Guimarota: Kimmeridgian, Portugal

List of taxa
Where & when
Taphonomy & methods
Metadata & references
Taxonomic list
Charales - Porocharaceae
Porochara raskyae
Thulborn 1975
Porochara westerbeckensis
Thulborn 1975
Foraminifera indet. Eichwald 1830
Thulborn 1975
"3 genera"
Otozamites mundae
Otozamites sp. Braun 1843
Polypodiopsida - Equisetales - Equisetaceae
Equisetum lusitanicum
? Schizoneura sp. Schimper and Mougeot 1844
Equisetopsida - Araucariaceae
Brachyphyllum sp. Brongniart 1828
Ginkgoopsida - Ginkgoales - Ginkgoaceae
Ginkgo sp. Linnaeus 1771
Ginkgoopsida - Caytoniales - Caytoniaceae
? Caytonia sp. Thomas 1925
Amphibia - Temnospondyli - Urodela
Urodela indet. (Duméril 1805)
Thulborn 1975
Amphibia - Temnospondyli
Anura indet. (Fischer von Waldheim 1813)
Thulborn 1975
Amphibia - Temnospondyli - Albanerpetontidae
Celtedens megacephalus (Costa 1864)
McGowan 2002
disarticulated material
    = Albanerpetontidae indet. Fox and Naylor 1982
Wiechmann 2000
    = Celtedens sp. McGowan and Evans 1995
Gardner and Böhme 2008
n. sp.
Iguanodontidae indet. Bonaparte 1850
Zinke 1998 1 specimen
    = Iguanodontia indet. Baur 1891
Rauhut 2001
Phyllodon henkeli n. gen., n. sp. Thulborn 1975
Thulborn 1975 56 specimens
cf. Ceratosaurus sp. Marsh 1884
Rauhut 2000
Allosauridae indet. Marsh 1878
Zinke 1998
    = Tetanurae indet. Gauthier 1986
Rauhut 2000
Allosaurus sp. Marsh 1877
Rauhut and Fechner 2005
hatchling maxilla; IPFUB Gui Th 4
Allosaurus sp. Marsh 1877
Rauhut and Fechner 2005
hatchling maxilla; IPFUB Gui Th 4
Allosaurus sp. Marsh 1877
Rauhut and Fechner 2005
hatchling maxilla; IPFUB Gui Th 4
Allosaurus sp. Marsh 1877
Rauhut and Fechner 2005
hatchling maxilla; IPFUB Gui Th 4
Allosaurus sp. Marsh 1877
Rauhut and Fechner 2005
hatchling maxilla; IPFUB Gui Th 4
Reptilia - Compsognathidae
cf. Compsognathus sp. Wagner 1861
Zinke 1998
    = Compsognathus sp. Wagner 1861
Rauhut 2000
Reptilia - Dromaeosauridae
cf. Dromaeosaurus sp. Matthew and Brown 1922
Zinke 1998
    = Dromaeosauridae indet. Colbert and Russell 1969
Rauhut 2000
Velociraptorinae indet. Barsbold 1983
Zinke 1998
cf. Richardoestesia sp. Currie et al. 1990
Zinke 1998
Reptilia - Troodontidae
Troodontidae indet. Gilmore 1924
Zinke 1998
Reptilia - Archaeopterygiformes
cf. Archaeopteryx sp. Meyer 1861
Zinke 1998
    = Archaeopterygiformes indet. Furbringer 1888
Rauhut 2000
cf. Paronychodon sp. Cope 1876
Zinke and Rauhut 1994 3 specimens
Stokesosaurus sp. Madsen 1974
Rauhut 2000 1 specimen
    = Aviatyrannis jurassica n. gen., n. sp. Rauhut 2003
Rauhut 2003
IPFUB Gui Th 1
Tyrannosauridae indet. Osborn 1906
Zinke 1998 1 specimen
    = Aviatyrannis jurassica Rauhut 2003
Rauhut 2003
IPFUB Gui Th 2
? Bothriospondylus sp. Owen 1875
Thulborn 1975 5 specimens
IPFUB Gui Sd 1–5 (five teeth)
    = Brachiosauridae indet. Riggs 1904
Rauhut 2001
    = Titanosauriformes indet. Salgado et al. 1997
Mannion 2010
Reptilia - Pterosauria
Pterodactylus sp. Cuvier 1809
Thulborn 1975
Reptilia - Pterosauria - Rhamphorhynchidae
Rhamphorhynchus sp. Meyer 1847
Thulborn 1975
Lisboasaurus estesi n. gen., n. sp. Seiffert 1975
Seiffert 1975 1 individual
FUB Giu 37, near-complete right maxilla with one tooth; plus FUB field batch number Jun 18:13:1
Reptilia - Goniopholididae
Goniopholis baryglyphaeus n. sp. Schwarz 2002
Schwarz 2002 1 specimen
IPFUB Gui Croc 1, holotype: an articulated partial skeleton, including a nearly complete dorso-ventrally ¯attened skull with major portions of the lower jaw; four cervical vertebrae, six thoracic vertebrae, one sacral vertebra and three caudal vertebrae; the right and left coracoids, the left ischium and portions of the right femur, tibia and ®bula, a metacarpal, and several dorsal and ventral osteoderms
Macellodus cf. brodiei Owen 1854
Seiffert 1975 3 specimens
Theriosuchus guimarotae n. sp. Schwarz and Salisbury 2005
Schwarz and Salisbury 2005
IPFUB Gui Croc 7308
Lisboasaurus mitracostatus n. sp. Seiffert 1975
Seiffert 1975
Reptilia - Machimosauridae
Machimosaurus hugii (Meyer 1837)
Krebs 1967 1 individual
Fragments of the snout, part of the frontal, the left postorbital, the pterygoids left and the occiput, also two dorsal vertebrae, two sacral vertebrae, a tail vertebrae, ribs, left fibula, and some armor plates; found in 1961
Reptilia - Cteniogenyidae
Cteniogenys reedi n. sp. Seiffert 1975
Seiffert 1975
Marmoretta sp. Evans 1991
Evans 1991
Parviraptor cf. estesi Evans 1994
Evans 1994
    = Portugalophis lignites n. gen., n. sp. Caldwell et al. 2015
Caldwell et al. 2015
MG-LNEG 28091, left maxilla; MG-LNEG 28094, left dentary; MG-LNEG 28100, partial left maxilla
Reptilia - Dorsetisauridae
Introrsisaurus pollicidens n. gen., n. sp. Seiffert 1975
Seiffert 1975
Reptilia - Paramacellodidae
Saurillus proraformis n. sp. Estes 1983
Seiffert 1975
Saurillus cf. obtusus Owen 1855
Seiffert 1975
Saurillus henkeli n. sp. Seiffert 1975
Seiffert 1975
Becklesisaurus hoffstetteri n. sp. Seiffert 1975
Seiffert 1975 1 specimen
FUB Gui.A56
Reptilia - Plesiochelyidae
Plesiochelyidae indet. Rütimeyer 1873
Bräm 1975
Reptilia - Testudines
Chelonia indet. (Latreille 1800)
Bräm 1975
Platychelys sp. Wagner 1853
Karl et al. 2012
Reptilia - Pleurosternidae
? Carettochelyidae indet. Gill 1889
Bräm 1975
    = Pleurosternidae indet. Cope 1868
Joyce 2014
See also Lapparent de Broin and Murelaga (1999)
Reptilia - Compsemydidae
Peltochelys duchastelli (Dollo 1885)
Karl et al. 2012
Docodonta - Docodontidae
Haldanodon exspectatus n. sp. Kühne and Krusat 1972
Kühne and Krusat 1972
Numerous specimens (SGP series)
Mammalia - Multituberculata - Albionbaataridae
Proalbionbaatar plagiocyrtus n. gen., n. sp. Hahn and Hahn 1998
Hahn and Hahn 1998 2 specimens
IPFUB pl(m1)-1-2 (holotype right m1 and paratype left m1)
Mammalia - Multituberculata - Paulchoffatiidae
Paulchoffatiidae informal gen. A
Hahn and Hahn 1998 6 specimens
V.J. 385-155 and IPFUB A(m2)-1-5 (five m2 teeth)
Paulchoffatiidae informal gen. B
Hahn and Hahn 1998 2 specimens
IPFUB B(m2)-1-2 (two m2 teeth)
Paulchoffatiidae informal gen. C
Hahn and Hahn 1998 1 specimen
IPFUB c(m2)-1 (one m2 tooth)
Paulchoffatiidae informal gen. D sp. 1
Hahn and Hahn 1998 6 specimens
V.J. 163-155 (a left m2), IPFUB D1(m2)-1-5 (five m2 teeth)
Paulchoffatiidae informal gen. D sp. 2
Hahn and Hahn 1998 5 specimens
IPFUB F2(m2)-1-5 (five m2 teeth)
Paulchoffatiidae informal gen. D sp. 3
Hahn and Hahn 1998 15 specimens
V.J. 381-155 (left m2 tooth), 3880155 (right m2 tooth), 389-155 (right m2 tooth); IPFUB D3(m2)-1-12 (twelve m2 teeth)
Paulchoffatiidae informal gen. D sp. 4
Hahn and Hahn 1998 10 specimens
IPFUB D4(m2)-1-10 (ten m2 teeth)
Henkelodon sp. Hahn 1977
Hahn and Hahn 1998 1 specimen
IPFUB H(m1)-6 (an m1 tooth)
Henkelodon naias n. gen., n. sp. Hahn 1977
Hahn 1977
Kuehneodon sp. n. sp. Hahn 1969
Hahn 1977
Kuehneodon simpsoni Hahn 1969
Hahn 1993 1 specimen
V.J. 122-155 (holotype skull)
Kuehneodon guimarotensis n. sp. Hahn 1969
Hahn 1993 4 specimens
V.J. 5-155 (holotype mandible), 6-155, 11-155(questionably), 440-155 (mandibles)
Kuehneodon uniradiculatus n. sp. Hahn 1978
Hahn 1993 5 specimens
V.J. 427-155 (holotype mandible), 428-155, 429-155, 431-155, 442-155 (mandibles)
Kuehneodon dietrichi n. gen., n. sp. Hahn 1969
Hahn 1993 20 specimens
V.J. 4-155 (holotype mandible), 410-155 to 425-155, 429-155, 439-155, 441-155 (mandibles)
Kielanodon hopsoni n. gen., n. sp. Hahn 1987
Hahn 1993 3 individuals
V.J. 463-155 (holotype right maxilla), 464-155 (right maxilla); plus a right p3 reported by Hahn & Hahn (1998) V.J. 382-155
Bathmochoffatia hapax n. gen., n. sp. Hahn and Hahn 1998
Hahn and Hahn 1998 1 specimen
IPFUB ha (m1)-1
Pseudobolodon robustus n. sp. Hahn 1978
Hahn 1993 9 specimens
V.J. 408-155 (holotype mandible), 407-155, 409-155, 430-155 (mandibles)
    = Meketibolodon robustus Hahn 1978
Hahn and Hahn 1998
Additional material: IPFUB Gui Mam 89/76 (left mandible), 10/79 (left mandible with i and p1-4), 6/80 (right mandible with p3-m2), 18/81 (right mandible with m1-2, r(m2)-1, left m2
Parachoffatia thoas n. gen., n. sp. Hahn and Hahn 1998
Hahn and Hahn 1998 3 specimens
IPFUB th(m2)-1 (holotype left m2), -2-3 (paratype right m2s)
Parachoffatia peperethos n. sp.
Hahn and Hahn 1998 1 specimen
IPFUB pe(m2)-1 (holotype right m2)
Parachoffatia staphylos n. sp. Hahn and Hahn 1998
Hahn and Hahn 1998 1 specimen
IPFUB st(m2)-1 (holotype left m2)
Guimarotodon leiriensis n. gen., n. sp. Hahn 1969
Hahn 1993 3 specimens
V.J. 396-155 (holotype mandible), 461-155, 462-155 (mandibles)
Kuehneodon dryas n. sp. Hahn 1977
Hahn 1977
Pseudobolodon oreas n. gen., n. sp. Hahn 1977
Hahn 1977
Pseudobolodon sp. n. sp. Hahn 1977
Hahn 1977
    = Pseudobolodon oreas Hahn 1977
Hahn 2001
Pseudobolodon krebsi n. sp. Hahn and Hahn 1994
Hahn and Hahn 1994 3 specimens
V.J. 447-155 (holotype skull fragments), plus 451-155, 357-155
Renatodon amalthea n. gen., n. sp. Hahn 2001
Hahn 2001 2 specimens
V.J. 457-155 (holotype right maxilla), 452-155 (paratype)
Xenachoffatia oinopion n. gen., n. sp. Hahn and Hahn 1998
Hahn and Hahn 1998 3 specimens
IPFUB oi(m2)-1 (holotype left m2), -2-3 (paratype right m2s)
Meketichoffatia sp. Hahn 1993
Hahn and Hahn 1998 1 specimen
IPFUB M(m1)-1 (an m1 tooth)
Meketichoffatia krausei n. gen., n. sp. Hahn 1993
Hahn 1993 5 individuals
V.J. 110-155 (holotype skull), 443-155, 444-155, 445-155, 446-155 (skulls); plus an m1 referred by Hahn (1998) (IPFUB M(m1)-1)
Meketichoffatia ? krausei Hahn 1993
Hahn and Hahn 1998 6 specimens
V.J. 390-155-395-135 (6 x m1 referred to Paulchoffatia sp. by Hahn (1969))
Paulchoffatia delgadoi n. gen., n. sp. Kuhne 1961
Hahn 1993 9 specimens
V.J. 1-155 (holotype mandible), 2-155, 3-155, 402-155, 403-155 (mandibles); plus specimens referred by Hahn (1998): V.J. 95-155, 96-155, IPFUB de(m2)-1, de(m2)-2 (total of four m2 teeth)
Mammalia - Paurodontidae
Paurodontidae indet. Marsh 1887
Krebs 1969 1 specimen
Drescheratherium acutum n. gen., n. sp. Krebs 1998
Krebs 1998 4 specimens
IPFUB Gui Mam 4/73 (holotype maxilla), 34/A6, 70/74, 1/76
Mammalia - Dryolestidae
Dryolestidae indet. Marsh 1879
Krebs 1969 3 specimens
Guimarotodus inflatus n. gen., n. sp. Martin 1999
Martin 1999 11 specimens
IPFUB Gui Mam 121/75 (holotype right mandible) plus ten other specimens
Krebsotherium lusitanicum n. gen., n. sp. Martin 1999
Martin 1999 79 specimens
IPFUB Gui Mam 9/75 (holotype left mandible) plus 78 other specimens
Dryolestes leirensis n. sp. Martin 1999
Martin 1999 82 specimens
Gui Mam 130/74 (holotype left mandible) plus 81 other specimens. Includes Butterigale sp. of Kuhne 1968
Dryolestes cf. leirensis Martin 1999
Martin 1999 6 specimens
Henkelotherium guimarotae Krebs 1991
Schwarz and Fechner 2004
Nanolestes drescherae n. gen., n. sp. Martin 2002
Martin 2002 46 specimens
The holotype (Gui Mamm 1002) and the following specimens: lower teeth (molars if not otherwise indicated): Gui Mam 1000 (left); 1001 (left); 1003 (left); 1004 (left); 1005 (dp?2-3, left); 1006 (right); 1007 (sectioned for enamel analysis); 1008 (left); 1009 (left); 1010 (left); 1011 (left); 1012 (right); 1013 (dp?3- 5, right); 1014 (left); 1015/1 (right) and 1015/2 (right), most probably from the same individual; 1016 (right); 1017 (right); 1018 (right); 1019 (dp?3-5, right); 1020 (right); 1021 (left); 1022 (left); 1040 (left); anterior dentary fragment with p3-5, broken roots of p2 and alveoli for il-4, c, and pl (Gui Mam 66/79); right dentary with p2 and alveoli for il-4, p1-5, and ml-5 (Guimarota 19; "cf. Peramus" of Ktihne, 1968a); upper teeth (molars if not otherwise indicated): Gui Mam 1023/1 (P4 or 5, left), 1023/2 (left), 1023/3 (left), most probably from the same individual; 1024 (left); 1025 (left); 1026 (left); 1027 (DP? 3-5, left); 1029 (left); 1030 (left); 1031 (right); 1032 (right); 1033 (right); 1034 (DP? 3-5, right); 1035 (right); 1036 (left); 1037 (right); 1038 (right); 1039 (DP? 3-5, right, double-rooted, roots broken, tooth was not shed); 1041 (left); left maxilla fragment consisting of two maxillary fragments and five isolated teeth (C, P1-P4) and a possible molar fragment (Gui Mam 176/ 75).
Holostei indet. Müller 1846
Thulborn 1975
"3 other genera" (1 prob. now Amiidae indet.)
Actinopteri - Amiiformes - Amiidae
Amiidae indet. Huxley 1861
Kriwet 2005
Actinopteri - Lepisosteiformes
Lepidotes sp. Agassiz 1832
Thulborn 1975
Chondrichthyes - Hybodontiformes - Acrodontidae
Asteracanthus sp. Agassiz 1836
Thulborn 1975
Acrodus sp. Agassiz 1834
Thulborn 1975
Leiria paucistriata
Thulborn 1975
Leiria striata
Thulborn 1975
Oertliana kimmeridgiensis
Thulborn 1975
Poisia clivosa
Thulborn 1975
Ostracoda - Podocopida - Darwinulidae
Darwinula sp. Brady and Robertson 1885
Thulborn 1975
Ostracoda - Podocopida - Cyprididae
Cetacella inermis
Thulborn 1975
Ostracoda - Podocopida - Limnocytheridae
Timiriasevia mackerrowi
Thulborn 1975
Theriosynoecum hemigymnon
Thulborn 1975
Theriosynoecum wyomingense
Thulborn 1975
Bisulcocypris sp.
Thulborn 1975
Lamellibranchia indet.
Thulborn 1975
"5 genera"
Gastropoda indet. Cuvier 1795
Thulborn 1975
"8 genera"
see common names

Country:Portugal State/province:Leiria
Coordinates: 39.7° North, 8.8° West (view map)
Paleocoordinates:33.7° North, 1.9° East
Basis of coordinate:estimated from map
Altitude:78 meters
Geographic resolution:local area
Period: Jurassic Epoch: Late Jurassic
Stage: Kimmeridgian 10 m.y. bin: Jurassic 5
*Period:Late/Upper Jurassic *Epoch:Malm
*International age/stage:Early/Lower Oxfordian - Middle Oxfordian
Key time interval: Kimmeridgian
Age range of interval: 154.8 - 149.2 m.y. ago
* legacy (obsolete) database fields
Stratigraphic resolution:group of beds
Stratigraphy comments: two lignite coal layers wth vertebrate fossils. Dated as Oxfordian based on microflora, Kimmeridgian based on ostracods. Recent work (Schudack 1993) favors Kimmeridgian.
Lithology and environment
Primary lithology: coal
Includes fossils?Y
Lithology description: "marly lignite coals"
Geology comments: The dominant plants (Schizoneura (?) and Equisetum) "are assumed to have lived in a shallow lagoon of fresh to brackish water, whereas the other elements may have drifted in from a nearby coast"
Modes of preservation:body,mold/impression
Lagerst�tten type:concentrate
Degree of concentration:concentrated
Size of fossils:macrofossils,mesofossils,microfossils
Preservation of anatomical detail:excellent
Disassociated major elements:many
Disassociated minor elements:many
Collection methods and comments
Collection methods:surface (in situ),mechanical,field collection
Reason for describing collection:taxonomic analysis
Database number:24563
Authorizer:A. Rees, P. Barrett, R. Benson, O. Rauhut, J. Hunter, P. Mannion, M. Carrano Enterer:A. Rees, P. Mannion, K. Maguire, M. Carrano, T. Cleary, M. Hall, R. Benson, O. Rauhut
Modifier:M. Carrano Research group:paleobotany
Created:2002-08-09 14:22:33 Last modified:2023-11-17 15:36:52
Access level:the public Released:2002-08-09 14:22:33
Creative Commons license:CC BY
Reference information

Primary reference:

6907.PGAP C. Brauckmann. 1978. Beitrag zur Flora der Grube Guimarota (Ober-Jura; Mittel-Portugal). Geologica et Palaeontologica 12:213-222 [A. Rees/A. Rees/A. Rees]

Secondary references:

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