VGC-8.0. 0.5–1.1 km downstream from the cottages at Ville Guay (Cambrian of Canada)

Also known as SSF 110.3

Where: Quebec, Canada (46.8° N, 71.1° W: paleocoordinates 34.0° S, 82.2° W)

• coordinate based on nearby landmark

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Bicella bicensis zone, Anse Maranda Formation, Dyeran (515.3 - 511.2 Ma)

• Bicella bicensis subzone, high in Olenellus zone; = Elliptocephala asaphoides zone

•"Rasetti (1946) noted that 3.3 m of shales and limestones with the Bicella bicensis assemblage are overlain by two ridge-forming limestone pebble–cobble debris flows (his units 2 and 4). The lower shales are assigned to the top of the “Anse Maranda Formation” (Lebel and Hubert, 1995), and the fossiliferous upper conglomerate marks the base of the Lauzon Formation in the Bacchus slice (Rasetti, 1946). The proposal of the “Anse Maranda Formation” (Lebel and Hubert, 1995) lacked such criteria as designation of a precise type locality, adequate lithologic description, and a detailed type section (e.g., North American Commission on Stratigraphic Nomenclature, 1983). For these reasons, its status as a formal lithostratigraphic unit is incomplete, and “Anse Maranda” is used in quotes in this report."

• bed-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: gray limestone

• The Ville Guay Bicella bicensis assemblage is associated with re-establishment of slope dysoxic environments with sea-level rise through the Laurentian Lower–Middle Cambrian boundary interval
• limestone, dark gray, quartzose, may have low-angle trough cross-beds (curved symbol) or limestone granules to pebbles.

Size class: macrofossils

Preservation: cast, replaced with phosphate

Collected by Landing; reposited in the NYSM

Collection methods: bulk, surface (in situ), acetic,

• COLLECTORS: Not stated in text, but presumably E. Landing and others. REPOSITORY: New York State Museum.

Primary reference: E. Landing, G. Geyer, and K.E. Bartowski. 2002. Latest Early Cambrian small shelly fossils, trilobites and Hatch Hill dysaerobic interval on the Québec contental slope. Journal of Paleontology 76(2):287-305 [P. Wagner/P. Wagner]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 78755: authorized by Pete Wagner, entered by Pete Wagner on 16.02.2008

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

• COVERAGE: Exhaustive for marine invertebrate groups. NOMENCLATURE: From authoritative publications with modern nomenclature and species-resolution identifications where possible.
Discinella micans
  - Mobergellidae
Discinella micans Billings 1871
 Chancelloriida - Chancelloriidae
Chancelloria sp. Walcott 1920
Coleoloides prindlei Lochman 1956
 Helcionellida - Yochelcionellidae
Yochelcionella greenlandica1 Atkins and Peel 2004
 Helcionellida - Stenothecidae
Mellopegma georginensis Runnegar and Jell 1976
 Helcionellida - Helcionellidae
"Mackinnonia obliqua" = Davidonia rostratum
"Mackinnonia obliqua" = Davidonia rostratum Zhou and Xiao 1984
 Pelagiellida - Pelagiellidae
Pelagiella primaeva Billings 1872
 Fordillida - Fordillidae
Pojetaia runnegari2 Jell 1980 clam
 Orthothecida - Orthothecidae
 Orthothecida - Circothecidae
"Conotheca laurentiensis" = Conotheca australiensis
"Conotheca laurentiensis" = Conotheca australiensis Bengtson et al. 1990
 Hyolithida -
"Insolutotheca communis" = Insolitotheca communis
"Insolutotheca communis" = Insolitotheca communis Billings 1872
 Hyolithida - Hyolithidae
"? Hyolithes americanum" = Hyolithes americanus
"? Hyolithes americanum" = Hyolithes americanus Hall 1847
 Acrotretida - Acrotretidae
Linnarssonia taconica Walcott 1885
 Agnostida - Eodiscidae
Pagetides "sp. A" Rasetti 1945
Pagetides elegans Rasetti 1945
Pagetia cf. ellsi Rasetti 1945
 Agnostida - Peronopsidae
? Archaeagnostus sp. Kobayashi 1939
 Hyolithelminthida - Hyolithellidae
Hyolithellus micans Billings 1871
 Pseudoconodontida -
Mongolitubulus ? squamifer Missarzhevsky 1977