Cueva de Tuluni: Norian, Colombia

List of taxa
Where & when
Taphonomy & methods
Metadata & references
Taxonomic list
Crinoidea indet. Miller 1821
Rhynchonellata - Spiriferinida - Spiriferinidae
Spiriferina abichi Oppel 1865
Cephalopoda - Nautilida - Syringonautilidae
? Oxynautilus sp. Mojsisovics 1902
Cephalopoda - Ceratitida - Metasibiritidae
Metasibirites annulosus
Gastropoda - Murchisoniina - Loxonematidae
Loxonema sp. Phillips 1841
Bivalvia - Pectinida - Monotidae
Monotis subcircularis Gabb 1864
Bivalvia - Pholadida - Pleuromyidae
cf. Pleuromya sp. (Meek 1873)
see common names

Country:Colombia State/province:Tolima
Coordinates: 3.6° North, 75.4° West (view map)
Paleocoordinates:9.3° South, 35.7° West (Wright 2013)
Basis of coordinate:based on nearby landmark
Geographic resolution:outcrop
Period: Triassic Epoch: Late Triassic
Stage: Norian 10 m.y. bin: Triassic 4
Key time interval: Norian
Age range of interval: 227 - 208.5 m.y. ago
Stratigraphic resolution:group of beds
Lithology and environment
Primary lithology: lithified "limestone"
Environment:shallow subtidal indet.
Modes of preservation:cast,mold/impression
Size of fossils:macrofossils
Collection methods and comments
Collection methods:field collection
Reason for describing collection:taxonomic analysis
Database number:101066
Authorizer:W. Kiessling Enterer:U. Merkel
Research group:marine invertebrate
Created:2010-12-16 02:54:39 Last modified:2025-02-22 15:12:02
Access level:the public Released:2010-12-16 02:54:39
Creative Commons license:CC0
Reference information

Primary reference:

34526. O. F. Geyer. 1973. Das präkretazische Mesozoikum von Kolumbien [The Pre-Cretaceous Mesozoic from Colombia]. Geologisches Jahrbuch B 5:1-156 [W. Kiessling/U. Merkel/U. Merkel]