There are 6 matches

Collection Authorizer Collection name Reference
61249M. Uhen Tesheva Creek (= Techeva Creek, MGS Locality 11) Bartonian - Cenozoic 3 - Mississippi Fierstine and Starnes (2005)
87178W. Kiessling Red River, Montgomery, loc. 300 Bartonian - Cenozoic 3 - Louisiana Monsour (1944)
89614M. Uhen St. Stephens Quarry, Moodys Branch Formation (= Saint Stephens, Lone Star Cement Quarry) Bartonian - Cenozoic 3 - Alabama Glawe (1966)
92577A. Hendy TU 99 - Montgomery Landing (= Creole Bluff / coll. Vokes & Vokes) Bartonian - Cenozoic 3 - Louisiana Vokes and Vokes (2000)
99637J. Sessa MGS 14, Thompson Creek Bartonian - Cenozoic 3 - Mississippi Dockery (1980)
162733M. Uhen Jackson Late Eocene - Cenozoic 3 - Mississippi Holman et al. (1991)

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