There are 4 matches

Collection Authorizer Collection name Reference
81095W. Kiessling Threadgill Creek (TC) -04 m (= Reef 1755. Llano area, sponge-microbial reefs) Sunwaptan - Cambrian 5 - Texas Johns et al. (2007)
156382P. Wagner Potatotop Hill, 7 miles northwest of Burnet Franconian - Cambrian 5 - Texas Knight (1947)
156383P. Wagner Loc. 67a. Packsaddle Mountain, 11 miles southeast of Llano Franconian - Cambrian 5 - Texas Knight (1947)
199766P. Wagner Walcott Loc. 070. Baldy Mountain near Morgans Creek, 12.8 km northwest of Burnet (= Baldy Mountain near Morgan's Creek, 12.8 km northwest of Burnet) Franconian - Cambrian 5 - Texas Malinky (1987)

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