghino 1904
Ameghino 1904 1 specimen
MACN A55-14, left dentary fragment with premolar. Simpson (1948) could not relocate it in the Ameghino Collection, but Simpson (1967) recorded that it was found again.
Actinopteri - Amiiformes - Amiidae
Pappichthys patagonica n. gen., n. sp.
Ameghino 1906 2 specimens
MACN A-11263, anterior part of a left dentary (holotype). MACN A-11592, abdominal and caudal centra, and an indeterminate bone scrap
see common names

Country:Argentina State/province:Chubut
Coordinates: 45.7° South, 68.7° West (view map)
Paleocoordinates:46.4° South, 60.9° West (Wright 2013)
Basis of coordinate:estimated from map
Geographic resolution:small collection
Period: Paleogene Epoch: Eocene
Stage: Bartonian 10 m.y. bin: Cenozoic 3
*Period:Tertiary *Epoch:Early/Lower Eocene
*Local age/stage:Casamayoran
Key time interval: Bartonian Mammal zone:  Barrancan
Age range of interval: 41.2 - 37.71 m.y. ago
* legacy (obsolete) database fields
Stratigraphic resolution:bed
Stratigraphy comments: Lowest fossil horizon, Casamayor Formation - now referred to as Sarmiento Formation
Initially referred to the Casamayoran SALMA, which was later subdivided. Now considered type sequence for Barrancan SALMA (see Woodburne et al. 2014)
Lithology and environment
Primary lithology: claystone
Lithology description: Bentonite and tuffs
Environment:terrestrial indet.
Modes of preservation:body
Size of fossils:macrofossils,mesofossils
Disassociated minor elements:some
Collection methods and comments
Collection methods:field collection,survey of museum collection
Reason for describing collection:taxonomic analysis
Museum repositories:AMNH,FMNH
Collectors:C. Ameghino, C. S. Williams, H. Herrera, W. Stein, Scarritt Expedition, G. F. Sternberg, L. G. Marshall, O. Gutierrez
Database number:13779
Authorizer:J. Alroy, P. Barrett, P. Mannion, R. Butler, E. Vlachos, J. Zijlstra, M. Carrano Enterer:J. Wertheim, M. Kouvari, M. Carrano, R. Butler, J. Zijlstra, G. Varnham, F. Aspromonte, T. Cleary
Modifier:F. Aspromonte Research group:vertebrate
Collections that are a subset of this one:176176, 176177, 176178, 176179, 176180, 176181, 176182, 176183, 176184, 176185, 176186, 176187, 176188, 176190, 176191, 176192, 176193, 176194
Created:2002-04-25 14:56:36 Last modified:2025-02-22 15:12:02
Access level:the public Released:2002-04-25 14:56:36
Creative Commons license:CC0
Reference information

Primary reference:

36444. F. Ameghino. 1897. Mammiféres crétacés de l’Argentine (Deuxième contribution à la connaissance de la fauna mammalogique de couches à Pyrotherium) [Cretaceous mammals of Argentina (second contribution to the knowledge of the mammalian fauna of the Pyrotherium Beds)]. Boletin Instituto Geografico Argentino 18(4–9):406-521 [M. Uhen/M. Uhen/M. Carrano]

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