Huerva Mbr, Fombuena Fm., Celtiberia, Zaragoza, Spain: Dobrotivian - Berounian, Spain

List of taxa
Where & when
Taphonomy & methods
Metadata & references
Taxonomic list
Rhynchonellata - Rhynchonellida - Trigonirhynchiidae
Rostricellula sp. Ulrich and Cooper 1942
Rhynchonellata - Orthida - Giraldiellidae
Gelidorthis sp.
Rhynchonellata - Orthida - Draboviidae
Drabovia sp. Havlicek 1950
Rhynchonellata - Orthida - Dalmanellidae
Dalmanella sp. Hall and Clarke 1892
Rhynchonellata - Orthida - Heterorthidae
Tafilaltia sp.
Svobodaina sp. Havlicek 1951
Strophomenata - Orthotetida - Triplesiidae
Triplesia sp. Hall 1859
Strophomenata - Strophomenida - Aegiromenidae
Aegiromena sp. HavlĂ­cek 1961
Strophomenata - Strophomenida - Rafinesquinidae
Rafinesquina sp. Hall and Clarke 1892
see common names

Country:Spain State/province:Zaragoza
Coordinates: 41.0° North, 1.0° West (view map)
Paleocoordinates:77.4° South, 11.3° East (Wright 2013)
Basis of coordinate:estimated from map
Geographic resolution:local area
Period: Ordovician
10 m.y. bin: Ordovician 3-4 - Ordovician 4-5
*Period:Late/Upper Ordovician *Epoch:Middle Caradoc - Late/Upper Caradoc
*Local age/stage:Dobrotivian - Berounian
Key time interval: Dobrotivian - Berounian
Age range of interval: 459.7 - 449.7 m.y. ago
* legacy (obsolete) database fields
Formation:Fombuena Member:Huerva
Stratigraphic resolution:member
Lithology and environment
Primary lithology: lithified "shale"
Secondary lithology: lithified argillaceous sandstone
Lithology description: Shale intercalated with argillaceous sandstone
Environment:transition zone/lower shoreface
Size of fossils:macrofossils
Collection methods and comments
Collection excludes:all microfossils,some macrofossils,species names
Reason for describing collection:biostratigraphic analysis
Taxonomic list comments:Primarily articulate brachiopod biostrat. and taxonomy with others listed for biostrat.
Database number:21090
Authorizer:A. Miller Enterer:P. Novack-Gottshall
Modifier:P. Novack-Gottshall Research group:marine invertebrate
Created:2002-06-17 06:24:03 Last modified:2025-02-22 15:12:02
Access level:the public Released:2002-06-17 06:24:03
Creative Commons license:CC0
Reference information

Primary reference:

6394. E. Villas. 1983. Las formaciones del Ordovicico medio y superior de las Cadenas Heircas y su fauna de braquiopodos. Estudios Geologicos (Madrid) 39(5-6):359-377 [A. Miller/P. Novack-Gottshall/P. Novack-Gottshall]