There are 11 matches

Collection Authorizer Collection name Reference
32296M. Carrano south of Empire Mountains (= iguanodont locality / coll. Hilton -1958) Albian - Cretaceous 4 - Arizona Moore and Miller (1960)
32298M. Carrano west slope, Whetstone Mountains (= iguanodont locality) Albian - Cretaceous 4 - Arizona Miller (1964)
72185L. Villier Asteroidea, Wolf Mountain shale, Lake Bridgeport, Wise County Missourian - Carboniferous 5 - Texas Blake and Guensburg (1989)
116509M. Clapham Traverse Range, Tidwell loc 2, Lehi (coll. Lloyd Gunther) Bashkirian - Carboniferous 4 - Utah Schultze (1990)
117867M. Clapham Clay Pits, west of Utah Lake (coll. David Stricklan) Bashkirian - Carboniferous 4 - Utah Mickle (2011)
117868M. Clapham Clay Pits, Lake Mountains (coll. Lloyd Gunther, Frieda Gunther) Bashkirian - Carboniferous 4 - Utah Mickle (2011)
117869M. Clapham Traverse Mountains, Lehi (coll. Thomas Black) Bashkirian - Carboniferous 4 - Utah Mickle (2011)
117870M. Clapham West of Lehi Bashkirian - Carboniferous 4 - Utah Mickle (2011)
124953M. Clapham Drumheller concretion (coll. Roy Fowler 1939) Late Campanian - Cretaceous 7 - Canada McAlpine (1970)
233031J. Flannery-Sutherland Clay Pit Locality, Saratoga Springs (coll. Thomas Black) Bashkirian - Carboniferous 4 - Utah Mickle (2011)
233171R. Bicknell Blacksmith Fork Emsian - Devonian 2 - Utah Denison (1958)

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