Sossis: Priabonian, Spain

List of taxa
Where & when
Taphonomy & methods
Metadata & references
Taxonomic list
Reptilia - Iguanidae
Geiseltaliellus sp. Kuhn 1944
Bolet and Evans 2013 1 specimen
IPS 56090, partial left dentary with twelve teeth (eight complete)
Geiseltaliellus pradiguensis Auge 2007
Bolet and Evans 2013 4 specimens
IPS 56093, partial right dentary with four teeth; IPS 56094, partial right maxilla with four teeth (three complete); IPS 59521, fragment of ?dentary with five teeth; IPS 59523, five fragments of dentary with teeth
? Scincoidea indet. Oppel 1811
Bolet and Evans 2013 2 specimens
IPS 56061, partial left dentary with two teeth; IPS 56168, fragment of right dentary with one tooth
    = Pyrenasaurus evansae Bolet and Auge 2014
Bolet and Auge 2014
Reptilia - Cordylidae
Pseudolacerta sp. De Stefano 1903
Bolet and Evans 2013 3 specimens
IPS 56164, partial right dentary with eight teeth (five complete); IPS 56165, fragment of dentary with two teeth; IPS 56152, anterior part of right dentary with five (broken) teeth
Reptilia - Scincidae
? Scincidae indet. Gray 1825
Bolet and Evans 2013 2 specimens
IPS 56193, ?dentary fragment with five preserved teeth; ?IPS 56052, fragment of tooth-bearing bone with one tooth.
Cordyliformes indet. Fitzinger 1826
Bolet and Evans 2013 2 specimens
IPS 49848, more than 300 body osteoderms; and less certainly IPS 56195, anterior (symphyseal region) fragment of left dentary with two preserved teeth.
Reptilia - Anguidae
Anguinae indet. Gray 1825
Bolet and Evans 2013 25 specimens
IPS 49847a, elongated body osteoderm; IPS 49847b, thousands of elongated body osteoderms; IPS 49851a, rounded body osteoderm; IPS 49851b, more than 100 rounded body osteoderms; IPS 56082, partial dorsal vertebra; IPS 56162, two body osteoderms; IPS 56234, two partial vertebrae; IPS 56085, posterior fragment of parietal; IPS 56086, posterior fragment of a right frontal; IPS 56080, dorsal vertebra; IPS 56081, 37 partial vertebral centra, condyles showing tendency to be triangular in ventral view; IPS 56083, multiple vertebral condyles; IPS 59486, 30 body osteoderms; IPS 56159, body osteoderm; IPS 56231, three body osteoderms; IPS 59490, four fragments of vertebrae; IPS 59504, vertebra condyle; IPS 59509, three body osteoderms; IPS 59487, two vertebral condyles; and less certainly: IPS 59473, vertebral centrum; IPS 59496, four partial vertebrae; IPS 56128, tooth-bearing bone with one broken tooth; 56129, maxilla fragment with one broken tooth; IPS 56130, anterior fragment of left maxilla; IPS 56136, fragment of left dentary with one broken tooth.
Glyptosaurinae indet. Marsh 1872
Bolet and Evans 2013 3 specimens
IPS 56167, fragment of ?dentary with two preserved teeth; IPS 56149, fragment of ?maxilla with one preserved tooth; IPS 56150, fragment of maxilla with one preserved tooth.
Glyptosaurini indet. Sullivan 1979
Bolet and Evans 2013 25 specimens
IPS 49845a, hexagonal skull osteoderm; IPS 49845b, skull osteoderm with unusual shape; IPS 49845c, 25 skull osteoderms with unusual shapes; IPS 49845d, >600 hexagonal skull osteoderms; IPS 49845e skull osteoderm; 59477, seven skull osteoderms; IPS 59497, two hexagonal skull osteoderms; IPS 59468, hexagonal skull osteoderm; IPS 59485, 28 skull osteoderms; IPS 59508, two skull osteoderms; IPS 59527, 22 worn skull osteoderms. IPS 49846a, body osteoderm; IPS 49846b, >700 body osteoderms; IPS 49846c, >1300 fragments of osteoderm; IPS 49846d, rounded body osteoderm; IPS 49846e, rounded body osteoderm; IPS 49846f, 50 rounded body osteoderms; IPS 56068, skull bone fragment with two fused osteoderms; IPS 56069, skull bone fragment with one fused osteoderm; IPS 56070, skull bone fragment with two fused osteoderms; IPS 56071, skull bone fragment with one fused osteoderm; IPS 56072, skull bone with one fused osteoderm; IPS 56073, skull bone with one fused osteoderm; IPS 56075, skull bone with one fused osteoderm; IPS 59526, skull osteoderm; IPS 59528, body osteoderm.
Reptilia - Blanidae
cf. Blanidae indet. Kearney 2003
Bolet and Evans 2013 4 specimens
IPS 56062, partial left dentary with five broken teeth; IPS 56063, almost complete dorsal vertebra; IPS 56064, almost complete dorsal vertebra; IPS 56155, partial dorsal vertebra.
Reptilia - Lacertidae
? Lacertidae informal amblyodont form
Bolet and Evans 2013 6 specimens
IPS 56169, fragment of left dentary with three preserved teeth; and, less certainly: IPS 56102, posterior left dentary fragment with two preserved teeth; ?IPS 56036, posterior left dentary fragment with two worn teeth; IPS 49913, right dentary fragment with two preserved teeth; IPS 56067, anterior portion of left maxilla with three preserved teeth; and IPS 56170, anterior portion of right maxilla with three preserved teeth.
Lacertidae indet. Bonaparte 1831
Bolet and Evans 2013 12 specimens
IPS 49855, eleven dentary fragments; IPS 56043, partial left frontal; IPS 56044, IPS 56045, ?IPS 56047, fragments of right frontal; ?IPS 56166 (Figure 4.11), partial fused frontal; IPS 59479, fragment of frontal; IPS 56046, fragment of parietal; IPS 56053, fragment of right maxilla with three preserved teeth; IPS 56055, fragment of right dentary with two broken teeth; IPS-56058, fragment of right dentary with one preserved tooth; IPS 56066, anterior region of left dentary with eight preserved teeth.
Dormaalisaurus rossmanni Augé and Smith 2002
Bolet and Evans 2013 7 specimens
IPS 59524, partial left dentary with four preserved teeth; IPS 56048, partial right maxilla with six preserved teeth; IPS 56049, partial right maxilla with four preserved teeth; IPS 56060, four fragments of dentary with few preserved teeth; IPS 56089 partial right maxilla with three preserved teeth + partial left dentary with five broken teeth; IPS 56097, right dentary fragment with one tooth; IPS 56127, posterior fragment of left dentary with two preserved teeth.
Dormaalisaurus girardoti Augé and Smith 2002
Bolet and Evans 2013 5 specimens
IPS 56056, partial right dentary with two teeth; IPS 56051, fragment of left maxilla with four teeth; IPS 56054, fragment of right dentary with three preserved teeth; IPS 56059, anterior end of maxilla with two preserved teeth; IPS 59525, dentary and maxilla fragments
Gracilicerta sindexi Augé 2005
Bolet and Evans 2013 4 specimens
IPS 56171, partial left dentary with eight preserved teeth (Figure 4.4); IPS 49854, fragment of left dentary with three preserved teeth; IPS 49856, fragment of left dentary with one preserved tooth; IPS 56050, fragment of left maxilla with two preserved teeth.
Iguania indet. Cuvier 1817
Bolet and Evans 2013 17 specimens
Unidentifiable pleurodont iguanian material lacking diagnostic characters: IPS 49853, IPS 56092, IPS 56138- 56144, IPS 56230, IPS 56232, IPS 59481, IPS 59501, IPS 59506, IPS 59522, tooth-bearing bone fragments; ?IPS 56109, partial frontal; ?IPS 56091, partial parietal
Gekkota informal Form A
Bolet and Evans 2013 3 specimens
IPS 56176, partial right dentary with one preserved tooth; IPS 56178, partial right dentary with one preserved tooth; IPS 56065, partial right maxilla with one preserved tooth.
Gekkota informal Form B
Bolet and Evans 2013 14 specimens
IPS 56132, partial left dentary with one preserved tooth; IPS 56116, fragment of right dentary with one preserved tooth; IPS 56133, fragment of left dentary; IPS 56172, partial right dentary with three broken teeth; IPS 56182, fragment of right dentary; IPS 56183, anterior portion of right dentary with one preserved tooth; IPS 56184, fragment of right dentary with two broken teeth; IPS 56185, anterior portion of right dentary; IPS 56186, fragment of ?right dentary with two broken teeth; IPS 56187, fragment of right dentary with two broken teeth; IPS 56188, fragment of ?right dentary; IPS 56192, anterior portion of right dentary with three broken teeth; IPS 59499, fragment of dentary with one broken tooth; IPS 59511, partial dentaries and fragments of dentaries
Gekkota informal Form C
Bolet and Evans 2013 7 specimens
IPS 56117, fragment of right dentary with one preserved tooth; IPS 56173, partial right dentary with five broken teeth; IPS 56174, fragment of right dentary with two teeth; IPS 56175, anterior region of a right dentary with six broken teeth; IPS 56177, partial right dentary with one preserved tooth; IPS 56180, fragment of ?left dentary with five broken teeth; IPS 56190, anterior portion of left dentary with three broken teeth.
Gekkota indet. Cuvier 1817
Bolet and Evans 2013 9 specimens
Additional gekkotan material: IPS 59478, partial fused premaxilla ; IPS 56114, left dentary fragment with two preserved teeth; IPS 56115, left dentary fragment with two teeth; IPS 56120, fragments of dentaries; IPS 56179, fragment of right dentary with four broken teeth; IPS 56181, fragment of right dentary with four broken teeth; IPS 56189, fragment of dentary with two broken teeth; IPS 56191, fragments of dentaries; IPS 59520, fragments of dentaries.
Peratherium perriense
Marigó et al. 2013
Peratherium lavergnense Crochet 1979
Marigó et al. 2013
Mammalia - Nyctitheriidae
Saturninia pirenaica
Marigó et al. 2013
Euronyctia montana Sigé 1997
Minwer-Barakat et al. 2017
Mammalia - Perissodactyla - Palaeotheriidae
Anchilophus dumasi Gervais 1849
Marigó et al. 2013
Palaeotherium medium Cuvier 1804
Marigó et al. 2013
Palaeotherium magnum Cuvier 1804
Marigó et al. 2013
Palaeotherium crassum Cuvier 1805
Marigó et al. 2013
Plagiolophus annectens Owen 1847
Marigó et al. 2013
Mammalia - Xiphodontidae
Dichodon cervinum
Sudre 1978
Haplomeryx euzetensis Depéret 1917
Cuesta Ruíz-Colmenares et al. 2006 4 specimens
IPS 5888, IPS 5842, IPS 14859, IPS 14860
Xiphodon intermedium Stehlin 1910
Cuesta Ruíz-Colmenares et al. 2006 30 specimens
Leptotheridium lugeoni Stehlin 1910
Cuesta Ruíz-Colmenares et al. 2006 1 specimen
IPS 5817
Mammalia - Anoplotheriidae
Dacrytherium ovinum (Owen 1857)
Cuesta Ruíz-Colmenares et al. 2006 23 specimens
Mammalia - Cebochoeridae
Acotherulum sp. Gervais 1850
Cuesta Ruíz-Colmenares et al. 2006 7 specimens
IPS 29660-29666
Cebochoerus helveticus (Pictet and Humbert 1869)
Cuesta Ruíz-Colmenares et al. 2006 3 specimens
IPS 5889, 5887, 5867
Miacis exilis
Marigó et al. 2013
Mammalia - Creodonta - Hyaenodontidae
Hyaenodon minor Lange-Badré 1979
Marigó et al. 2013
Mammalia - Rodentia - Gliridae
Gliravus robiaciensis
Marigó et al. 2013
Mammalia - Rodentia - Pseudosciuridae
Treposciurus mutabilis Schmidt-Kittler 1970
Marigó et al. 2013
Mammalia - Rodentia - Theridomyidae
Theridomys euzetensis
Marigó et al. 2013
Paradelomys crusafonti n. sp. Thaler 1966
Marigó et al. 2013
UM 1882 - type
Estellomys ibericus n. sp. Thaler 1966
Marigó et al. 2013 2 specimens
Two right M1/2s, Sabadell Museum, holotype, UM.1918, paratype, UM.1887
Pseudoltinomys cf. phosphoricus Hartenberger 1973
Marigó et al. 2013
Elfomys parvulus Hartenberger 1971
Marigó et al. 2013
Mammalia - Primates - Adapidae
Adapis sp. Cuvier 1822
Sudre 1978
Adapis parisiensis Blainville 1841
Mammalia - Primates - Notharctidae
Nievesia sossisensis n. gen., n. sp. Marigó et al. 2013
Marigó et al. 2013
Mammalia - Primates - Omomyidae
Microchoerus erinaceus Wood 1844
Sudre 1978
    = Microchoerus hookeri n. sp. Minwer-Barakat et al. 2017
Minwer-Barakat et al. 2017
ICP IPS62073 - type
Pseudoloris parvulus (Filhol 1890)
Sudre 1978
Mammalia - Leptictidae
Leptictis sp. Leidy 1868
Marigó et al. 2013
Leptictis sp. Leidy 1868
Minwer-Barakat et al. 2017
Mammalia - Apatemyidae
Apatemyidae indet. Matthew 1909
Marigó et al. 2013
Apatemyidae indet. Matthew 1909
Minwer-Barakat et al. 2017
Heterohyus nanus Teihard de Chardin 1916
Minwer-Barakat et al. 2017
see common names

Country:Spain State/province:Catalonia County:Lerida
Coordinates: 42.3° North, 1.1° East (view map)
Paleocoordinates:41.0° North, 2.2° West
Basis of coordinate:estimated from map
Geographic resolution:outcrop
Period: Paleogene Epoch: Eocene
Stage: Priabonian 10 m.y. bin: Cenozoic 3
*Period:Early/Lower Tertiary - Early/Lower Tertiary *Epoch:Late/Upper Eocene - Late/Upper Eocene
*International age/stage:Priabonian - Priabonian *Local age/stage:Early/Lower Ludien - Early/Lower Ludien
Key time interval: Priabonian
Age range of interval: 37.71 - 33.9 m.y. ago
* legacy (obsolete) database fields
Formation:Collegats Member:Sossís
Stratigraphy comments: MP17a
Lithology and environment
Primary lithology: claystone
Secondary lithology: sandstone
Environment:lacustrine indet.
Modes of preservation:body
Size of fossils:macrofossils,mesofossils
Collection methods and comments
Collection excludes:some genera
Collection methods:field collection
Reason for describing collection:taxonomic analysis
Taxonomic list comments:incomplete
Database number:31751
Authorizer:E. Fara, P. Mannion, J. Alroy, P. Barrett Enterer:E. Fara, A. Garcia Selles, P. Mannion, T. Cleary
Modifier:R. Butler Research group:vertebrate
Created:2003-05-24 09:24:42 Last modified:2016-10-18 09:00:32
Access level:database members Released:2003-08-24 09:24:42
Creative Commons license:CC BY
Reference information

Primary reference:

13338. M. Crusafont-Pairo and J. M. Golpe Posse. 1975. Les prosimiens de l'Eocene de la region preaxiale pyrenaique. II. Adapidae. Colloque international CNRS. Problemes actuels de paleontologie-evolution des vertebres (218)851-860 [E. Fara/E. Fara/E. Fara]

Secondary references:

59249 A. Bolet and M. Auge. 2014. A new miniaturized lizard from the late Eocene of France and Spain. The Anatomical Record 297(3):505-515 [P. Barrett/T. Cleary]
59250 A. Bolet and S. E. Evans. 2013. Lizards and amphisbaenians (Reptilia, Squamata) from the late Eocene of Sossís (Catalonia, Spain). Palaeontologia Electronica 16(1):8A [P. Barrett/T. Cleary]
60662 M. A. Cuesta Ruíz-Colmenares, L. Checa Soler, and L. Casanovas Cladellas. 2006. Artiodáctilos del yacimiento de Sossís (Eoceno superior, Cuenca Prepirenaica, Península Ibérica). Revista Española de Paleontología 21(2):123-144 [R. Butler/R. Butler]
46140 J. Marigó, R. Minwer-Barakat, and S. Moyà-Solà. 2013. Nievesia sossisensis, a new anchomomyin (Adapiformes, Primates) from the early Late Eocene of the southern Pyrenees (Catalonia, Spain). Journal of Human Evolution 64(5):1-13 [J. Alroy/A. Garcia Selles]
60630 R. Minwer-Barakat, J. Marigo, J. Femenias-Gual and S. Moya-Sola. 2015. New material of Pseudoloris parvulus (Microchoerinae, Omomyidae, Primates) from the Late Eocene of Sossís (northeastern Spain) and its implications for the evolution of Pseudoloris. Journal of Human Evolution 83:74-90 [R. Butler/R. Butler]
62203 R. Minwer-Barakat, J. Marigó, J. Femenias-Gual, L. Costeur, S. De Esteban-Trivigno and S. Moyà Solà. 2017. Microchoerus hookeri nov. sp., a new late Eocene European microchoerine (Omomyidae, Primates): New insights on the evolution of the genus Microchoerus. Journal of Human Evolution 102:42-66 [P. Mannion/P. Mannion]
85175% 7400J. Sudre. 1978. Les artiodactyles de l'Eocene moyen et superieur d'Europe occidentale; systematique et evolution. Memoires et Travaux de l'Institut de Montpellier de l'Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes 7:1-229 [E. Fara/E. Fara/M. Uhen]