There are 5 matches

Collection Authorizer Collection name Reference
135664M. Clapham Constenius Park (Kishenehn) (coll. Dale Greenwalt 2011) Lutetian - Cenozoic 2 - Montana Harbach and Greenwalt (2012)
135665M. Clapham Disbrow Creek, Middle Fork Flathead River (Kishenehn) (coll. Dale Greenwalt) Lutetian - Cenozoic 2 - Montana Harbach and Greenwalt (2012)
135666M. Clapham Dakin site, Middle Fork Flathead River (Kishenehn) (coll. Dale Greenwalt) Lutetian - Cenozoic 2 - Montana Harbach and Greenwalt (2012)
151911M. Clapham Kishenehn (Constenius collection) (coll. Constenius, Constenius) Lutetian - Cenozoic 2 - Montana Krzemiński (1991)
224195M. Clapham Kishenehn (Greenwalt collection) Lutetian - Cenozoic 2 - Montana Baranov et al. (2021)

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