Baltic Amber (Bachofen-Echt collection) (Eocene of Russian Federation)

Where: Kaliningrad, Russian Federation (54.9° N, 19.9° E: paleocoordinates 53.9° N, 15.2° E)

• local area-level geographic resolution

When: Priabonian (38.0 - 33.9 Ma)

• According to Aleksandrova and Zaporozhets (2008), the higher parts of the Prussian Formation (including the Blaue Erde or Blue Earth) belong to the Charlesdowniea clathrata angulosa dinocyst Zone. Based on its index species, this zone is concurrent to Zone W13 established in the Parisian basin (Châteauneuf and Gruas-Cavagnetto 1978), where it is correlated with nannoplankton zones NP18–NP21 (Powell, 1992) of the Priabonian. In the Paleogene zonation of northwestern Europe, the first occurrence of Thalassiphora fenestrata is designated at the base of the dinocyst Subzone D12b (36.20 +/- 0.1 Ma), which is correlated with zones NP18 (terminal part)–NP20 of the Priabonian (Luterbacher et al., 2004).

Environment/lithology: terrestrial; amber

Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils, microfossils

Preservation: amber

Reposited in the BSP

Collection methods: surface (float),

• Repository: Bayerische Stattssammlung fur Palaontologie und historiche Geologie, Munchen, according to Hennig (1967)

Primary reference: F. E. Zeuner. 1937. Descriptions of new genera and species of fossil Saltatoria (Orthoptera). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London, Series B, Taxonomy 6(8):154-159 [C. Labandeira/C. Labandeira/M. Clapham]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 123870: authorized by Matthew Clapham, entered by Jered Karr on 01.02.2012, edited by Matthew Clapham and Arram Noshirvan

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Araneae - Archaeidae
Archaea paradoxa14 Koch and Berendt 1854 spider
 Opiliones - Nemastomatidae
"Nemastoma succineum n. sp." = Mitostoma denticulatum11
"Nemastoma succineum n. sp." = Mitostoma denticulatum11 Koch and Berendt 1854 harvestman
Nr. 27
 Opiliones - Sabaconidae
"Sabacon bachofeni n. sp." = Sabacon claviger11
"Sabacon bachofeni n. sp." = Sabacon claviger11 Menge 1854 harvestman
A110, A142
 Opiliones - Sclerosomatidae
"Leiobunum inclusum n. sp." = Leiobunum longipes11
"Leiobunum inclusum n. sp." = Leiobunum longipes11 Menge 1854 harvestman
Nr. 51, 181
 Opiliones - Phalangiidae
Dicranopalpus sp.11, "Dicranopalpus palmickensis n. sp." = Dicranopalpus ramiger11
Dicranopalpus sp.11 Doleschall 1852 harvestman
Nr. 149, 154
"Dicranopalpus palmickensis n. sp." = Dicranopalpus ramiger11 Koch and Berendt 1854 harvestman
Nr. 144
 Pseudoscorpiones - Chernetidae
Chernetidae indet.1 Menge 1855 pseudoscorpion
Bachofen-Echt A124
Oligochernes bachofeni n. sp.1 Beier 1937 pseudoscorpion
Bachofen-Echt 159
 Pseudoscorpiones - Cheliferidae
"Oligochelifer berendtii" = Dichela berendtii1, Electrochelifer bachofeni n. sp.2, Electrochelifer rapulitarsatus n. sp.2
"Oligochelifer berendtii" = Dichela berendtii1 Menge 1854 pseudoscorpion
Bachofen-Echt A135
Electrochelifer bachofeni n. sp.2 Beier 1947 pseudoscorpion
Electrochelifer rapulitarsatus n. sp.2 Beier 1947 pseudoscorpion
 Pseudoscorpiones - Cheiridiidae
Cheiridium hartmanni1 Menge 1854 pseudoscorpion
Bachofen-Echt A125
 Pseudoscorpiones - Pseudogarypidae
Pseudogarypus minor n. sp.2 Beier 1947 pseudoscorpion
 Diptera - Tabanidae
Silvius laticornis7 Meunier 1902 deer fly
E4, E216
 Ephemeroptera - Heptageniidae
Heptagenia bachofeni n. sp.4 Demoulin 1968 stream mayfly
 Ephemeroptera - Leptophlebiidae
"Paraleptophlebia prisca" = Paraleptophlebia prisca4, "Oligophlebia calliarcys" = Paraleptophlebia prisca4, Blasturophlebia hirsuta n. gen. n. sp.4, Xenophlebia aenigmatica n. gen. n. sp.4
"Paraleptophlebia prisca" = Paraleptophlebia prisca4 Pictet and Hagen 1856 mayfly
"Oligophlebia calliarcys" = Paraleptophlebia prisca4 Pictet and Hagen 1856 mayfly
Blasturophlebia hirsuta n. gen. n. sp.4 Demoulin 1968 mayfly
Xenophlebia aenigmatica n. gen. n. sp.4 Demoulin 1968 mayfly
 Hemiptera - Tingidae
Paleocader strictus n. sp.5, "Sinalda baltica" = Parasinalda baltica5
Paleocader strictus n. sp.5 Golub and Popov 1998 lace bug
BSPG Bachofen-Echt 0.130
"Sinalda baltica" = Parasinalda baltica5 Drake 1950 lace bug
BSPG Bachofen-Echt 0.10
 Hemiptera - Elektraphididae
"Elektraphis polykrypta n. gen. n. sp." = Schizoneurites polykrypta12
"Elektraphis polykrypta n. gen. n. sp." = Schizoneurites polykrypta12 Steffan 1968 aphid
BSP 1958/VIII/B6
 Hemiptera - Aphididae
"Palaeosiphon hirsutus" = Palaeosiphon hirsutum6
"Palaeosiphon hirsutus" = Palaeosiphon hirsutum6 Germar and Berendt 1856 aphid
H.35. 1958 VIII, B.25. 1958 VII
 Orthoptera - Tetrigidae
Acrydium sensu lato bachofeni Zeuner 1937 pygmy grasshopper
Coll Bachofen-Echt 150
 Orthoptera - Tettigoniidae
Eomortoniellus handlirschi15 Zeuner 1936 katydid
Coll Bachofen-Echt O6, O22
 Orthoptera - Raphidophoridae
"Prorhaphidophora zeuneri n. sp." = Protroglophilus zeuneri3
"Prorhaphidophora zeuneri n. sp." = Protroglophilus zeuneri3 Chopard 1936 grasshopper
Coll Bachofen-Echt 14
 Coleoptera - Scirtidae
"Helodes minax n. sp." = Elodes minax8
"Helodes minax n. sp." = Elodes minax8 Klausnitzer 1976 marsh beetle
BSPG Bachofen-Echt C.226
 Trichoptera - Phryganeidae
Phryganeidae indet.13 Leach 1815 large caddisfly
BSP 1958 VIII K 1
 Trichoptera - Lepidostomatidae
Archaeocrunoecia sp.13, "Palaeocrunoecia crenata" = Lepidostoma crenata13
Archaeocrunoecia sp.13 Ulmer 1912 caddisfly
BSP 1958 VIII K 42 (fig. 123 in Bachofen-Echt, not Panorpa)
"Palaeocrunoecia crenata" = Lepidostoma crenata13 Ulmer 1912 caddisfly
BSP 1958 VIII K 11
 Trichoptera - Leptoceridae
Leptoceridae indet.13 Leach 1815 long-horned caddisfly
BSP 1958 VIII K 32
? Triplectides sp.13 Kolenati 1858 long-horned caddisfly
BSP 1958 VIII K 14
Erotesis sp.13 McLachlan 1877 long-horned caddisfly
BSP 1958 VIII K 35
 Trichoptera - Odontoceridae
Marilia altrocki n. sp.13 Wichard 1986 caddisfly
BSP 1958 VIII K 2
 Trichoptera - Calamoceratidae
Calamoceratidae indet.13 Ulmer 1905 caddisfly
BSP 1958 VIII K 50
 Trichoptera - Polycentropodidae
Polycentropodidae indet.13 Ulmer 1903 caddisfly
BSP 1958 VIII OV 38, K 23, 28, 34, 41, 54, 64
Holocentropus sp.13 McLachlan 1878 caddisfly
BSP 1958 VIII K 126, 12
Holocentropus affinis13 Pictet and Hagen 1856 caddisfly
BSP 1958 VIII K 24
Holocentropus scissus13 Ulmer 1912 caddisfly
BSP 1958 VIII K 49
Holocentropus vetustus13 Germar 1813 caddisfly
BSP 1958 VIII K 9, 18 (fig. 126 in Bachofen-Echt), 52
Holocentropus cf. vetustus13 Germar 1813 caddisfly
BSP 1958 VIII K 25
Holocentropus atratus13 Pictet and Hagen 1856 caddisfly
BSP 1958 VIII K 7, 16
Plectrocnemia sp.13 Stephens 1836 caddisfly
BSP 1958 VIII K 20, 26, 37, 47, 57
Plectrocnemia rostrata13 Ulmer 1912 caddisfly
BSP 1958 VIII K 59
Plectrocnemia tubulosa13 Ulmer 1912 caddisfly
BSP 1958 VIII K 40
Plectrocnemia lata13 Pictet and Hagen 1856 caddisfly
BSP 1958 VIII K 6
Plectrocnemia cf. lata13 Pictet and Hagen 1856 caddisfly
BSP 1958 VIII K 15, 55, 5
Plectrocnemia barbata13 Pictet and Hagen 1856 caddisfly
BSP 1958 VIII K 12, 58
Plectrocnemia cf. barbata13 Pictet and Hagen 1856 caddisfly
BSP 1958 VIII K 33
Plectrocnemia spinigera13 Ulmer 1912 caddisfly
BSP 1958 VIII K 13
Plectrocnemia protensa13 Ulmer 1912 caddisfly
BSP 1958 VIII K 8
? Nyctiophylax sp.13 Brauer 1865 caddisfly
BSP 1958 VIII K 43
Nyctiophylax sp.13 Brauer 1865 caddisfly
BSP 1958 VIII K 3, 36
Nyctiophylax varians13 Ulmer 1912 caddisfly
BSP 1958 VIII K 30
 Trichoptera - Ecnomidae
Archaeotinodes sp.13 Ulmer 1912 caddisfly
BSP 1958 VIII 104, 118, K 31, 56
 Trichoptera - Psychomyiidae
Lype sp.13 McLachlan 1878 caddisfly
BSP 1958 VIII K 17, 38
Lype sericea13 Pictet and Hagen 1856 caddisfly
BSP 1958 VIII K 44 (fig. 128 in Bachofen-Echt), 45
Lype prolongata13 Ulmer 1912 caddisfly
BSP 1958 VIII K 4
 Trichoptera - Philopotamidae
"Dolophilus aequalis" = Wormaldia aequalis13
"Dolophilus aequalis" = Wormaldia aequalis13 Hagen 1856 finger-net caddisfly
BSP 1958 VIII K 46
 Dicondylia -
Lepidoptera indet.9 Linnaeus 1758 moth
Pupa N.173
 Lepidoptera - Psychidae
"Sterrhopteryx pristinella n. sp." = Sterrhopterix9
"Sterrhopteryx pristinella n. sp." = Sterrhopterix9 bagworm moth
 Lepidoptera - Meessiidae
Tineolamima aurella n. gen. n. sp.9
Tineolamima aurella n. gen. n. sp.9 Rebel 1934 moth
 Lepidoptera - Tineidae
Architinea balticella n. gen. n. sp.9, "Architinea sepositella n. sp." = Tineitella sepositellus9
Architinea balticella n. gen. n. sp.9 Rebel 1934 moth
"Architinea sepositella n. sp." = Tineitella sepositellus9 Rebel 1934 moth
 Lepidoptera - Argyresthiidae
Argyresthites succinella n. gen. n. sp.9
Argyresthites succinella n. gen. n. sp.9 Rebel 1934 moth
 Lepidoptera - Oecophoridae
Borkhausenites bachofeni n. gen. n. sp.9, "Borkhausenites vulneratella n. sp." = Oecophorinites vulneratellus10, "Borkhausenites incolumnella n. sp." = Oecophorinites incolumnellus9
Borkhausenites bachofeni n. gen. n. sp.9 Rebel 1934 moth
"Borkhausenites vulneratella n. sp." = Oecophorinites vulneratellus10 Rebel 1936 moth
"Borkhausenites incolumnella n. sp." = Oecophorinites incolumnellus9 Rebel 1934 moth
 Lepidoptera - Momphidae
? Anybia cuprella n. sp.9 Rebel 1934 moth
 Lepidoptera - Tortricidae
Tortricidae indet.9 Latreille 1802 tortrix moth
Larva H.3
 Lepidoptera - Adelidae
Adelites purpurascens n. sp.10, Adelites electreella n. gen. n. sp.9
Adelites purpurascens n. sp.10 Rebel 1936 moth
Adelites electreella n. gen. n. sp.9 Rebel 1934 moth
 Lepidoptera - Incurvariidae
Incurvarites alienella n. gen. n. sp.9
Incurvarites alienella n. gen. n. sp.9 Rebel 1934 moth