There are 13 matches
Collection | Authorizer | Collection name | Reference |
18013 | J. Alroy | Warm Springs (RV-7608) late Late Arikareean - Cenozoic 4-5 - Oregon | Dingus (1990) |
18015 | J. Alroy | Warm Springs (RV-7606) Early Hemingfordian - Cenozoic 5 - Oregon | Woodburne and Robinson (1977) |
36765 | J. Alroy | Paratylopus Hill (1995 ft.) (= Haystack Valley Member) early Late Arikareean - Cenozoic 4-5 - Oregon | Hunt and Stepleton (2004) |
36766 | J. Alroy | Hopper Section (= Haystack Valley Member) early Late Arikareean - Cenozoic 4-5 - Oregon | Hunt and Stepleton (2004) |
36852 | J. Alroy | Asher Section (5 ft.) (= Haystack Valley Member) early Late Arikareean - Cenozoic 4-5 - Oregon | Hunt and Stepleton (2004) |
36853 | J. Alroy | Asher Section (30 ft.) (= Haystack Valley Member) early Late Arikareean - Cenozoic 4-5 - Oregon | Hunt and Stepleton (2004) |
159093 | J. Marcot | UCMP loc. V6322, Haystack 8 (= Gray Face Bluff; erroneously listed as V6377 in Tedford et al. 2009) Geringian - Cenozoic 4 - Oregon | Tedford et al. (2009) |
170308 | J. Marcot | Picture Gorge 1 (= UCMP V-6666) Harrisonian - Cenozoic 4-5 - Oregon | Hunt and Stepleton (2004) |
170310 | J. Marcot | Rose Creek South Early Hemingfordian - Cenozoic 5 - Oregon | Hunt and Stepleton (2004) |
170312 | J. Marcot | Dead Cow Gulch Early Hemingfordian - Cenozoic 5 - Oregon | Hunt and Stepleton (2004) |
180567 | P. Barrett | Haystack Valley Member (non-specific) (= John Day Formation) early Late Arikareean - Cenozoic 4-5 - Oregon | Berman (1976) |
193700 | P. Holroyd | UO 2783 Gray Butte (= Trail Crossing flora) Early Oligocene - Cenozoic 4 - Oregon | Jacisin and Hopkins (2018) |
237946 | N. Famoso | Rudio Creek 4 (= UC V6600 (=UCMP D2926), UWA 5929, JDNM-275 / coll. UCMP, UWBM, JODA, UOMNH) Arikareean - Cenozoic 4-5 - Oregon | Korth and Samuels (2015) |