UCMP V83125, Skull Crest: Middle Campanian, Montana

List of taxa
Where & when
Taphonomy & methods
Metadata & references
Taxonomic list
Reptilia - Ceratopsidae
Judiceratops tigris n. gen., n. sp. Longrich 2013
Longrich 2013 1 individual
Holotype: YPM VPPU 022404, partial skull including postorbital horns, parts of the frontals, prefrontals, and lacrimals, parts of right squamosal and parietals, occipital condyle and parts of supraoccipital;
Reptilia - Hadrosauridae
Brachylophosaurus goodwini n. sp. Horner 1988
1 individual
UCMP 130139
see common names

Country:United States State/province:Montana County:Hill
Coordinates: 49.0° North, 110.6° West (view map)
Paleocoordinates:59.1° North, 66.2° West (Wright 2013)
Basis of coordinate:unpublished field data
Geographic resolution:small collection
Period: Cretaceous Epoch: Late Cretaceous
Stage: Campanian 10 m.y. bin: Cretaceous 7
*Period:Late/Upper Cretaceous *Epoch:Senonian
*International age/stage:Late/Upper Campanian
Key time interval: Middle Campanian
Age range of interval: 83.6 - 72.1 m.y. ago
* legacy (obsolete) database fields
Geological group:Montana Formation:Judith River Member:McClelland Ferry
Stratigraphic resolution:member
Stratigraphy comments: "approximate middle" of Judith River Formation, approximately 15 m above coal bed "assumed to be equivalen to top of the 'Foremost Formation' of Alberta."
Lithology and environment
Primary lithology:brown,green mudstone
Secondary lithology:flute casts,gray,yellow sandstone
Includes fossils?Y
Lithology description: "alternating greenish-brown mudstones and grey-to-tan fluted sandstones (Goodwin, pers. comm.). Thin carbonaceous sandstones and shales occasionally occur a the bases of the massive fluted sandstones.
Environment:terrestrial indet.
Modes of preservation:body
Degree of concentration:dispersed
Size of fossils:macrofossils
Preservation of anatomical detail:good
Associated major elements:many
Disassociated minor elements:some
Temporal resolution:snapshot
Spatial resolution:parautochthonous
Collection methods and comments
Collection methods:selective quarrying,mechanical,field collection
Reason for describing collection:taxonomic analysis
Museum repositories:UCMP
Also known as:Brachylophosaurus goodwini type site, Canadian Creek
Database number:26779
Authorizer:M. Carrano, P. Mannion Enterer:M. Carrano, J. Tennant
Modifier:M. Carrano Research group:vertebrate
Created:2002-10-31 08:51:45 Last modified:2025-02-22 15:12:02
Access level:the public Released:2002-10-31 08:51:45
Creative Commons license:CC0
Reference information

Primary reference:

7405. J. R. Horner. 1988. A new hadrosaur (Reptilia, Ornithischia) from the Upper Cretaceous Judith River Formation of Montana. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 8(3):314-321 [M. Carrano/M. Carrano/M. Carrano]

Secondary references:

46503 N. R. Longrich. 2013. Judiceratops tigris, a new horned dinosaur from the middle Campanian Judith River Formation of Montana. Bulletin of the Peabody Museum of Natural History 54(1):51-65 [P. Mannion/J. Tennant/M. Carrano]
59188 J. C. Mallon, C. J. Ott, P. L. Larson, E. M. Iuliano, and D. C. Evans. 2016. Spiclypeus shipporum gen. et sp. nov., a boldly audacious new chasmosaurine ceratopsid (Dinosauria: Ornithischia) from the Judith River Formation (Upper Cretaceous: Campanian) of Montana, USA. PLoS ONE 11(5):e0154218:1-40 [M. Carrano/M. Carrano]