BV 27 - Gauche River Formation: Pliocene, Haiti

List of taxa
Where & when
Taphonomy & methods
Metadata & references
Taxonomic list
Anthozoa - Scleractinia - Acroporidae
Acropora sp. Oken 1815
Acropora panamensis Vaughan 1919
Anthozoa - Scleractinia - Astrocoeniidae
Stephanocoenia intersepta (Esper 1795)
Anthozoa - Scleractinia - Agariciidae
Agaricia dominicensis Vaughan 1919
Anthozoa - Scleractinia - Poritidae
Porites sp. Link 1807
Echinoidea - Cidaroida - Cidaridae
Cidaris anguillae
Bivalvia - Arcida - Arcidae
Barbatia candida (Helbling 1779)
Gastropoda - Neogastropoda - Olividae
Olivella sp. Swainson 1831
Oliva cf. reticularis Lamarck 1811
SUBSPECIES: O. reticularis trochala
Gastropoda - Neogastropoda - Buccinidae
Phos sp. Monfort 1810
Gastropoda - Neogastropoda - Columbellidae
Anachis mitrella
Gastropoda - Neogastropoda - Turridae
Turris albida (Perry 1811)
SUBSPECIES: T. albida virgo
    = Pleurotoma barretti Guppy 1866
Hendy et al. 2008
Gastropoda - Neogastropoda - Muricidae
Murex domingensis Sowerby 1850
Fusus gilli Maury 1910
Gastropoda - Cassidae
Sconsia striata (Lamarck 1816)
SUBSPECIES: S. striata sublaevigata
Gastropoda - Cerithiidae
Cerithium sp. Bruguière 1789
Gastropoda - Turritellidae
Turritella crocus
see common names

Coordinates: 18.4° North, 72.7° West (view map)
Basis of coordinate:based on nearby landmark
Geographic resolution:outcrop
Period: Neogene Epoch: Pliocene
10 m.y. bin: Cenozoic 6
Key time interval: Pliocene
Age range of interval: 5.333 - 2.58 m.y. ago
Formation:Riviere Gauche
Stratigraphic resolution:bed
Stratigraphy comments: LITHOSTRATIGRAPHY: From Riviere Gauche Formation, which presumably overlies Miocene strata of the Thomonde Foramtion. AGE: Stated in text as being from the Pliocene. Confirmed in other sources to be Pliocene (Martini and Bramlette 1963).
Lithology and environment
Includes fossils?Y
Lithology description: SPECIFIC LITHOLOGY: Lithologic data not stated in text. LITHIFICATION: Assumed to be unlifithied on the basis of age. No figured specimens observed.
Environment:marine indet.
Geology comments: ENVIRONMENT: No environmental data reported in text.
Modes of preservation:body
Size of fossils:macrofossils
Collection methods and comments
Collection methods:selective quarrying,field collection
Reason for describing collection:general faunal/floral analysis
Collection method comments: COLLECTOR: Collecton code (BV) probably refers to the author (J. Butterlin). REPOSITORY: Unknown repository.
Taxonomic list comments:COVERAGE: Exhaustive for marcroinvertebrates, including coelenterata, brachiopoda, echinoidea, bivalvia and gastropoda. NOMENCLATURE: Not an authoritative publication. Uses antiquated nomenclature, but with species resolution designations.
Database number:66810
Authorizer:A. Hendy Enterer:A. Hendy
Modifier:A. Hendy Research group:marine invertebrate
Created:2006-10-17 07:37:56 Last modified:2025-02-22 15:12:02
Access level:the public Released:2006-10-17 07:37:56
Creative Commons license:CC0
Reference information

Primary reference:

17269. J. Butterlin. 1960. Géologie générale et régionale de la République D'Haiti. Travaux et Mémoires de L'Institute des Hautes Estudes de L'Amérique Latine 6:1-190 [A. Miller/A. Hendy/S. Ávila]

Secondary references:

19909 A. J. W. Hendy, D. P. Buick, K. V. Bulinski, C. A. Ferguson, and A. I. Miller. 2008. Unpublished census data from Atlantic coastal plain and circum-Caribbean Neogene assemblages and taxonomic opinions. [A. Hendy/A. Hendy/A. Hendy]