There are 4 matches

Collection Authorizer Collection name Reference
22679A. Behrensmeyer Robison Eggshell Site (CM) (= Egg Shell Quarry; OMNH V820 / coll. Robison 1990-1991) Early Cenomanian - Cretaceous 5 - Utah Nelson and Madsen (1985)
27033M. Carrano Canyonlands Airport East Early Cenomanian - Cretaceous 5 - Utah Galton and Jensen (1979)
206450M. Carrano NCPALEOUT05, Stormy Theropod Early Cenomanian - Cretaceous 5 - Utah Zanno et al. (2019)
206452M. Carrano NCPALEOUT18, Cliffs of Insanity Microsite Early Cenomanian - Cretaceous 5 - Utah Zanno et al. (2019)

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