There are 4 matches

Collection Authorizer Collection name Reference
103205M. Clapham McAbee (University College of the Cariboo TRU coll) Ypresian - Cenozoic 2 - Canada Archibald (2010)
119946M. Clapham Falkland (coll. 2001-) Ypresian - Cenozoic 2 - Canada Archibald et al. (2006)
119948M. Clapham Black Creek Road Locality (Horsefly River) (coll. Archibald) Ypresian - Cenozoic 2 - Canada Archibald et al. (2006)
144347M. Clapham McAbee (CDM collection) Ypresian - Cenozoic 2 - Canada Archibald (2005)

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