There are 5 matches

Collection Authorizer Collection name Reference
36711J. Alroy Itardies (= Quercy Phosphorites) MP 23 - Cenozoic 4 - France Cirot and de Bonis (1992)
167537J. Mueller Valbro déblais (= Quercy, MP 22 / coll. 2009-2012) MP 22 - Cenozoic 4 - France Rage and Augé (2015)
179142P. Barrett La Plante 2 (= Quercy Phosphorites) MP 22 - Cenozoic 4 - France Augé (2005)
181092P. Barrett Mas de Got (unknown horizon) (= Quercy Phosphorites) MP 22 - Cenozoic 4 - France Rage (1988)
183508P. Mannion Mège MP 23 - Cenozoic 4 - France Vianey-Liaud and Schmid (2009)

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