Ampe sand and clay pit (Paleogene of Belgium)

Where: Egem, Belgium (51.0° N, 3.0° E: paleocoordinates 47.9° N, 0.7° W)

When: Paleogene (66.0 - 23.0 Ma)

Environment/lithology: marginal marine; sandy siliciclastic sediments

Size class: macrofossils

Primary reference: R. H. B. Fraaije, B. W. M. van Bakel, J. W. M. Jagt and Y. Coole. 2006. Two new Paleogene species of mud shrimp (Crustacea, Decapoda, Upogebiidae) from Europe and North America. Bulletin of Mizunami Fossil Museum 33:77-85 [C. Schweitzer/E. Johnson/M. Clapham]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 126158: authorized by Carrie Schweitzer, entered by Evaline Johnson on 31.03.2012, edited by Mark Uhen

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Decapoda - Nephropidae
Hoploparia sp. Karasawa 1998 clawed lobster
 Decapoda - Upogebiidae
Upogebia lambrechtsi n. sp. Fraaije et al. 2006 mud shrimp
 Decapoda - Raninidae
Raninoides gottschei Bohm 1927 crab
 Decapoda - Orithopsidae
Silvacarcinus laurae Collins and Smith 1993 crab
 Decapoda - Chasmocarcinidae
Orthakrolophos sp. Schweitzer and Feldmann 2001 crab
n. sp.
 Decapoda - Retroplumidae
Loerenthopluma danielae n. sp. van Bakel et al. 2010 crab
 Decapoda - Goniochelidae
Goniochele sp. Bell 1858 crab
n. sp.
 Decapoda - Panopeidae
 Decapoda - Tumidocarcinidae
 Decapoda - Palinuridae
Linuparus scyllariformis Bell 1858 spiny lobster