There are 5 matches

Collection Authorizer Collection name Reference
72004W. Kiessling Ty-3. 60 cm shale zone, immediately above limestone at mall abandoned borrow pi (= Was: Zoar Mining Co., York Township, Putnam Hill Unit, Tuscarawas) Desmoinesian - Carboniferous 4-5 - Ohio Hoare et al. (1972)
72006W. Kiessling Vel-10. Abandoned strip mine of the Vinton Coal Company. approximately 3.2 kilometers northwest of McArthur (= Was: Elk Township, Putnam Hill Unit, Vinton) Desmoinesian - Carboniferous 4-5 - Ohio Brezinski et al. (1989)
72009W. Kiessling Vr-2. Abandoned strip mine on N side of US 50, ~6.7 kilometers northeast of McArthur (= Was: Richland Township, Vanport Unit, Vinton. =“Unnumbered locality, Richland Township, Vinton County” of Sturgeon 1964a) Desmoinesian - Carboniferous 4-5 - Ohio Sturgeon (1964)
79351P. Wagner CSl-1. Roadcut on North side of US 36 2.5 kilometers east of junction with 0hio Atokan - Carboniferous 4 - Ohio Hoare and Sturgeon (1978)
93081P. Wagner Ss-4. Abandoned D&M Coal Co. strip mine. 4.8 kilometers west of Malvern Desmoinesian - Carboniferous 4-5 - Ohio Hoare and Sturgeon (1978)

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