There are 4 matches

Collection Authorizer Collection name Reference
89019B. Kröger 1/4 mi north of New Hope Trentonian - Ordovician 4-5 - Missouri Flower (1952)
89024B. Kröger Goetz quarry, Glen Park (= "Glen Park") Trentonian - Ordovician 4-5 - Missouri Flower (1952)
89025B. Kröger Pratt's quarry, 3/4 mi south of Elsberry Trentonian - Ordovician 4-5 - Missouri Flower (1952)
154952P. Wagner Near Batchtown (= 1 mile north of Batchtown according to Pojeta & Runnegar 1976) Shermanian - Ordovician 4-5 - Illinois Bradley (1930)

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