There are 17 matches

Collection Authorizer Collection name Reference
43518D. Bottjer USNM703d, Road Canyon Formation, Old Word Ranch, Glass Mountains Roadian - Permian 3 - Texas Cooper and Grant (1972)
43526D. Bottjer USNM704, Word Formation (Appel Ranch Member), Hess Canyon, Glass Mountains Wordian - Permian 4 - Texas Cooper and Grant (1972)
43548D. Bottjer USNM706, Hess Canyon, Glass Mountains Roadian - Permian 3 - Texas Cooper and Grant (1972)
43550D. Bottjer USNM706b, Hess Canyon, Glass Mtns. Wordian - Permian 4 - Texas Cooper and Grant (1972)
43551D. Bottjer USNM706c, Hess Canyon, Glass Mountains Roadian - Permian 3 - Texas Cooper and Grant (1972)
43553D. Bottjer USNM706e, Hess Canyon, Glass Mountains Roadian - Permian 3 - Texas Cooper and Grant (1972)
43557D. Bottjer USNM706z, Word Formation (China Tank Mb.), Old Word Ranch, Glass Mountains Wordian - Permian 4 - Texas Cooper and Grant (1972)
81515M. Clapham AMNH21, Guadalupe Pass, Guadalupe Mountains Roadian - Permian 3 - Texas Cooper and Grant (1972)
81636M. Clapham AMNH496, Guadalupe Pass, Guadalupe Mountains Wordian - Permian 4 - Texas Cooper and Grant (1972)
81722M. Clapham AMNH600, Guadalupe Pass, Guadalupe Mountains Roadian - Permian 3 - Texas Cooper and Grant (1972)
101767M. Clapham USNM728, Guadalupe Pass, Guadalupe Mountains Roadian - Permian 3 - Texas Cooper and Grant (1972)
102602M. Clapham USNM732, Guadalupe Pass, Guadalupe Mountains Roadian - Permian 3 - Texas Cooper and Grant (1972)
102614M. Clapham USNM735c, Hess Canyon, Glass Mountains Roadian - Permian 3 - Texas Cooper and Grant (1972)
105887M. Clapham USNM724u, Road Canyon, Glass Mountains Roadian - Permian 3 - Texas Cooper and Grant (1972)
105932M. Clapham USNM726r, Hess Canyon, Glass Mountains Roadian - Permian 3 - Texas Cooper and Grant (1972)
105934M. Clapham USNM726t, Appel Ranch, Glass Mountains Wordian - Permian 4 - Texas Cooper and Grant (1972)
106021M. Clapham USNM730, Guadalupe Pass, Guadalupe Mountains Roadian - Permian 3 - Texas Cooper and Grant (1972)

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