There are 4 matches

Collection Authorizer Collection name Reference
73340P. Wagner Loc. 1. Tumbling Run, 2 miles southwest of Strasburg (= Bed 3 of Cooper & Cooper 1946) Blackriveran - Ordovician 4-5 - Virginia Whittington and Evitt (1953)
73342P. Wagner Loc. 3. south side of road, 0.2 mile east of Strasburg Junction (= 1000 feet east of Strasburg Junction; Echinosphaerites bed) Turinian - Ordovician 4 - Virginia Whittington and Evitt (1953)
73344P. Wagner Loc. 5. left bank of north fork of Shenandoah rivier, immediately below dam, 1½ mile N61˚E of Edinburg (= Cooper & Cooper 1946 Bed 5) Blackriveran - Ordovician 4-5 - Virginia Whittington and Evitt (1953)
105245M. Hopkins Loc. 1a. Tumbling Run, 2 miles southwest of Strasburg (= Bed 5 of Cooper & Cooper 1946 / coll. Evitt) Ashbyan - Ordovician 4-5 - Virginia Whittington (1959)

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