Downs Quarry, MNA 207-10: Norian, Arizona
collected by L. Jacobs, P. Murray

List of taxa
Where & when
Taphonomy & methods
Metadata & references
Taxonomic list
Tannenbaum 1983 1 element
Chondrichthyes - Xenacanthiformes - Xenacanthidae
Xenacanthus moorei (Woodward 1889)
11 elements
Tannenbaum 1983 1 element
Tannenbaum 1983 2 elements
Tannenbaum 1983 1 element
Tannenbaum 1983 1 element
Tannenbaum 1983 1 element
Tannenbaum 1983 1 element
Tannenbaum 1983 1 element
Pholidopleuriformes - Pholidopleuridae
Tannenbaum 1983 2 elements
Amphibia - Temnospondyli - Metoposauridae
Metoposaurus sp. Lydekker 1890
Long and Murry 1995
MNA Pl. 2683, 2697, dermal bone fragments. MNA Pl. 2864, plate. MNA V3675, vertebral centrum
Long and Murry 1995
MNA Pl. 2732, vertebrae
Tannenbaum 1983 6 specimens
Reptilia - Tanystropheidae
1 specimen
Long and Murry 1995 8 elements
MNA Pl. 2708, 3081, 3125, cervical centra. MNA Pl. 3071, 3073, 3079, dorsal centra. MNA Pl. 2445, posterior dorsal. MNA Pl. 2746, sacral
Reptilia - Fabrosauridae
4 specimens
Long and Murry 1995
?MNA PL. 2710, 3096, 3110, 3127, cervical vertebra and plates
Long and Murry 1995 5 specimens
MNA V3714, Pl. 3066, 3050, 3067, 3113, plates
Long and Murry 1995 16 specimens
MNA Pl. 2665, 2729, 3090, 3092, 3094, 3091, 2676, 2666, 2667, 2668, 3117, 3129, 2744, 3100, 3101, V3744, postcranial specimens
Heckert et al. 2007 1 specimen
MNA 3202, osteoderms
Hesperosuchus agilis Colbert 1952
1 element
MNA Pl. 3102, radius
Long and Murry 1995 1 element
MNA V3740, distal right humerus
3 specimens
MNA Pl. 3077, sacrum. MNA V3715, dorsal centrum. MNA Pl. 2694, proximal femur
Reptilia - Parasuchidae
    = Paleorhinus sp. Williston 1904
Long and Murry 1995
MNA V3728, portion of snout
1 individual
Long and Murry 1995
MNA Pl. 2675, braincase. MNA V3698, left squamosal. MNA V3739, quadrate, paroccipital process. MNA V3737, snout
Long and Murry 1995 38 specimens
MNA V3732, Pl. 2731, 3072, V3736, V3733, V3726, Pl. 3062, Pl. 3069, Pl. 2738, Pl. 2741, V3734, Pl. 3055, Pl. 3056, V3665, Pl. 2736, Pl. 3088, Pl. 2680, V3601, Pl. 3054, Pl. 3057, Pl. 3070, V3727, Pl. 3059, V3667, Pl. 3087, 3097, 2730, 3086, 3063, 3064, 3058, 2740, 3060, 3103, 3085, 3093, 3080, 2742
Tannenbaum 1983 1 specimen
Coelacanthimorpha - Coelacanthiformes - Coelacanthidae
Tannenbaum 1983 1 element
Dipnoi - Ceratodontidae
Actinopteri - Semionotiformes - Semionotidae
Actinopteri - Perleidiformes - Colobodontidae
Palaeonisciformes - Redfieldiidae
Redfieldiidae indet. Hutchinson 1973
Tannenbaum 1983
Lasalichthyes sp. or Synorichthyes sp. (ref 10591)
Palaeonisciformes - Palaeoniscidae
Tannenbaum 1983
cf. Turseodus sp. Leidy 1857
Tannenbaum 1983
Tannenbaum 1983
? Branchiopoda indet. Latreille 1817
see common names